Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 483 Gu Insect

Chapter 483 Gu Insect
very valuable?

Sissy scratched her head first, then shook her head!

Long Jiani smiled and explained to her...


The little guy's tone was indifferent, and he didn't care about what was worth tens of millions, which is rare for a small fortune fan.

Bei Bei whispered in Jiang Ning's ear: "Auntie also wants to give us ice cream! I want ten!"

Jiang Ning covered his mouth and smiled, "I don't want money, I want ice cream, why is it so cute!"
"Okay, Auntie knows, you are indispensable!"

"Auntie, Xiaoxue wants too!"

Ji Wuxue teased Jiang Ning, although she didn't know what Beibei said, but she saw that Beibei was drooling, she must have eaten it, for fear of being missed.

"Well, Xiaoxue is so obedient, there must be no less!"

"Sissy and Beibei, have you decided?" Long and Lion asked.


The two little guys nodded in unison!

"Brother Long, they look like twins!" Liu Qingshan on the side stroked his beard and said, that movement became more and more similar.

"Haha, many people said that it was because they played together and stayed together for a long time." Longshi explained, he was proud, Beibei and Qianqian made him look good this time.

"Second uncle, you must be careful with these two words, don't break them!"

"I know! I know!" Jiang Wentian carefully folded the two words, baby, no.

Jiang Xiaotian felt embarrassed, he should express it himself after accepting such a big gift from them, that's right.

"Sissy and Beibei, do you like this calligraphy and painting? Grandpa gave it to you!"


The two little guys shook their heads in unison, both stupefied.

I hate it, how could I like it?

"Ha ha"

Everyone laughed, it was really the same action.

Jiang Xiaotian was embarrassed...

It seems that they look down on it!
I don't know what to give them right now.

"Xiao Ning, what do they both like?" Jiang Xiaotian called Jiang Ning to his side and asked in a low voice.

"Grandpa, no need, they don't like it, only food can impress them!"

Jiang Ning thought to himself, Brother Lingyun is quite mysterious, the fruit he brought out was delicious, and the barbecue he made was delicious. There are many things that these two treasures should look down on, but they have no resistance to eating.

"Eat?" Jiang Xiaotian murmured, the dishes made by Yuexia Hotel are good, so let's eat there at noon today, as a way of expressing our gratitude to them.

It's very difficult to make a reservation at this Yuexia Hotel, and he happened to have a voucher for a luxury private room in his hand, no reservation required.

What would happen if Jiang Ning knew what he was thinking?

That Yuexia Hotel is owned by Sissi's little boss!
There are also luxury private room coupons!
Her monthly pocket money is not enough for a good meal, but luckily Lin Yueyan brought it all for free.

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly Jiang Xiaotian coughed heavily and coughed up blood.

Liu Qingshan was startled, and shouted: "Quick, call an ambulance!"

"What happened to Xiao Jiang?"

Long Shi frowned and asked.

"It's okay, don't make a fuss!" Jiang Xiaotian waved his hand.

This has been happening for two weeks, and I went to the hospital and found nothing wrong.

"He said he was fine, he was coughing up blood, it looks serious!"

Liu Qingshan worried.

"Grandpa, you'd better listen to the two grandpas and go check again!"

Jiang Ning was terrified just now.

"Grandpa, if you have kidney deficiency, you have to treat it, don't give up the treatment!"

Sissy said in a milky voice, and her watery eyes widened.

"Well, it's true!" Beibei stepped forward and looked at it carefully, then nodded.

"Puchi!" Long Jiani laughed, these two princesses are so cute and foolish, they were fooled by Pluto too much.

The dragon and lion are in embarrassment...

"It's okay, I'll be fine with some medicine!"

Jiang Xiaotian waved his hands and didn't pay attention to their words.

"But...Grandpa..." Jiang Ning was still very worried. Today was not the first time in my memory.

"This is poisoning!" Long Jiani said lightly.

The dragon and lion were taken aback, poisoned?He didn't doubt her words, because he knew that Long Jiani was a legendary powerhouse.

The senior in his eyes.

"Girl, what do you say?" Jiang Xiaotian also suspected poisoning, but he couldn't find out, so he dispelled his doubts.

"Senior, don't hesitate to teach me!" Long Shi bowed to Long Jiani and cupped his hands.

Everyone was shocked!

Longshi called her senior!

"Brother Long! This... this..." Liu Qingshan hesitated, isn't she a nanny?

Long and Lion knew exactly what they wanted to ask: "She is more cultivated than me, so I naturally call her Senior, what's wrong?"

"no no…"

Jiang Xiaotian and Liu Qingshan were shocked when they heard the words. The cultivation base of the dragon and lion was at the early stage of the Heavenly Human Realm, so the girl in front of him...

Qiqi gasped, another monster, she is still so young.

Could it be that he is a disciple of a reclusive expert who went down the mountain to practice?
Otherwise, why haven't they heard of them in the ancient martial arts world? With such strength, they shouldn't be unknown people.

There was no doubt that Longshi lied to them at all, because they sensed Long Jiani's strength, but were warned, that aura was terrifying.

"Senior, please forgive me!" Liu Qingshan knelt down and said, dripping with sweat.

"This..." Long Shi didn't expect that they would test Long Jiani's strength, so he was speechless.

"Only this time, next time will not be an example!"

Long Jiani chuckled, she didn't care about these things.

"Ahem, senior, can you elaborate on the poisoning you mentioned just now?"

"Sister, please save my grandfather!" Jiang Ning's eyes were red, shaking Long Jiani.

This scene scared Liu Qingshan and Jiang Xiaotian, what if Long Jiani gets angry, all masters have tempers.

Who knew that the two of them were dumbfounded, they agreed that the expert has a temper.

"Don't worry, little sister, the poison in him can be cured!" Long Jiani said and pointed at Qian Qian.

They looked at the little guy with hair all over, hiding behind Beibei.

"Is there a solution? Senior, please save me!" Jiang Xiaotian didn't understand why she was pointing at Qianqian, so he directly kowtowed to Long Jiani.

Long Shi thought about it, did he take another pill for diarrhea?Sissy still?
Liu Qingshan also knelt down and prayed: "Senior, no matter how much the price is, we are willing!"

Long Jiani shook her head, why are they so stupid!
She can't help it, her elixir is too advanced, it's not suitable for them, they will explode if they eat it.

Only the little princess can save him now!
"Senior, what kind of poison is in Xiaojiang?" Longshi asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know what it is, he has bugs in his body!"


The faces of the three old men turned pale.

This is a Gu worm!

Jiang Xiaotian clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Miao Midang!"

Liu Qingshan's eyes flashed fiercely: "They found out!"

Long and Lion were puzzled: "What are you talking about?" Then he said in a daze: "Could it be that you were the ones who controlled the evil organization in Xiangxi back then...?"

"That's right, Lao Jiang and I planned it. I didn't expect them to find out after so many years!"

Liu Qingshan smiled when he recalled it, and finally a bitter smile with a sad face.

It was fun at the time, but now I have a headache, being watched by Miao Midang, not far from death.

(End of this chapter)

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