Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 491 Here Comes

Chapter 491 is back

"In the depths of the magic forest, most immortal emperors dare not go in, it is not a place to play!"


These words made them all feel downcast, thinking it was fun but not for them.

"Fourth..." Encyclopedia illustrated book was about to talk in detail again, but three little guys interrupted repeatedly.

"Don't listen to this, listen to it, listen to the story!"

"Well, about the Wuhun Continent!!"


The three little guys were looking at the encyclopedia illustrated book with curious eyes.

"Do you still want to hear something fun?" Encyclopedia illustrated book asked speechlessly.

After being affirmed, the encyclopedia illustrated book told them about the Wuhun Continent...

There is a huge sword in the center of the mainland. Anyone who goes to the Wuhun Continent will choose where to look. The origin of the giant sword is that a swordsmith spent countless days and nights casting countless materials.

In the end, he even sacrificed his body to the sword crazily!
Many people said that he didn't die, but lived in another way, that is, he became a sword spirit. Whoever can pull it out, it will serve him as master all his life.

And for hundreds of thousands of years, no one has been able to pull out this sword!

The so-called enthusiasm comes, full of disappointment.

it's nine o'clock in the evening
"Baby Qianqian, mom is back!" An Qing's voice came from outside the door.

"Mama, Mama!"

The little guy was overjoyed, but when they came back, after putting away the encyclopedia illustrations, he stood up and trotted all the way.

"Aunt An, we will open the door for you!"

Beibei and Ji Wuxue are at the door, jumping and jumping, they are not high enough!

Beibei thought about it, and lay down on the ground to let Ji Wuxue step on it.

Sissy shook her head and muttered softly, "Too stupid!"

After she finished speaking, she covered her eyebrows, and the door creaked open. The little guy hurried out and hugged An Qing's thigh, leaving Beibei and Ji Wuxue in a mess...

Qianqian looked around and asked again: "Ma Ma, where is my daddy!"

"You little white-eyed wolf, I raised you for nothing!" An Qing couldn't laugh or cry, put down the things in her hands, and touched her head. She really cared about her father the most, and she became a little jealous.

"No, Sissy is not a white-eyed wolf!"

"Wow, so many things."

"Anything to eat?"

Beibei and Ji Wuxue looked at the pile of things in An Qing's hands, they were so hungry, they thought they were all delicious.

"Aunt An, are you tired? Beibei will help you get this." Beibei kindly helped Anqing share a bag, but she took a peek inside to see what it was.

Seeing this, Ji Wuxue also went to help, piling up a suitcase.

An Qing said: "It's better for you, let's go in and ignore this little white-eyed wolf!"

After walking a few steps, An Qing turned her head and smiled: "Your father is behind!"

After finishing speaking, she took the two little guys and left. Sissy curled her lips, ignored her, and sat quietly on the steps of the gate, waiting for Ling Yun.

Ling Yun saw Qianqian from a long distance away, and smiled, he just went to the mall to buy ice cream for her.

"Papa, papa!"

The little guy also saw Ling Yun, and ran all the way over with short legs.

When he got in front of him, he immediately jumped up and hugged Ling Yun's thigh.

"Papa, Sissy misses you so much!"

Flocks of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead...

Didn't we go to see her at noon!
"Cissy come down quickly, or Dad won't be able to leave!"

Sissy shook her head and climbed up to Ling Yun's neck, like a little monkey.

Ling Yun hugged her directly, kissed her and said, "Qi Qian is heavy again!"

"No no…"

"Let's go back."

"Well, papa..."

"what happened?"

"There's a car behind!"

Ling Yun looked back, it was true, the speed of this black car was unusually fast.

Suddenly Ling Yun frowned, then smiled...

She snapped her fingers in front of Sissy, and a black shadow appeared on the road behind the black vehicle, inside was the abyss of a black hole, and the chasing vehicles all drove into it.

no sound...

And the black car braked suddenly in front of Ling Yun, and a person got out of the car, it was Brother Qiang.

He came out of the military headquarters this evening, after all, it is impossible to stay there for a lifetime.

This is not
As soon as he appeared on the street, he was arrested and returned to the Wild Wolf Gang. Faced with the gang leader's questioning, Brother Qiang admitted everything he had committed, and his brother-in-law Hua Long tried to speak good things for him, but it was of no avail.

The last thing they can't stand is.The gang leader actually asked Hua Long to kill Brother Qiang.

Is this forcing them to a dead end?

Hua Long frowned, and directly hit up with the gang leader.

In the end, his sister Fan Shi also came in, and the three of them faced heavy siege at the headquarters of the Wild Wolf Gang. Fan Shi was shot several times, and Hua Long had a hand cut off.

At a critical moment, Xiao Chen rushed in in this small black car, let Brother Qiang and the others get in the car, and he broke the rear by himself.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen smiled back and said take care, and detonated the explosive bag on his body.

That's how he broke off...

Only then did the scene where Brother Qiang and Ling Yun meet.

"Aha, it's Xiaoqiang!"

Sissy recognized him at a glance, even though Brother Qiang was covered in blood, Fan in the car was left hanging, while Hua Long fell into a coma.

"My lord, my lord, save my sister! I, Zhang Ziqiang, apologize with death, and I will be your bull and horse in the next life!"

Brother Qiang just had a glimmer of hope. He took Hua Long and Fan Shi out and put them on the cold ground. If he could only save one, he would definitely choose his sister to survive.

Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed!
Ling Yun has been silent all this time, watching all this with cold eyes, and has no intention of making a move.

Brother Qiang was very persistent, and kowtowed until his forehead was covered with blood. He hated himself for being too weak, otherwise he would not hold them back.

Qianqian's eyes were red, and she didn't dare to make a sound at this time, looking at the miserable appearance of Hualong and his wife.

"Ah Qiang, come here, ahem!"

Hua Long woke up tossing and turning, enduring the pain.

Brother Qiang ignored Hua Long, and he had no intention of standing up.

But Hua Long didn't know who he was begging for, and after a while, he passed out again.


After all, Qianqian couldn't see it anymore. She didn't have the indifferent heart like her father. She was young and didn't understand anything, so she knew that Zhang Ziqiang was the one who treated her well.

And Zhang Ziqiang's miserable appearance has already touched her heart.

Ling Yun suddenly patted her head and said: "Qiqian, if, Dad said that if you want to use the opportunity to go to Wuhun Continent in exchange for helping him, what would you choose?"

As he spoke, he pointed to Zhang Ziqiang who was kneeling on the ground, and the latter didn't know what their father and daughter said, so he kept kowtowing.

"Save them, help him..." The little guy didn't hesitate, and rubbed his eyes after speaking, a little flushed, exaggerated by the atmosphere.

Ling Yun is very relieved, at least she understands the trade-offs, he himself is too guilty of killing a life, he does not want Sissy to follow this path, bad guys can die, and a tooth for a tooth, but good people should also extend a righteous hand, this is what Ling Yun wants Taught his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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