Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 495 Discovering the Eagle Egg

Chapter 495 Discovering the Eagle Egg
Sissy and Beibei hurried to the first floor

Ji Wuxue has already eaten three sandwiches and two bottles of milk powder.


Sissy's mouth is so big, what is it?
Stacked so high?
Looking at the sandwich in front of her, she was stunned.

"Don't look, just bite."

This is also the first time An Qing saw it, and it was too much to bite into.

All three little guys ate with gusto!
"Will Sissy go to work with mom?"

"No... Sissy has to study today, she is a good girl."

"Then you study hard, mom is at work, boo!"

An Qing knew that the question must be for nothing, since Ling Yun came back last night, Qianqian wished she could stick to him all the time.

"Handsome Shushu, shall we go?" Beibei said beside Ling Yun, and then whispered again: "Wuhun Continent!"

Sissy hides away...

Ling Yun suddenly patted Beibei's head seriously and said, "Beibei, there are two places you can go today!"


"The small aquarium in the villa, where can you go today! There is also a half-day tour of Jiangbei City, where do you want to go?"


"Handsome Shushu, three small knives!"


"You can't go with all four!" Ling Yun flatly refused, this condition was changed by Sissy, no number of hands would work, and besides, they didn't come up with No.1.

"Is Shuai Shuai scared? Let me tell you, Bei Bei is not afraid!"

"Your trick is useless, Uncle!!" Ling Yun pinched her cheek with a smile,
Stimulate the law?

Really getting smarter.

It's a pity that I used the wrong object.

Beibei had no choice but to come to Sissy's side and let her act like a baby.

Sissy thought that Beibei knew about it, so she avoided her again, and finally lowered her head and said, "Sister, let's feed Xiaobai!"

"Okay!" Beibei reluctantly nodded, although she didn't know why Sissy kept avoiding her just now!
Did you just have ice cream?

Not right!

She's been here just now!
Ji Wuxue said she would not go, the last time she fell into the water, it gave her a shadow!

"Uncle, do you still make big burgers at noon?"

"Xiaoxue, that's not a big hamburger, it's called a sandwich!"


"That's breakfast, not lunch."

"But Xiaoxue wants to eat."

"Okay, then I'll make one for you at noon."

"No, four."

Ling Yun "..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Ji Wuxue was still looking at him with big eyes, he became curious.

"Uncle, I haven't finished the story of last night."

"It's over, when you fell asleep last night, I finished talking there alone!"

"Tricking the kids!"

"oh oh…"

"Tell me, just tell Xiaoxue a child, I won't tell Sissy and Beibei."

Ling Yun is drunk, this kid is really good at planning.

"Is Xiaoxue the most obedient?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.


"Hey, let's not talk about it, we'll talk about it tonight when Sissy and Beibei are around!"

Ji Wuxue was dumbfounded...

Front yard babe is yelling

"Auntie, come out!"

Long Yanran thought something was wrong, she was so scared that she ran out quickly, even Long Jiani followed her out!
Beibei is smiling and looking at them!
"What's the matter, you're making such a fuss again." Long Yanran asked angrily.

"Princess, did you find the treasure?" Long Jiani also looked curious, she was still looking around, and she saw Sissy looking up under a tree in the front yard!
"follow me…"

Beibei walked towards Sissi mysteriously...


Sissy looked up and smiled, there was a bird's nest in the tree, it was newly built, and it was quite big.

"Is the little princess so curious? This is a bird's nest, don't be naughty, poke it!" Long Jiani reminded, she was afraid of these two naughty eggs.

"Aunts, Sissy doesn't poke, they are so cute."

"Cute?" Long Yanran shook her head and asked, but she knew that this bird must be unusual, the nest it built was as big as a chicken coop, it looked like it was built only last night.

Ling Yun led Ji Wuxue out and said, "This is the eagle's nest, and there are four eggs in it!"

"Papa, what is an eagle?"

"I'll show you..." Long Yanran went to Baidu and showed them all the photos on her phone.

It's so big, this is the first impression of the little ones, but most of the monsters are bigger than it, so it's not surprising at all.

Sissy rolled her eyes, trotted into the living room, and came out again with an egg in her hand.

"Little princess, this..." Long Jiani asked in confusion.

"Aha, does it look like it?"

It turned out that the little guy had just seen that an eagle's egg was similar to an egg, so he had an idea in his heart.

"You don't know, you don't want to put it in?" Long Yanran pointed to the eagle's nest on the tree and asked uncertainly.

"Aha, Aunt Long is amazing, is it the bug in Sissy's stomach?"


"I'll put it up for you!"

"Yeah, thank you, auntie!" Sissy carefully handed the egg to her, and said with a few breaths, "Chicken, you have to be good."

With one jump, Long Jiani put the eggs in place.

Beibei muttered: "Will the eagle find out?"

"Of course not, how can you be so stupid, just take away an eagle's egg." Long Yanran flicked Beibei's forehead, and she clutched at the pain.

As soon as Long Jiani opened her hand, an eagle egg appeared in front of everyone.

Qianqian asked: "Papa, can this egg be eaten?"



Beibei asked: "Handsome Shushu, how come there is an eagle here, Beibei has never seen it when he is so big."

"How old is the little princess?"

"Three years and five months!"

Ling Yun replied: "I'll see you when you grow up, there are three little naughty guys here, they want to play eagle and chicken with you!"

There is also a lot of aura outside this villa, and the air is good. This eagle is quite good at choosing a place.

"But, Shuai Shushu, we are not chicks!"

"Puchi, brother Ling Yun is saying, you are like chickens, you can't play with eagles!" Long Yanran laughed.

Beibei yelled angrily: "Bad aunt, I'm ignoring you!"

"Uncle, that... is that the eagle you mentioned?" Ji Wuxue pointed to the eagle flying in the sky.

Ling Yun nodded without raising his head.

"Xiaoxue is really smart, she's as stupid as my Beibei!" Long Yanran replied.

Beibei snorted angrily again: "Hmph!"

"Go back to the villa, it won't dare to come back when we are here!" Ling Yun suggested.

Qianqian was curious, so she was carried away by Ling Yun!

The three little guys stood at the door, looking at the eagle in the sky from a distance. After a while, it really flew down, and it flew into the tree.

The little guy wanted to tiptoe closer, but Long Jiani grabbed her braid and said, "Little princess, it wants to hatch its children, so don't disturb it!"

"Huh, really?" Sissy's small mouth suddenly opened up, as if she had done something bad just now.

Like telling a story, Long Jiani explained this kind of knowledge to the three children, and mentioned the birds and monsters in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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