Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 501 Destroying the Enemy

Chapter 501 Destroying the Enemy
Little Irene was overjoyed. Aren't two of the children like her her sisters?
Immediately shouted: "Sister, sister!"

"Bad and lewd, bad and lewd, let go of this baby!"

Little Irene was being carried by a man in black, her little body was moving, but she couldn't get rid of it.

As soon as Qian Qian looked in that direction, she aha smiled: "Papa, Papa...Look!"

You don't even know how big your mouth is when you talk about it!

How many days have you seen?
Is little Irene as old as she is?

Did she drink fake milk powder?
Even Beibei was dumbfounded, this little Irene is fake.

Sissy didn't dare to go over, she was afraid that those fierce men in black would be stared at by their serious faces.

"Well, Dad knows!" Ling Yun narrowed his eyes and looked around, murderous.

Duanhe San's pupils widened, and he ran away immediately!

It's Kamui, he's heard of it!

It is the supernatural power of the Supreme God, which can make the immortal emperor whose Taoist heart is unstable, unable to move. I have always heard about it, but I didn't expect it to be true, such a terrifying immortal method.

What emperor is a gimmick in the God Realm?It's a bit fake, the news is wrong.

When the three little guys saw the man in black lying on the ground, they became bolder and ran to little Irene, who then went up to him and shouted, "Sister, sister!"

The four little guys held hands together, looked at each other and smiled, and the princess also took the opportunity to run over.

"Excuse me..."


"Damn it, it's Shenguang!"

The men in black are unwilling to give up, unwilling, but fearful!

Is this the emperor?

No one can get close to him?

Little Irene ran over and cried, "Brother, brother, they are perverts!"

Ling Yun bent down and hugged her, and said: "Our little Irene has grown up, well, her cultivation level has not dropped, it is worthy of praise."

"Papa, the patient lying on the ground, can Sissy play?"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched...

After nodding, Sissy and Beibei ran over joyfully, rolling their eyes, the man in black felt so f*******jun, go to hell! "A man in black, who got rid of Shenwei, slightly surprised Ling Yun.


The martial soul was released, before he took three steps in the air, the divine light shot out from his body, full of holes.

Little guys, what happened with a curious face?
The man in black lying on the ground, the second person who defeated Shenwei was Sha Qiang.

Being stupid and strong, he didn't run away, but was scared to pee!
Trembling, he said, "Brother, brother, please forgive me."

"Huh?" Ling Yun was slightly startled again, such a person who is afraid of death, can actually get rid of Shenwei?

This idiot is really a idiot, but it is a pity...

Ling Yun will not let them go!
"Brother, you are naughty, you are naughty! Run away." Little Irene pointed to a tiny figure in the distance in the sky.

That is Duanhe San who escaped.

"My lord, you can't let them go." The princess said angrily, her guards were dead and wounded.

Ling Yun didn't speak, but raised an index finger, and quickly swiped towards Shaqiang's side a few times.


Silly Qiang's scalp was numb for a while, seeing the smile on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, he was even more frightened, he didn't know what he did to him just now, it seemed that it didn't hurt, he didn't feel it.

Immediately afterwards, he knew, it hurts!

His body was cut into countless pieces that were falling, but he didn't bleed.

Cut to pieces...

The four little guys applauded as if they were watching a show.

This scene once again refreshed the princess' understanding of the emperor, this is the emperor's volleying swordsmanship!
Ling Yun didn't have the time to look at him, he stared at a black shadow in the distance, Duan He San.

He raised his index finger up again, the little guy didn't blink his eyes, only to see a ball of fire on Ling Yun's index finger, it was purple.

That is the terrifying Zixiao Divine Flame!

With a light flick, Zixiao Shenyan seems to have a soul, and the sky circles quickly towards the three figures of Duanhe!
Duan He San looked back in fear, lost his previous arrogance, and sped up to escape.

He managed to break through the divine light with great effort, but he was unwilling to die under the divine flame.

On a mountain peak far away from him, Lord Li Wang of the Great Forest is waiting for their news.

With the last hope in mind, Duan He San tried his best to get to King Li without being overtaken by the Zixiao Divine Flame.

"Huh?" Li Wang frowned, seeing Duan He San fleeing back in embarrassment.

what's the situation?
Looking at his face, it seems that he has encountered something frightening, isn't he going to intercept Princess Endless Sea?

"Master Li Wang, save me..." Duan He San looked at Li Wang with joy, but when he finally turned around, he was filled with endless fear...

Because Zixiao Divine Flame has arrived!


A horrible cry!

King Li shivered as he watched the purple cloud of divine flames penetrate Duanhesan's body, annihilating everything in an instant!
He didn't even have a chance to make a move, seeing Duanhe San burn his martial soul and blood essence, he couldn't hold it back, just for a split second, it was too sudden.

But the result of his shot will be the same, he is not sure to keep Duan He San at all, the fire seems to have a soul, it is inevitable to avoid it, it is like deciding Duan He San's life.

But the fact is just as Li Wang thought, Ling Yun will not leave a living.

Then he slowly released his consciousness, trying to see what happened in the magic forest, but...

Before his consciousness reached the magic forest, he immediately withdrew and ran away.


If he is targeted, he is not sure that he can escape, so he should go back and report to the forest king.

The four little guys heard the screams, so small?

The concubine let out a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't survive.

The man in black lying on the ground was spoiled by a few little guys.

The one whose ass was burned by Beibei used a lighter!
Their mouths are dry from laughing!
One was frozen by Sissi, the little guy pouted and said to himself: "Papa asked me to do it, it's none of Sissy's business."

Ji Wuxue is much cuter, reasoning with them.

Little Erin looked at the three of them, licking her lips with her tongue.

"My lord, thank you!" Wang Hao pulled the dazed little Irene over and wanted to kneel down.

Ling Yun agreed, and a divine power lifted them up, and said, "It's okay, the emperor will stroll here for a few days by the way!"

Looking at the endless sea guards around, Ling Yun shook his head, and only gave the princess a pill, and said: "You take this pill, this emperor will handle this matter well, no matter how you say it, this emperor is responsible."

It's about the bastards in Wuhun Continent who dare to take advantage of little Irene, after all, he gave the exercises.

The concubine was not polite to him anymore, she took the elixir and gave it to the fifth captain.

As for the others, there was nothing she could do.

"Brother, brother, mobile phone... Irene's baby's mobile phone is gone!" Little Irene said to Ling Yun with a milky body.

Sissy and Beibei said, "No, no, it's sorghum!"

Little Irene just shook her head, her memory was correct, it was her brother!

Ling Yun patted their heads and said, "Don't worry about the titles, each has his own name!"

The mobile phone thing... was taken away...!
A few little guys seemed to understand and nodded...

The fifth captain stood up staggeringly, looked at Ling Yun, and the corners of his mouth trembled: "God Lord... Lord Dijun..."

"See Lord Dijun!"

It is a luxury for many people to be able to see the God Lord Tai God Lord with their own eyes in this life.

Because when Ling Yun became the God Lord, he hardly appeared in the public's sight, only for exterminating the demon clan, and became famous.

He is the only one in the Twelve Realms to record the legend of the Crystal Image Extermination Demon Clan.

So the fifth captain was so excited that he didn't dare to raise his head.

(End of this chapter)

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