Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 503 Journey Game

Chapter 503 Journey Game

Beibei's mind brightened again...

Just don't let little Irene join, let her follow Ling Yun.

After thinking of the idea: "Handsome Shushu, just the three of us!" He pointed to Qianqian and Ji Wuxue.

And little Irene scratched her head in a daze, why didn't she?
Ling Yun just wanted to know what they wanted to do, so let them do it.

Qianqian said, "Papa, there are no horses!"

Ji Wuxue felt wronged and said, "Don't...don't...Xiaoxue don't want to be Zhu Bajie!"

She could tell that Beibei wanted her to play Zhu Bajie, but she disliked it very much, even though she was as greedy as Zhu Bajie.

Seeing that one of them has nothing to play and the other dislikes the role, Ling Yun can only help them.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said, "Is this good? We are going to learn Buddhist scriptures, but we will change the name!"

"On your way to learn the scriptures, you must protect little Irene, who is equivalent to the master of Sun Houzi. Don't let little Irene get into trouble. Many people want to catch her along the way."

"Beibei is the senior sister, Xiaoxue is the second senior sister, and Qianxi is the third senior sister!"


Ling Yun finished speaking in one breath, waiting for them to understand, can they nod.

"Don't...don't..." Sissy refused!

Beibei nodded and clapped her hands. It felt very exciting.

"Sissy, why don't you agree?" Ling Yun asked.

Qianqian replied solemnly: "If you don't go to learn scriptures, the western sky is far away!"

"Yan Mama is still waiting for Sissy!"


The point is here, groups of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead...

"Good good!"

Ling Yun had no choice but to change.

Then he continued to speak: "You protect little Irene and find your godmother."

"Aha, aha." The little guy jumped up happily and clapped his hands.

Ji Wuxue also agrees, but it always feels like something is missing?
Beibei and Ji Wuxue remembered what Sissy had just asked, they just had no horses.

Ling Yun had already guessed it, and snapped his fingers casually. The four little guys looked at Ling Yun together, and found that he was looking ahead, and they followed together foolishly.

after a while

Ahead, the sound of horseshoes sounded like Dede.

Sissy didn't understand, she hid at Ling Yun's feet and watched curiously: "Papa, is it a monster who came to catch little Irene?"

When little Irene heard that she was caught, she said angrily, "Don't catch the baby..."

Beibei learned to pick up a temporary wooden stick from the side of the road, and rushed forward three steps: "Stay! You goblin."

Ling Yun didn't smile, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he immediately took out his mobile phone to record a video, and went back to show them.

Ji Wuxue stared at the front, could it be a monster?

I saw a horse that looked like a horse running fast. It was the famous Fiery Donkey in Wuhun Continent!
The fire donkey, whose whole body is red, not white, can breathe fire, so it gets its name, and it is a leader in the magic forest run.

When it ran to Beibei, it stopped quickly and let out a long cry: "Jueli!"

Beibei also let go of her cautious expression, Sissy was a little disgusted, this is a horse?

Why is it not like it!
Ji Wuxue widened Rushui's eyes and said, "Uncle, are you lying to the children?"

Why is it different from what she saw on TV? The horse on TV is much prettier than it.

Ling Yun pinched her cheek in amused manner, and replied with a smile: "Uncle didn't say it was a horse!"

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "If you don't like it, don't want it!"

"Yes, yes!"

The three little fellows hurriedly spoke, but little Irene seemed to have nothing to say, and looked at them with round eyes.

Ling Yun himself thought it was too fake, but he had no choice but to keep a low profile, and it was the only ones that were similar to horses nearby.

"Papa, don't want this color, make a magic trick soon, and ask for white."

It's easy to change color!

It seems that I have never heard that the fire donkey is white. Will it be discovered by others?

But Ling Yun still satisfied them, and turned the red hair of the fire donkey to white.

The Blazing Donkey looked disgusted. Its beautiful red hair is gone?
Will there be any female donkeys of the same type for breeding in the future?
Thinking that the first handsome fire donkey in the magic forest, it turned out to be like this. Looking at itself in the water on the ground, it felt that the rest of its life was meaningless.

On its back sits little Irene.

Now little Irene understands a little bit, and has begun to treat this as a game.

A few little guys are tired from walking, agreed, where is Master Tuo?
What about carrying little Irene?
The four little guys sat on the fire donkey together.

Muttering in his mouth: "Drive, drive!"

Ling Yun took the donkey with him!A group of people walked slowly towards the periphery of the magic forest.

Suddenly Qianqian said: "Papa, where is this?"

"Magic Forest."

"Sister? Sister!" The little guy shouted excitedly.

And Beibei understood in seconds!
"Handsome Shushu, let's go find water...water, not old water?" Beibei seemed to have forgotten, poking her forehead cutely.

Ji Wuxue said, "Yellow water?"

"It's the water from the Yellow River!" Beibei immediately said again.

"!!" Little Irene patted the donkey's back, laughing non-stop.

Ling Yun couldn't understand at all, what they said, what nonsense.

Sissy and the others have no choice, who made them forget, now they can only ask Six Guardians.

"Aha, Sissy knew it was yellow spring water!"

"Yellow spring water."

"Yellow Spring Water!"

All the little guys are shouting together, like cheering.

Ling Yun rubbed his chin, why does this yellow spring water sound so familiar?

Why did they suddenly talk about yellow spring water?
With some doubts, Ling Yun asked: "Uncle doesn't understand, what is yellow spring water?"

"Brother, you're so stupid." Little Irene's sudden words made Ling Yun laugh.

To be despised by the four little guys...

"Hehe, little Irene, what do you say is yellow spring water?" Ling Yun asked.

Little Irene imitated the fire donkey and howled a few times before replying: "It's muddy water, like the yellow water in the sea."

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and Qian Qian and the others were also speechless.

Beibei was surprised, it seemed that she really didn't know about it, so she replied: "It's here, Yellow Spring Water, drink it, and you will be Tang Sheng!"

"Bebe, his name is Tang Seng!"

"Tang Sheng!"

Forget it, Ling Yun doesn't want to correct it anymore, he is tired, can he live forever if he drinks Huangquan water?
This... seems to be...

A pill can do it!
People from Wuhun Continent regard Huangquan water as a treasure?

Ling Yun touched his chin again, now it is too difficult to get the ingredients for refining the elixir of immortality in the twelve domains.

Moreover, the technique is also rough, and the alchemy rate is too low, it is almost impossible to refine it successfully.

This should be the reason why they are treasures.

After hearing Sissi and the others' introduction, Ling Yun was powerless to complain.

Still need a relative?

Who said this?
Believe it or not, he made the spring of immortality come out to meet him every minute!
A group of people sang along the way, and the childish voices of children echoed in the magical forest, which was really pleasant. After a while, they came to a small river.

Ling Yun chose to rest on the spot. The little ones are not tired, and the fire donkey can still carry it, but it is listless. Looking at himself in the water...

(End of this chapter)

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