Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 511

Chapter 511

Boom boom boom!
Sissy also knocked Evil Tong Tian on the head.

Then she actually discovered that this bald head is very fun, and it feels slippery to the touch.

He Tongtian let them touch his head, not daring to move, for fear that they would take out his pistol if they disagreed, but when he was thinking, he couldn't help touching his head, and all three hands were on his bald head for a while.

Ghost Island, which had no chance of winning, was able to fight back and kill the Lion of Justice. It is very likely that the people behind these two little children are behind it.

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched...

He met a fake evil Tongtian?

"Big bald head, why are you here?" Sissy covered her mouth and asked, her small eyes were full of curiosity.

Evil Tongtian replied: "Little one, is the little one asking for money?"

"A bill?" Beibei withdrew her small hand and poked her forehead.

Sissy asked, "Is it fun?"


Fun ball!

He was exhausted to death, either he was injured all over his body, or he was scolded by his superiors.

Evil Tongtian said truthfully: "It's not fun!"

"Is it not good? Is there a lot of money?" Sissy asked again with her face flushed.

"Much, that guy behind me owes my organization [-] top-quality spirit stones!"

"Are there many sisters?"

"I don't know!" Beibei shook her head.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!
[-] top-grade spirit stones, how many are you asking?Is it ignorance or disdain?
This demon Su Yu can only repay it by doing something that hurts nature and reason, and I don't know how he owes it.

Qian Qian rolled her eyes and said to Su Yu, "Shu Shu, pay back the money!"

"Ahem!" Su Yu, who was drinking, spit out, pay back the money?

Sissy smelled the smell of alcohol and pinched her nose.

"Yes, we will help with the bill."

"You can't bully the big bald head."

Su Yu asked with a smile: "Why can't I bully?"

"Because, because the bald head can only make us bully." Beibei replied.

"I don't want to return this one today, what can you two kids do to me." Su Yu said disdainfully.

"Not yet?" E Tongtian stood up suddenly, his tone was not as gentle as before to Qian Qian and the others.

"What? Want to make a move?" Su Yu was still dismissive.

Sissy asked: "Big bald head, will you share with us if you ask for the bill?"

Evil is in trouble, he can't be the master!

Beibei pursed her lips, and said with an adult look: "Big bald head, if we don't help you, you must be bullied by him!"

After watching for so long, everyone felt bored and lost their previous interest. They all sat down and continued drinking, eating and chatting.

While Evil Tongtian seemed to be thinking about it, Su Yu smiled lightly and shook his head.

after a while

Evil Tongtian said: "I'll give you ten top-grade spirit stones!"

As he said that, his heart ached. This was his one-month salary, which was paid out of his own pocket.

Seeing Sissy and Beibei not talking, he said again: "Add one more piece, not more!"

Beibei nodded and agreed!
Qianqian ran to Ling Yun's side, kissed him, and said coquettishly: "Papa, help us ask for the debt!"

This kid's idea is all on Ling Yun, but he is really smart.

Ling Yun looked at her with a smile, didn't speak, nodded or shook her head, which made Qianqian a little anxious.

She continued to act coquettishly: "Papa, here I am... um... a spirit stone!"

Ling Yun's face turned dark.

They could take ten if they just moved their mouths, and he only got one for his bad ideas?
Too pit.

But Ling Yun still feels happy!

He patted Sissy's head and whispered a lot in her ear, not sure if she would remember.

"Aha, Papa... Sissy understands."

"Tell him not to move!"

Ling Yun nodded and said, "Okay!"

Sissy happily returned to Beibei's side, and asked again, "Shu Shu, are you really not paying back the money? You're not a good boy."

"Heh! Who am I? Demon Su Yu!" Su Yu's face turned grim, and he recovered. He just wanted to scare them.

The two of them are not afraid, they have seen a lot, Ghost Island Skeleton, those bad old men have almost been hideous!

" dad said..."

After listening to what Sissy said to her, Beibei jumped up and clapped her hands, playing a bit.

The evil is messy in the wind...

Su Yu's smiling face gradually became stiff, and he couldn't move his hands and feet. He panicked and began to look inside himself, looking for the root cause!

Taking advantage of the opportunity Ling Yun created for them, Sissy and Beibei quickly put a elixir that Ling Yun put in Sissy's pocket into Su Yu's mouth.

Evil Tongtian was breaking out in cold sweat, he didn't know why Su Yu let them mess around, and was even given a black hemp elixir.

Soon Su Yu will be able to move around. After all, Su Yu is not an ordinary young man, and Ling Yun has put in a lot of effort.

That is the invisible black shackle, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Su Yu's face changed drastically, and he clasped his throat with his fingers, trying to spit out the pill.

The two little guys jumped up and clapped their hands, laughing non-stop.

"Damn it, what did you eat for me?" Su Yu, who knew that he was helpless, looked terrified, gritted his teeth and looked at Qian Qian and the others.

"Aha!" Qianqian smiled, not afraid at all, and said again: "Shu Shu, bark like a dog!"

The situation here once again attracted everyone's attention.

Su Yu clenched his fists tightly, and his martial spirit opened wide!

Head is a ball of fire!

The two little guys watched with wide eyes, and Ji Wuxue came running, as if they missed something.

Evil Tongtian is also ready to fight.


"Wang Wang Wang!"

What the hell!

Su Yu's face turned pale, what's the matter?As long as his murderous thoughts are facing those two little babies, they will disappear, and they will appear when facing Xitongtian!
And how could he be obedient and bark like a dog?
"Aha, aha, so cute!"

Sissy couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Ji Wuxue said: "Lie down on the ground and crawl like a turtle!"

Su Yu did the same again, swimming and swimming, crawling and crawling on the ground!

The three little guys laughed, but everyone's faces were covered with sweat, they must be bewitched!
A single elixir can make the existence they admire obediently, and the means to frighten the world.

Even Etongtian was shocked in his heart, because he still saw them too little.

Beibei said: "Slap!"

Su Yu slapped himself again and again, everyone felt pain when they saw it.

Evil Tongtian tried his mind, and said to Su Yu: "Like a dog barking again!" After speaking, he patted his bald head.

Su Yu looked at him like an idiot...

The devil was dumbfounded.

Isn't that the order?I didn't hear what formulas or gestures they needed to order Su Yu just now, why couldn't he order?

Seeing the silly appearance of Evil Tongtian, the three little fellows laughed out loud. Only Sissy and Beibei knew the secret, that was Ling Yun's manipulation, and only the girl's voice could do it.

How could such a vulgar old man think of it.

No matter how angry Su Yu was, he couldn't get mad!

after a while

Su Yu felt that there was nothing to love about life, and just now he was performing like a monkey, doing all kinds of weird movements.

Sissi and the others felt that they had played enough, and it was time to get down to business.

"Take out all the valuables!" Beibei shouted, looking straight at Su Yu.

Evil Tongtian's eyes lit up, there must be a lot of valuables in the storage ring, and if you sell it, you can get back a lot of spirit stones.

(End of this chapter)

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