Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 514 Frozen Restaurant

Chapter 514 Frozen Restaurant
The word Lingyun is not a trap!

Donkey rolling, this mysterious usury platform in the twelve domains belongs to his old friend, Emperor Guapi.

He still has shares.

They are all the benefits of the Guapi Emperor Ling Yunjiao, and the real behind-the-scenes person can be said to be God Ling Yuntai. .

Those two words, the people above Donkey Roll dare not show face after seeing them?
Although he hasn't been to Donkey Roll for a long time, these two words are indeed like others, it can be said that seeing words is like seeing people.

The word "priceless" of the Supreme God is still erected in the main hall of the God Realm!
How could this little guy like Evil Tongtian have the opportunity to go to the interior of Ludaroll? He is at most a non-staff member.

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, he didn't want to explain.

Evil Tongtian looked at Ling Yun who was so serious, and finally put the envelope into the storage ring.

Qianqian looked around, and finally saw Ji Wuxue in a corner.

The kid was looking at a wanted poster on the big pillar.

It was Sissy and hers.

It's been a long time since I watched it.

The little guy ran over with Beibei and watched with Ji Wuxue.

"Aha, this is Sissy, this is Xiaoxue!"

The whole restaurant was very quiet. The bustling restaurant was suddenly silent. The original monks had changed several batches, and now the restaurant basically came in from the back.

Many people began to look at the wanted warrants in their hands, and compared them again and again. After a while, many people shook their heads, but looked carefully again.

Evil Tong Tian was in a cold sweat, recalled, he had seen Qian Qian's true face, wasn't she the little girl on the arrest warrant who was said to control the way of heaven?
Even so, he didn't say anything. He didn't want to die, so he just pretended he didn't know anything. He tried his best to calm down his beating heart.

And the three little guys didn't know it!

Sissy said with disgust, "The painting is so ugly."

Beibei agrees very much, it feels like they are not half as good as them.


The little guy looked at the portrait of Ji Wuxue, and found that there was a small red spot at the corner of Ji Wuxue's eye in the painting.

Scratching your head, does sister Xiaoxue have red spots in the corners of her eyes?

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she took off Ji Wuxue's blindfold to look, and found that no one curled her lips to lie to the children.

All the people in the restaurant, some are ready to move, some are still watching, some are planning, and the restaurant is full of murderous intent.

"Aha, sister didn't!" Sissy patted Beibei's head.

And the latter seems dissatisfied, why is there no portrait of her?
Ji Wuxue felt so strange, could it be that they were recognized, why so many people looked at them?

Su Yu was dumbfounded, are they all on the wanted warrant?
No wonder he was played so miserably!

Are they human, one controls the way of heaven, and the other is the domain master!There is another estimate that is not a good stubble.

"It's you, Ji Wuxue, you've caught a lot of rewards." A monk laughed.

"This little one doesn't look like he can control the way of heaven. Don't worry about it, kill him!"

A few monks next to them pointed at the three of them.

The entire restaurant has been blocked by Ling Yun.

Can't get in

Can't get out either!

Hearing their conversation, even if they were young, they would understand at this moment.

Beibei said angrily: "Don't catch us, little Irene is there, her meat is delicious!"

Little Irene was betrayed, she didn't know it at all, looking at the gourd baby with joy, her voice is still loud!

What and what? A few monks showed their wolfish ambitions and rushed in front of them in an instant...

The sound stopped abruptly!

Originally, the little guy had released Guihan Bingxin to scare him, but the monk rushed over so suddenly, making Qianqian's hands tremble in fright.

Gui Hanbing's heart fell to the ground!

Instantly freeze everything...

If it wasn't for Ling Yun's attack, everyone in the restaurant would not be able to hide...

But Ling Yun only let Guihan Bingxin freeze, and his heart was filled with killing intent!

Evil Tongtian trembled and knelt on the ground, it was too terrifying, he didn't dare to wipe his sweat, and looked at Qianqian in fear, this is the person who controls the way of heaven.

Su Yu felt that he was so lucky to be played miserably, at least he was not frozen in the first place, this power, Immortal Emperor Sixteen?Seventeen?
Otherwise, how to explain the many masters, all of them suffered in an instant!

The power is definitely not Guihan Bingxin's, it is Lingyun's strengthening, their identities cannot be revealed, and they cannot leave too many people alive.

Those who survived didn't dare to move, and knelt on the ground, hoping that they wouldn't see it. These bastards thought it was a fluke.

The three little guys have big mouths, it's so unexpected, the whole restaurant is like an ice sculpture!
"Papa, did Sissy make this?" the little guy asked a little uncertainly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

This question frightened Etongtian and Su Yu!

The real awesome person is him!
Looking at Ling Yun, their eyes were varied, some were shocked, some were surprised, some were wry smiles, some were admiring, and some were envious.

Ling Yun replied lightly, "It's okay, they are all bad guys, they want to arrest you!"

Sissy felt a lot in her heart when she heard the words.

"Wow, sister is amazing, handsome, can Beibei do it too?"

Ling Yun replied again: "Yes."

Finally, I added: "Work hard!"

Evil Tongtian and Su Yu are numb, they don't want to hear it anymore, it's too shocking, are they rejuvenated people?

Little Irene came over a little bit wronged, and said to Ling Yun: "Brother, this baby can't do it!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and seemed to be about to cry.

"It's okay, sister protects you!"

Sissy and Beibei answered in unison, their eyes full of love for little Irene.

The things here can't be hidden from the city owner of Beast Town. He discovered it when it was frozen.
Many monks outside couldn't get in, and they didn't dare to go in, they watched from afar.

But the sound can be faintly heard...

"Let the city lord show them some color, how dare they act wildly in the town of beasts."

"That is, when the city lord died?"

"Visual guess is that this is a formation!"

"We don't know what's going on inside for the time being."

"Stop talking nonsense, just go in and teach them a lesson."

"The city master is mighty!"

"The city lord is mighty."

One by one monks were shouting outside, attracting everyone's attention. The Lord of Beast Town came with his sword, and he heard the voice of the crowd.

"Fellow daoists, be quiet, and watch how I teach them to be human!" The city lord of Zhenshou City stood in the air, wielding the sword in his hand.

"The city master is mighty!"

Everyone shouted and cheered in unison again, and it was finally time to see their town lord of Beast Town show his skills again.

The town lord of beast town signaled them to be quiet, and said: "Look carefully, watching how the city lord crushed those scumbags to death, I'm so fucking tired of working, and I'm still running wild on my city lord's territory!"

The people outside shouted, none of them blinked, and several recording crystals were taken out to record. This is a rare opportunity to see the town lord of Beast Town make a move.

But Ling Yun specially opened the back door for him, so that he could enter smoothly.

in the restaurant

Listening to the words outside, Xi Tongtian felt that they were a bunch of idiots!
This bastard Su Yu is courting a few little guys.

"Master Beibei, are your shoulders sore?"

"Miss Sissy, are your calves tired? Sit down quickly, I will help you pinch it, an ancestral skill!"

The two little ones enjoyed it...

Ji Wuxue couldn't stand it any longer, and ordered: "Quick dance!"

Su Yu slapped the spirit hard, and it came again, and his body was doing those weird movements again. He thought that this damn curse would be broken after getting acquainted with them.

(End of this chapter)

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