Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 516

Chapter 516
Ji Wuxue was the first to touch the monk's head...

The small eyes blinked and blinked, nothing changed.

I touched it again and found it was still the same...

Ling Yun deliberately used this method to temporarily dismiss the four little guys, so they couldn't let them eavesdrop.

Taking advantage of their absence, Ling Yun said: "Su Yu, the demon, do you know why I bought you trash?"

"Senior, I don't know!" Su Yu lost all courage after being scolded, the curse on his body has not been lifted, and he has to work hard for Ling Yun.

"You don't need to do anything. You don't need to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire. You don't have that kind of luck. Occasionally collect information about the demons. I'll come and get it when I'm free!"

"That's it?" Su Yu didn't mention how happy he was, he was afraid that he heard it wrong.

"Why do you want to go up the sword mountain and break into the forbidden area?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

"No, I am willing!"

"There is no vacation all year round, no food or shelter, bah... In short, work hard, young man, I am optimistic about you!" Ling Yun opened his eyes, fooling around.

Evil Tongtian smiled and said: "You are promising, anyway, you belong to the demon clan, so you should be an undercover agent!"


Su Yu began to feel that this was a scam, and he might be finished. Thinking about it, he did not have Lingshi to buy information, so he had to do it himself to collect information.

Then his mind brightened, Mozu intelligence?

It’s enough to collect a little casually, and I didn’t say what I wanted.

Ling Yun glanced at him and said again: "I want the Great Demon King!"

Su Yu wanted to spray Ling Yun to death with a mouthful of salt soda.

This job is more dangerous than going up the mountain of knives and going down into the sea of ​​fire, or breaking into the forbidden area!

Evil Tongtian laughed loudly and said, "Young man, I like you!"

Su Yu gave a wicked look, secretly thought that you are not much better than me, those two words are probably a trap, waiting for you to jump stupidly!
Qianqian shouted from the side: "Papa, do you want to touch this too?" Pointing to the shopkeeper in front of her!
Ling Yun replied: "No need..."

The little guy curled his lips and asked again: "Papa, I touched them all, why are they all the same!"

The little one feels like a dupe!
Ling Yun said flickeringly: "It's not the same, take a closer look, are their faces different?"

The four little guys began to look at each other, and under the influence of their hearts, they found that they were really different.

Ling Yun started to groan, the little guys are really foolish sometimes, their faces are the same before and after, Ling Yun didn't do any tricks either.

Letting them touch the monk's head would erase their memories of what happened just now.

"We're done!"

The four little guys circled around Ling Yun.

Ling Yun said: "Shopkeeper, pull out our donkey, we are about to set off!"

The shopkeeper nodded, and went to the backyard to pull out the fiery donkey!
"Aha, I have a little donkey that I never ride..."

Sissy happily took the lead in singing.

people outside
I've been watching it for a long time, why hasn't the city lord come out yet?

Are you addicted to abuse?

There was no movement at all, and I was so anxious.

Little Ailin flew onto the donkey's back by herself, and Ji Wuxue wanted Ling Yun to hug her.

The remaining two were ready to sit on Ling Yun's shoulders and knew they were about to set off.

After Ling Yun explained everything clearly, a five-star magic circle appeared at their feet. Qianxi and Beibei were so curious that they ran to play in the middle, and the fiery donkey walked up it consciously.

"Let's all go in!"

Evil Tongtian, Su Yu and the shopkeeper stepped in together anxiously!

after a while

The light of the magic circle disappeared, and the ghosts of everyone in Lingyun disappeared!

Outside Town Beast City, another five-star magic circle appeared on the ground.

Ling Yun and the others suddenly appeared here!

Evil Tongtian and the others let out a big breath, feeling like they had narrowly escaped death, the air inside was very oppressive.

"It's all gone!" Ling Yun immediately dismissed them.

Evil Tongtian said hello to the four little guys and left. The little guys said that they would come to play with him when they had time, but they scared him so much that they couldn't afford it!

Su Yu asked: "Sir, can I catch up with Feng Ruqing?"

Ling Yun looked him up and down, and said meaningfully: "What is the highest state of picking up a girl? It is to let the girl take the initiative to pick up on you, understand?"

Su Yu's eyes lit up, as if he had awakened.

Ling Yun undid the curse on Su Yu's body, sent him and the shopkeeper away, then looked at Town Beast City with his eyes, and smiled playfully.

He didn't use his spiritual sense, but relying on his feeling, the person who came to this town of beasts was probably Situ Haonan!
At this moment, after Ling Yun and the others left the Frozen Restaurant, the restrictions had disappeared.

After a group of curious monks rushed into the restaurant, they were all stunned. It was quiet inside, but there were frozen corpses, and the city lord could not fall down. His body was tall and his expression was full of fear. It was hard to imagine what he saw before he died.


"The city lord is dead?" a monk said tremblingly.

"Something has happened, notify the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Who is the enemy?"

"There's something alive here, I'm sick to death! When they wake up, ask!"

Many monks were indignant looking at everything in front of them, talking in one go.

This group of people is both incompetent and blind, the type of after the fact.

Situ Haonan who came here had a gloomy and terrifying expression. He is the overlord here, how dare someone kill his subordinates?
It has been notified to investigate who the murderer is, so many things happened in one day!
First, he was deceived and chased a group of fake endless sea and sea tribes, and then Town Beast City heard that the Taishang was making trouble?

In the magic forest, those girl corpses are too god-like?Situ Haonan smelled a conspiracy.

Is it the king of the forest?

The two of them have been fighting for so many years, and they have almost drawn each other's cards. Everyone knows the bottom line. Didn't they find that he still has this ability?

Really too godly?

He wouldn't believe it at all, what kind of woman did God ask to do such boring things?
Ling Yun is leading them to the next town, just to show them the surrounding environment and scenery, otherwise a black hole can be reached.

The little guy feels sorry for Ling Yun, he must be very tired after supporting them for so long, so he wipes the sweat from his brow filially...

Although Ling Yun didn't sweat on his forehead, he enjoyed it very much and didn't intend to stop it.

Qianqian looked at the road, her eyes rolled and she said, "Papa, let me down quickly."

"what happened?"

Ling Yun asked curiously after putting her and Beibei down.

The raging fire donkey also stopped walking with a groan, and Ji Wuxue on her back said, "Uncle, Qianqian is hungry and wants to drink grandma!"

Beibei and little Irene immediately cheered up, and waited for Ling Yun to nod, and at the same time blinked at Sissy, but Sissy didn't even look at it, and immediately said: "No, aha!"

Immediately afterwards, he said: "This is it, Sissy wants to drive!" The little guy took out the gourd and poured out her car.

Although she is envious of others flying with Yujian, she also has a car, so her father doesn't have to trust them.

This toy car is still the same as before, the front of the car is broken, but it can still be driven, Bei Bei immediately sat on it, maybe because her shoulders are tired from sitting, she feels that sitting in the back row is more comfortable than Ling Yun's shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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