Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 524 Wu Family City

Chapter 524 Wu Family City

Although it cannot burn the soul, it can burn all falsehoods!
What kind of poison, what kind of fog, they all shy away when they see it.

Ji Wuxue's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that her house was so big, this ball of fire could actually eat it!

"Papa, where is sister Xiaoxue's home? Is it fun?"

"It's not fun." Ling Yun said directly.

The little guy didn't believe it anymore, and asked Ji Wuxue: "Sister Xiaoxue, is your house fun?"

"Not fun!"

It’s just that the place is a bit bigger, so of course there is something fun to do, no children dare to play with her, Ji Wuxue’s childhood was lonely.

Fortunately, this regret is filled now, and she had a great time with Beibei and Sissy.

The little guy finally believed that her father didn't lie to her!

"Handsome, where are we going next?" Beibei asked.

Little Eileen said: "Brother, go fight bad sex, many people bully the queen mother! And this baby."

The tone is more and more excited.

Then he said: "Baby is not an opponent!" He said and waved his small fist.

"Don't be afraid, sister will help you!" The little guy also waved his little fist.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, just don't hide from his back when the time comes, what he said now is so nice!

"My lord, where are we going? Haven't you decided yet?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

Isn't this Wuhun Continent planned by them early in the morning? Why does it seem that the homework is not enough?

Little Irene continued: "Break bad sex."

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, are there bad people there?"

Ji Wuxue fiddled with the sun fire, shrugged, and replied: "There are..."

Ling Yun raised his head in thought, and after a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Let's go to Wujiacheng!"

Samurai City

Wuhun Continent's fourth largest city, City Lord's Mansion and Wujiazhuang, Liujia, Lieyangzong, Wuxingmen and Yangjia, the six major forces stand side by side, and the Wujia is the only one out there. If you order the Wujiacheng, you dare not obey!
Wujiazhuang can be strong and prosperous, relying on a formation, this is an ancient formation, the full name is Ziwei Tianzhen, I don’t know where their ancestors got it from, they don’t keep it privately, but make it public Come out, let all monks in Wuhun Continent share it!

The crape myrtle formation requires beast souls to activate, which only the strong inside the Wu family know, and they claim that this formation requires a lot of spirit stones to maintain its operation!
The fact is that activating the formation also requires spirit stones and soul crystals.

The leader behind the hunter is Wujiazhuang!
Beast souls sold at high prices?

Few people want this stuff.

But it is different when used in Ziwei Tianzheng, it can bring huge benefits to Wujiazhuang.

Because this crape myrtle array is amazing, staying inside for one day is worth two days outside. The most important thing is that the concentration of spiritual energy inside is twice that of outside, the epiphany is twice as high, and the proficiency of martial arts is twice as high.

The entire formation occupies one-third of the martial arts city, and it can accommodate [-] monks once it is opened. It is opened once every five days, and three immortal emperors at the level of the ancestors of the martial arts will be the town in the later stage!
Except for the fact that the Wu family is not destroyed and the formation is not destroyed, they are all indifferent, practicing inside all year round, guarding this place!
Even Situ Haonan, the overlord, was courteous and did not dare to offend. In terms of relationship, they were still relatives, that is, a certain aunt of Situ Haonan's distant house married into the Wu family, and it had been tens of thousands of years.

Whenever he has time, Situ Haonan will come here in person to practice for a few days.

Mysterious organization, forest people?

Forest king?
He is a master of disguise, although he is not as good as the man with thousands of faces, but still few people can recognize him after he is still disguised in Wuhun Continent.

He often incarnates as an ordinary monk and enters the formation to practice.

The Ziwei Heavenly Formation also attracts other monks from the Twelve Domains, and many families and even sect forces will come here one after another to practice for three to five years!

When leaving the Valley of the Wind, Ling Yun restored everything around him to its original state, took out Wu Linhao's Nascent Soul, moved his hands and feet, and put it into the pit where Sunfire was born. Ready to mature.

He firmly believes that Situ Ba will definitely come back, and he will definitely not be reconciled to the strange fire, and he must go to rescue soldiers when he goes out this time.

When the time comes...hehe!
as soon as they come here
Then take out this Nascent Soul that resembles a different fire!

Then, with a bang, what kind of death will it look like?
Ling Yun finds it funny when he thinks about it... Why does he like digging holes?The little guys must have led him into trouble, he thought in his heart.

The expressions are all cheeky!
With the appearance of Lingyun's black hole, the Gale Valley was quiet, and the Wujia City arrived in an instant!

"Papa, there are so many people!" The little guy was a little impatient, he had been queuing for a long time, but he couldn't enter the city!

The east gate of Wujiacheng is crowded with people!

Ling Yun sat under a tree to rest, and there was no queue at all...

Even if it gets dark, it won't be their turn!

In broad daylight, Ling Yun didn't directly choose to walk out of the black hole in the city, two words are low-key!In addition, the black hole is exclusive to Pluto.

The little guy was a little bit dissatisfied, he was so bored that he got muddy.

But Ling Yun did not move for a long time...

The little guy couldn't wait, so he asked the fire donkey to line up.

And the fiery donkey has black lines all over its head!

It has no choice but to queue up obediently, who made it just a mount, without human rights, it recognizes these perverts.

"Go, go, go...on the side."

As soon as the Blazing Donkeys lined up, a new black-robed monk who came behind shouted reluctantly.

What the hell?
A monster wants to enter the city without taking shape?

piss off!
Another monk in Tsing Yi smiled slightly, and said contemptuously: "It must be the owner who was lazy and made him queue up!"

"Then I'll jump in line, get out, and go behind me!" the black-robed monk yelled.

The fire donkey also has a temper. Although he has no strength and is a scum, it depends on the owner to beat the donkey!
Its owner, the four little ones, are so awesome, and the one behind it is even more terrifying, is it still afraid of a ball?
Immediately, he stepped on two donkey feet and glared at them, as if he wanted to run into them and express his dissatisfaction.

"Haha, silly donkey!" The black-robed monk covered his mouth and got up.

The monk in blue put one hand on the donkey's head, preventing it from moving, and said, "It's been a long time since I saw such a stupid donkey, Brother Dao, we hit it off right away, why not..."

That expression is wretched, but don't get it wrong, it's not about Japan!
Instead, I drool and want to bake it, the taste must be delicious.

The black-robed monk understood immediately, and replied: "Haha, that's exactly what I meant. Tonight is a beautiful day, with top-quality stupid donkey meat, and a pot of fine wine... Hehe!"

The monk in Tsing Yi came licking his mouth. He hasn't had an appetite for a long time, and it's rare that he has an appetite at this moment.

The little guy was too small, no one noticed, they all stared at the two monks for a long time, angrily, but these two idiots didn't know it yet.

Lie Huo donkey secretly thought, you are finished, the owner of this donkey is angry, seeing how high her mouth is, you will definitely be played to death!

(End of this chapter)

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