Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 532 Little Irene Was Captured

Chapter 532 Little Irene Was Captured

The maid's heart jumped out, and Situ Haonan stared at her.

One down!
This maid was killed by Situ Haonan...

Yan Xuefei snorted coldly: "You are so shameless!"

Regarding Situ Haonan killing the maid, Yan Xuefei had no choice but to keep the four little guys behind.

Restless, they poked their heads out to take a peek.

Seeing that the maid was dead, they were afraid to hide back again. With Ling Yun not around, they became timid again.

"Haha, do you want us to be here..." Situ Haonan smiled cheaply.

"Shameless! What are you doing here, get out."

"Heh, I want to know who was it last night? Who's on the other side of that little black hole?" Situ Haonan's tone suddenly became displeased.

The little guy said angrily: "Bad guy, bad guy!"

"bad guy"

"Don't come here, I'll hit you." Beibei said.

"My papa will beat you!" The little guy waved his fist.

Situ Haonan replied with a smile: "Okay, let him hit me!"

"Aha, my papa will beat you into a pig's head."

"I heard that you like babies, do you want to consider having one?" Situ Haonan stopped talking to them and got closer.

"Huh!" Little Irene spewed fire, trying to scare Situ Haonan away.

"It's you!" Situ Haonan exclaimed excitedly. Princess Endless Sea is here, and there is nowhere to find her. It doesn't take much effort to get here.

Yan Xuefei didn't even come back to her senses, and Situ Haonan picked up little Irene.

"Let go of this baby." Little Irene yelled unconvinced, and she was spraying fire and water again, punching and kicking were useless.

Seeing little Irene being caught by him, the three little ones ran up to help. When Situ Haonan stamped his foot, they fell backwards.

Yan Xuefei didn't help them up immediately, but went up to snatch little Irene back.

several rounds...

Concubine Yan Xue flew aside!
Many people around rushed over, Situ Haonan snorted coldly, and walked away carrying little Irene!

Yan Xuefei was dumbfounded when she looked in that direction, why did you arrest little Irene?

"Little Irene was caught by a monster!" Beibei got up and pouted, and even patted the dust on her body, not in a hurry.

"Beibei, hurry up and save Master!" Ji Wuxue urged, her face was full of worry.

"Little Irene, I will be eaten!" The little guy rubbed his eyes, then hurriedly took out the gourd, a little aggrieved and told Liu Hufa: "Sixth Grandpa, what should I do?"

The Six Guardians shrugged, there was nothing he could do, and Pluto already knew.

The corner of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched, what did you say?Why can't she understand?
"Godmother, is he a monster?"

Yan Xuefei asked curiously: "Who?"

It's useless to worry, there's nothing she can do, she can only wait for Ling Yun to come back, besides, wouldn't Pluto know?He is no longer Pluto, and he is very upset that he sees through all the little secrets.

"It's the villain who captured little Irene!" The little guy came to Mrs. Ghost's feet, shaking and shaking!

Yan Xuefei looked down at her, and said: "He is not a monster, Qianqian, we will wait for your father to come back, the godmother is not his opponent, if you go to him rashly, you will be eaten!"

"Ah!" The little guy curled his lips, he really knows how to eat people, his body trembled just thinking about it.

Beibei and Ji Wuxue looked at each other, how can eating children is not enough, adults also eat?

With a dark face, Ling Yun came back holding their breakfast...

This Situ Haonan really deserves to be damned. He challenged his bottom line again and again. He really thought he had no temper. Don't worry about it. He will end him later!

The little guy ran over immediately with the gourd, panting, "Papa, monsters... monsters... there are monsters!"

Ji Wuxue shouted: "Uncle, it's not good, the master was caught by the goblin!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched...

This is really Drifting's line, as soon as something happens, he knows to call him his senior brother.

"Handsome Shushu, just now when Beibei didn't come, he rushed out, and the monster caught little Irene."

"Otherwise, Beibei must let him know that he was wrong!" Beibei took out the Jingu sword and flicked it a few times, puffing his mouth angrily!

Concubine Yan Xue is in a mess, is her goddaughter a fake?
It's so unreasonable...

"Bebe, uncle approves you to bring little Irene back, I'll give you a chance!"

"Ah, but Beibei is so small!" Beibei flinched immediately.

"Bad papa!"

Even the little guy couldn't stand it, beating Ling Yun's feet.

"Come here quickly, I'll take little Irene over later, the three of you have breakfast first, or you won't grow up!"

"Little Irene, you can grow fast even if you don't eat, so don't learn from her."

Beibei asked curiously, "Why?"

"Beibei, do you want to eat this?" Ling Yun took out a piece of soul crystal funny, Beibei's face turned green when he saw it, and he tried not to vomit.

Yan Xuefei learned to be calm, she picked up Qianqian directly, and had breakfast, no matter what!
The guards of the Yan family were knocked unconscious outside the courtyard by Ling Yun, and they didn't wake up until their ancestors, patriarchs, and elders all arrived.

"What's going on?" Yan family patriarch asked viciously, he didn't make a sound when he was attacked in broad daylight?What a waste!

The guards looked at me and I looked at you. They didn't know anything, and when they turned around, their eyes went dark and they didn't see anything.

The Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji saw a pair of feet outside Yan Xuefei's yard not far away, and then waved: "Follow me!"

"What did you hear just now?" The ancestor of the Yan family frowned and asked the guards.

"There are fighting sounds coming from Miss Concubine's courtyard!"

"Go in!" The patriarch of the Yan family quickened his pace to catch up with the head of the Yan family, Yan Erji!
"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, it's not good, there are strong men invading!"

Yan Daji ran over sweating profusely, his lips turned white, and his scalp was numb when he recalled the strange incident just now. After he woke up, he didn't come here for the first time, but went to the forbidden area to have a look, and found that a certain person guarding there The elder was knocked out.

That elder was from the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, and he didn't see any trace of a shot, which shows how terrifying the man who patted him on the shoulder was.

"Where is it, take me there!" The ancestor of the Yan family was startled, secretly wondering who it would be?It can make Yan Daji panic like this.

"Old Ancestor, I don't know, but Concubine Xue knows." Yan Daji was embarrassed...

Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji has already come to Mrs. Ghost's courtyard. He first looked at the maid who died on the ground and was a little angry. Then he watched Mrs. Ghost and the three little guys having breakfast.

"Patriarch, Patriarch? Elders... who are you?" Mrs. Gui was stunned for a moment, why so many people came here all of a sudden!

I have already gone to look for Situ Haonan.

"Concubine Xue, what happened just now?" an elder in gray asked.

He is Grandpa Yan Xuefei, ranked third, the third elder of Yan Family Village!
"Grandpa, are you asking those guards?"

Everyone nodded!
"Situ Haonan did it!"

"No! It's definitely not him." Yan Daji immediately refuted her, that man was not Situ Haonan at all!
"Uncle, he also killed the maid." Mrs. Gui pointed to the traces of fighting on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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