Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 534 Abandoned!

Chapter 534 Abandoned!
The Patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Erji and Qianqian are pissed off.

Just ask her to share a sandwich!

The little guy was not stingy and nodded!
Time City

The vicinity of the Situ family mausoleum is half empty!

Ling Yun yawned, he had been waiting for a long time.

"Bad and lewd, bad and lewd, let this baby go soon."

"Haha, little one, you are so cute." Situ Haonan thought it was funny as he carried her.

"My brother beat you!"

"Okay, you should let him come."

"Haha, my brother is here." Little Irene clapped her hands.

"who are you?"

Situ Haonan stopped, swallowing his saliva, why did he feel murderous aura around him, and the man opposite him was unfathomable, that kind of pressure was like facing his master, the soul demon.

"Didn't you ask me to beat you? You are so cheap that you still have such a request?"

Ling Yun said with a smile, but a chill flashed across his cold eyes.

Situ Haonan was about to retreat, and said a little timidly: "Brother Dao, you are not her real brother, how about we make a deal?"

"Talking too much!" Ling Yun put his hands in his trouser pockets, becoming impatient.

Situ Haonan was angry when he heard the words, and he didn't dare to act wild right now.

Ling Yun came step by step, and little Irene applauded.

Situ Haonan is also the overlord anyway, how could he obediently hand over little Irene like this, besides, little Irene's martial soul is the key, and he cannot hand it over no matter what.

Well, there is only one battle left.

"Hmph, don't think I'm afraid of you!"

"If you have any skills, it's best to use them all. I don't know if you have heard of the matter of Emperor Fengleiwu..."

"Feng Lei Wudi? What does he do to me?"

"Oh... let's do it!" Ling Yun smiled speechlessly, probably because Wu Family City blocked the news.

Suddenly, Situ Haonan's eyes changed, and he let down little Irene, trapping her in the air, while his aura was rising steadily, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that if he didn't use up all his cards at this moment, he would not be able to defeat Ling Yun and take away little Irene.

Ling Yun remained calm, waiting for him to continue his show!

"Let you see my ultimate terror!" Situ Haonan said, the sky darkened, it can be said that the situation is changing.

That's the fun!
Otherwise it wouldn't be fun, Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, it seemed a bit surprised.

Little Aileen's eyes widened and she was still trembling. It was the first time she saw such a strong person, except Ling Yun.

Before it was over, Situ Haonan kept on arguing, laughing loudly and muttering something in his mouth.

Ling Yun was speechless after hearing it. It turned out to be a secret method to temporarily improve his cultivation. He thought it was really so awesome, and the expectations that had just been raised were gone.

Temporary increase?

It's okay, at least it's not the garbage just now.

I thought that Situ Haonan would be in this state and fight him, but he shocked Ling Yun again!
He activated Wuhun.

It turned out to be three.

"Tremble, haha!" Situ Haonan looked up to the sky and laughed.

Situ Haonan, who had fully activated his martial soul, was terrified, because his whole body was full of strength, even Ling Yun would no longer be his opponent.

Ling Yun calmed down, and replied lightly: "It's okay."

One Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun, one Overlord Spear Wuhun, and one Overlord Sword Wuhun.

Ling Yun is a little envious of this guy, he is still hiding so deeply, he is indeed the overlord of Hot Mars.

When Situ Haonan heard this, he was so angry that he lost his temper. Are you still fucking crazy at this time?Who gave Ling Yun the courage?
He didn't intend to kill Ling Yun directly, but tortured him, thinking about how to play.

"Can I make a move?" Ling Yun asked.

Situ Haonan gave an evil smile, without further ado, he rushed over directly. The phantom behind him was three-headed and six-armed, holding a gun in his hand, an artifact that doubled his strength, and he was no longer wearing the same attire as before. It's the battle armor, majestic and majestic.

Ling Yun had no choice but to turn on the first demon form, his pupils turned red, and black silk immediately surrounded his body, mixed with traces of blood-red aura, visible to the naked eye.

Situ Haonan, who rushed over, was taken aback. His aura was too terrifying, and before he could recover, his feet were lifted by Ling Yun.

Just lift it up with one hand, like a weak little kid!
Situ Haonan couldn't break through again and again, Ling Yun's black silk caught red gas, looked at Ling Yun tremblingly, and was thrown into the air again!

It hurt him to death!

Can it still hit the air?
What the hell is going on?

Situ Haonan fell into the air layer, as if he had landed on the ground, the air split open.

Ling Yun kept holding his foot, flicking it to the east and west, and the helpless Situ Haonan kept vomiting blood, it was too bullying, not at a level of cultivation at all.

after half

Situ Haonan was like a dead dog, lying in the air, still conscious, while Ling Yun untied his demon form, turned around and smiled at little Irene.

Said: "Little Irene, is brother amazing?"

Little Irene jumped up and clapped her hands: "Well, can this baby do it in the future?"

Ling Yun knew it was impossible, but he was afraid that she would be unhappy, so he comforted her: "Of course I can, you have to work hard!"

Then he raised Situ Haonan with his left hand again, and continued: "Little Irene, in the exercises for you, the strongest is the dragon claw!"

As Ling Yun said, he stretched out his right hand, it couldn't be called a hand, but a dragon's claw!

Little Irene didn't blink, she stared closely!

The dragon claw directly penetrated into Situ Haonan's dantian, and said: "The strongest dragon claw can crush everything, including the void."


A heart-rending sound.

The screams were very long... Suiyue City was almost audible, but the direction could not be discerned.

Situ Haonan's dantian was crushed by Ling Yun's dragon claws.

When Dragon Claw came out from Situ Haonan's dantian, he was still holding on to his three martial souls!

Then there was another scream!
The people in Time City sounded like goosebumps, especially Madam Ghost, who shuddered violently!
Everyone in the courtyard felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, breaking out in cold sweat, and they couldn't see anything with the consciousness they released.

Situ Haonan passed out from the pain, and became a complete useless person. Sometimes death is not the greatest pain for him, and people look down on him for the rest of his life, but ridicule is.

Little Irene could stuff an egg into her mouth, looked at the three martial spirits struggling in Ling Yunlong's claws, and said excitedly: "Brother, eat! Eat... martial spirits!!"

It's useless for Ling Yun to ask for these martial souls, three five-star?

It's really against the sky!
Unfortunately, I met him!
It's just a martial soul, as long as Ling Yun wants it, he can have as much as he wants, but he doesn't care about it.

After eating three five-star martial spirits, little Irene's martial spirit became four-star, and her body glowed like she was bathed in colorful divine light.

Good guy

Advanced so fast!

It's too much for Ling Yun to let her absorb it, otherwise she won't be able to eat it, and she may be backlashed.

"Brother, the baby didn't eat breakfast!"

Thinking back, little Irene became a little anxious. Her breakfast will not be shared by her sister, right?

(End of this chapter)

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