Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 543 Digging a Big Pit

Chapter 543 Digging a Big Pit

Little Erin is still crying...

"Brother, the baby is not going back, not going back!"

Ling Yun comforted: "Little Irene is obedient, your mother will be worried, brother will go and have a look when he has time, okay?"

After coaxing for a long time, I finally got the kid done.

Night is coming!
Ling Yun brought them to Jujian City. Even at this time, Jujian City was still full of people.

The discussion was nothing more than the fact that the Ziwei Tianzheng was destroyed in Wujia City just now, and the whole Wuhun Continent spread, which was even more shocking than the overlord Situ Haonan being abolished half a day ago.

Mrs. Ghost asked from behind: "You did it?"

Ling Yun hugged Qianqian, nodded and said: "Take something."

Said so blandly...

To have strength is to be willful.

"You guys, go back after watching that sword, you can't stay too long, understand?"

Beibei asked strangely: "Why?" scratching his head.

"Puchi, Beibei is so cute!" Mrs. Ghost laughed, this baby asked everything.

Ling Yun replied: "Little Irene will be caught!"

"Will Handsome Shushu be arrested here?"

"Yes, handsome uncle alone, several of them, or even a group of people, uncle will be beaten by the gang."

"OK then…"

The little guys nodded, no doubt.

Seeing the tall giant sword inserted into the ground, the eyes of the four little guys widened.

Every child asked to sit on the hilt of the giant sword and take a photo, and Ling Yun satisfied them all.

"Papa, is there anyone inside?" Sissy asked pointing at the giant sword.

"No!" Ling Yun checked and found that there was no weapon spirit.

But the sword is a good sword, and it is almost possible to give birth to a sword spirit.

Ling Yun for it?
Not interested in!
Said to play for a while, they all played for a long time, even Mrs. Ghost accompanied them crazy.

As for Ling Yun, he had already dug a big hole, and was going to bury all those who came to die.


"Patriarch, happy event, there is a situation in Jujian City."

"What's the matter?" the head of the Situ family asked listlessly.

The visitor whispered a few words in his ear, and the Patriarch of the Situ family laughed out loud.


Patriarch of the Wu family: "Is what you just said true?"

"It's absolutely true." An elder Wu Patriarch nodded.

"Okay, okay, there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright." The owner of the Wu Family Zhuang laughed loudly, his eyes were shining brightly.


The Forest King Jie Jie laughed strangely...

after a while

"Follow me, Taishenjun's reputation is bad, Situ Haonan is abolished, and now I am the overlord of the hot Martian."

"My lord, where are we going?" an old servant asked.

The Forest King looked in a certain direction, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, and replied, "Giant Sword City!"

This pit was notified by Ling Yun, the suzerain of the Raging Fire Sect.

The news is that the giant sword is a divine tool that can call wind and rain, whoever can get it can dominate the star field, and the position of field master is within easy reach.

And the key to activate the giant sword has been found, that is Ziwei Tianzhen Eye.

Once integrated into the eye of the formation, the giant sword will wake up, choose someone who is destined to recognize the owner on the spot, and the inner space of the giant sword has all the functions of the Ziwei Heavenly Array

In this way, the destruction of the Ziwei Tianzheng in the Wujia City is a perfect explanation. It turns out that someone conspired to seize the artifact giant sword
Such an alluring artifact giant sword blinded their hearts.

As soon as the heavy news came out, all the aristocratic families, wealthy families, and sects set foot in Jujian City one after another.

What they don't know is that a bloody storm is about to greet them.

under the sword

More and more people gathered here, Madam Gui didn't know why, and asked: "What's going on, more and more people are coming?"

Ling Yun shook his head and said, "Let's go, who knows."

Mrs. Ghost was slightly dissatisfied. He must know, but he didn't tell her, so angry.

Ling Yun led them quietly away from Jujian City, returned to Yanjiazhuang, explained to Mrs. Gui, and left.

Let them cherish the time together...

After a while, he will have to go back to Blue Star when he comes back again, so the little guys are not pestering Ling Yun, but Mrs. Ghost.

Great Sword City

At this moment, it was really crowded. Ling Yun put on the blindfold and stepped directly in the air.

In order to attract everyone, he also threw down a small magic spell.

"Land of Flames"

For a moment, everyone was angry with Ling Yun!

"It's him!" Everyone in Wujiacheng recognized Ling Yun.

"Which of you has troubled Princess Endless Sea before? Get out."

Ling Yun's voice was so clear that it could be heard throughout Jujian City.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Some ignorant monks laughed out loud. So many senior seniors here dare to say such a thing. In their opinion, Ling Yun's behavior is undoubtedly a fool.

after a while

Around the entire giant sword, there was laughter and chatter.

"He's not from the Wuhun Continent, is he?"

"Definitely not, it should be from the endless sea."

"Stunned blue?"

"You're too young, did you see that? Old Jiang, the owner of Jujian City, has an angry look on his face!"

"Also, the Yang family in Wujiacheng, and... those are all!"

These remarks flowed into Ling Yun's ears, and he poked out his ears and snorted coldly: "The opportunity is here for you!"

A trace of frightening power emanated from Ling Yun's body, just for the sake of some people who watched the show, they could come and exit in a hurry. After all, Jujian City was the hole he dug, and there was no magic weapon at all!
Many people have left...

The forest king feared that the world would not be chaotic, and shouted that the Ziwei Tianzhen eye was in his hands.

In fact, he acted recklessly, and it turned out that he was a blind cat and a dead mouse.

Everyone asked Ling Yun to take it out and activate the artifact, and some showed greedy eyes.

Ling Yun sneered...

He snapped his fingers lightly, and in a short while, the surrounding black mist floated up, and then, a dog eclipsing the moon appeared in the sky.

Wuhun Continent was completely plunged into darkness for a moment!

There were screams in Jujian City...

As soon as the fire appeared, it was immediately extinguished, and there was no way to know what was going on.

There was still a gust of wind around, like a leaf drifting past gently, and then there was a scream!

The sky lights up again...

Those who survived vomited one by one, and some knelt down because their legs were weak.

What did they see?

There are corpses all over the ground, mutilated corpses, who will tell them what's going on?

"You did it? Who the hell are you?"

The forest king frowned, glaring at Ling Yun, the long knife in his hand seemed impatient, gleaming blood red.

Damn it, it actually ruined his plan. As long as the artifact is activated, he will have a way to make the giant sword recognize him as the master, and then declare the position of overlord, and then he can get his hands on the position of domain master.


All of this was destroyed by Ling Yun, and those who will be killed will be his subordinates.

This guy is thinking flatteringly. He didn't agree, so he wanted to accept his subordinates?
Ling Yun smiled charmingly, looked at the ground, a little surprised, lived so much?
Is it because he hasn't used this trick for a long time?
Are rusty!

(End of this chapter)

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