Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 545 An Qing is Angry

Chapter 545 An Qing is Angry

Seeing Ling Yun's return, the four little guys were all unhappy, and little Irene sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Mrs. Ghost imitated them: "Don't cry, don't cry."

This trick is useless.

Ling Yun let them cry, and got used to it after a while.

"I'll come back to help you get your martial soul back when I have time. This jade slip is a temporary formation. You go to Fengmo Town and activate it to avoid accidents."

Ling Yun gave Mrs. Gui a golden jade slip, and the latter said, "I understand, thank you."

"There are still some things I haven't dealt with, such as the Patriarch of the Wu family, and the so-called hunters. They are all in the same group. You can deal with it yourself."

"Hunting beast souls, hehe!" Mrs. Gui smiled wryly, as if she was used to it.

"Do you still have questions?" Ling Yun asked with a slight frown.

"I want to know, Qianqian and the others...especially Ji Wuxue!"

From seeing them again, Mrs. Ghost was full of surprise and shock at the same time!


almost a year has passed
None of them grew up?
Ling Yun replied: "The time is different..."

Afterwards, he briefly explained to Mrs. Ghost, who was so shocked that she looked restless.

The little guy knew he couldn't stay any longer, walked over and shook Ling Yun's thigh, and said with a choked voice, "Papa, shall we take little Irene back?"

Ling Yun's head is full of black lines...


"Bad papa..." The little guy pouted.

"Little Irene, be good! My brother will give you this good thing, and I will visit you when I have time."

In order to comfort her, Ling Yun put all the milk powder made by Liuhufa into a storage ring and gave it to her.

Little Irene took the ring, rubbed her eyes, and said, "Brother, the baby doesn't want to go..."

Ling Yun shook his head, asked them to hug each other, and sent the reluctant little Irene back to the Endless Sea!


All of a sudden, little Irene disappeared, and the three little guys were crying again.

a black hole...

Ling Yun returned to Blue Star with the three little guys in his arms!

Also drunk!

In the black hole, the three little guys stopped crying...

Huaxia, Jiangbei City
After Ling Yun came out, his heart twitched violently!
It's actually past nine o'clock in the evening, and it's over, An Qing must be angry.

An Qing was waiting at the entrance of the villa, back and forth, her face was full of worry.

Seeing Ling Yun and the others come back, An Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly: "Qi Qian, take your sister in first, Mom has something to say to your father."

The little guy scratched his head, looked at An Qing, then at Ling Yun, before nodding.

After a few little guys walked to the front yard...


An Qing slapped Ling Yun on the face who was about to speak...

Ling Yun instinctively reacted with anger in his heart, but immediately calmed down again. It's not that he has no temper, but he just doesn't want to care about it. With a woman?Out of style.

"What did you tell me last time? How did you tell me?" An Qing pointed at Ling Yun with red eyes and asked.

"Ling Yun, you let me down so much, don't tell me your phone is dead again?"

"Time and time again, have you really cared about me?"

Facing An Qing's repeated accusations, Ling Yun couldn't answer a word.

An Qing was about to continue to question Ling Yun, when she saw Qian Qian out of the corner of her eye, looking at them with tears all over her face.

An Qing felt a lump in her heart, when was she here?


Seeing An Qing and Ling Yun looking at her, the little guy suppressed his voice and let go, crying heartbreakingly.

"Bad Mama, don't hit me, go away, go away, go away." He slapped An Qing repeatedly, causing the latter to take three steps back.

"Father is fine, Qianqian will go back quickly." Ling Yun smiled.

"Wow...cough cough..." The little face was flushed from crying, and she even choked.

An Qing glared at Ling Yun, picked up Qian Qian by force, and turned back to the villa.

He also closed the door and cursed angrily: "Ling Yun, get out!"

The little guy kept patting An Qing, punching and kicking her in her arms, Beibei and Ji Wuxue watched eagerly, not knowing what was going on, Long Yanran secretly took them into the living room and told them to keep quiet.

Groups of crows flew past Ling Yun's forehead standing outside the door...

Didn't he buy this villa?
Then he didn't open his mouth to yell, just sat outside the door and waited, he wanted to know, who opened the door for him?
Is it his favorite daughter?

Or An Qing who did something wrong in retrospect?

Still feel sorry for his handsome uncle's Beibei?
Or the caring Ji Wuxue?
Or... someone else?

Ling Yun, who was a little irritable, lit a Xiuhun brand cigarette, and just took a puff when he lit it, and the image of the little guy angrily not letting him smoke appeared in his mind, it was really cute.

Ling Yun smiled, and put out the cigarette. Although the cigarette was for repairing the soul, he didn't think it was a waste.

Then he squinted for a moment, opened his eyes again, and sensed the time...

What the hell!

It's eleven o'clock?

The door is not open yet...

Unable to bear it, Ling Yun was dumbfounded, and swept the villa with his spiritual sense.

An Qing and the little guy are both asleep!

No way?
forget him?

Beibei and Ji Wuxue were also sleeping very soundly!

Long Yanran didn't sleep, she was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone!

Come on...Ling Yun doesn't plan to go back to the villa tonight, lest he go in privately and make An Qing unhappy.

Recalling what An Qing said just now, Ling Yun frowned, and then took out his mobile phone to check.

Good guy!
More than 50 missed calls are from Anqing!

What will happen?
With doubts, Ling Yun immediately opened WeChat, only to find out the reason why An Qing was so angry tonight, he thought that An Qing had made a big fuss, didn't she just come back later and didn't keep the previous agreement?
On the Internet, there are all An Qing's scandals, and she is responsible for all negative things!

Ling Yun was also very angry and laughed back.

There are still two videos, and the pictures are really similar to An Qing.

No wonder slightly!

Ling Yun suffered a disaster from nowhere.

He himself was not around when An Qing needed comfort the most, that slap was worth it.

Damn Han Sehun!

All of this is the ghost behind him. This matter started three days ago. Han Shixun came to Jiangbei from Bangzi Country, looking for An Qing as a partner, and An Qing was interested in cooperating, but she couldn't find time, so she politely refused. But in Han Shixun's eyes, An Qing didn't give face.

In terms of cooperation, it is to shoot a sci-fi movie, An Qing will be chosen as the heroine, the former An Qing would definitely agree immediately, but now An Qing is really busy.

She is planning to release a new album, all written by Ling Yun, especially the duet song, she can't wait to upload it immediately, making everyone envious.

Han Shixun left very angry, no one dared not give him face, especially in Bangzi Country, his family is very powerful, there is nothing he can't do.

So he decided to frame An Qing and make her kneel down and beg him to be the heroine of his new movie, a proud woman, she will only be obedient if she breaks her wings.

(End of this chapter)

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