Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 573 Call it a day

Chapter 573 Call it a day
After several years!

In case his undissolved bones are found, others will discuss that the ancient soul demon committed suicide and has dignity!

Now that he was poisoned to death, it was different!

Others will discuss that the ancient soul demon was actually poisoned to death, it's ridiculous, it really has no dignity at all.

Thinking of this, he was even more aggrieved. He didn't even have a last word. After struggling for less than a minute, he went to get his box lunch!

The ancient demon god, he was the first to be played to death by Ling Yun, he is really aggrieved!
Mrs. Ghost bit her lip!

None of them recovered from the death of the soul demon!
It wasn't until her lips were bitten by herself that she bled, that she looked at Ling Yun from shock!

At this moment, Ling Yun has already released his demon form, dressed in black, handsome and moving!

He didn't look at Mrs. Ghost either, but at the corpse of the soul demon!
Those Martial Souls are all there, don't let them go to waste!

Ling Yun grasped it with his bare hands, and all the martial souls in the Soul Demon's body were held in the palm of his hand, sparkling in various colors.

The corner of Mrs. Ghost's mouth twitched, it turned out that he was more perverted than Soul Demon!
You can also grab martial souls with your bare hands!
She began to calm down, and let Ling Yun re-transplant the immortal blood phoenix's martial soul into her body.

She had originally planned to take it back and give it to Sissy, but...

Ling Yun said, it's too rubbish, Qianqian doesn't need it, she was so angry, she gritted her teeth and felt helpless!
Out of Fengmo Town!
Mrs. Ghost looked back at that place, as if she had a dream!
Looking at Ling Yunfeng's light and calm expression again, the corner of his mouth twitched again!
she couldn't figure it out,
It's fine for Ling Yun to take out the soul demon's family property, and he took the last ancient formation!
Leaving the corpse of the soul demon, he took a look, stroked his chin, and pondered for a while!

Mrs. Ghost actually laughed when she saw it...

The soul demon's body was covered by Ling Yun with some soil, and some grass seeds were sprinkled on it. It was considered to be well-dressed, and a tombstone was erected!
It says!

A generation of cattle, the tomb of the ancient soul demon, the last signature of the cattle slaughterer!

"If you want to go back to Ghost Island now, I can give you a ride!"

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back and said to Mrs. Gui.

Mrs. Ghost thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "No need, I'll go back with Ghost Yasha!"

What Mrs. Ghost was thinking, Ling Yun guessed about the same, she just wanted Ling Yun to make a move and destroy the Pisces Emperor, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say, and Ling Yun didn't really want to get involved in this matter!

Take care!
Ling Yun returned to Blue Star.

Jinling Long's family, Long Yanran's head hurts!

Ji Wuxue and Qianqian were playing a game, but the servants were all asleep, and his older brothers were looking at Qianxi on the first floor like hell!

When did you have an extra child?
Long Xingdi already knew Ling Yun's identity, so there was no fluctuation, the key was the other two, he had to pester Long Yanran to ask for clarification!

Just when Long Yanran was about to speak, Ling Yun came back!

Brought them back to the room, and erased the memory of the three brothers Long Xingdi just now!

"Papa!" The little guy yawned, sleepy!
Ji Wuxue's eyes turned red, and she began to ask, "Uncle, is my brother dead?"

Ling Yun's head is full of black lines...

She didn't sense it?

After thinking about it, it should be because of being in the Nine Nether Abyss!
He is drunk, Ji Wushuang hasn't dealt with those scumbags yet?

At this moment, Ji Wushuang was beating her chest and stamping her feet in hatred!


all run away!
Mozu Tiangang and the others came from under the formation, and someone responded!

It is the artifact of the monk who cultivates wine and meat. As for Yang Wuji, he is on the other side of the Jiuyou Abyss to meet him!
In this way, under the ferocious eyes of the beasts, all of them ran away under their noses!
"Not dead, your brother still owes uncle money, why let him die." Ling Yun replied with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Ji Wuxue rubbed her eyes and hugged Ling Yun's thigh!

"Okay, okay, go to sleep, uncle is going to take Sissy back, otherwise your Auntie An will become violent!"

"Hmm!" Ji Wuxue shuddered violently!
The scene where An Qing hit Ling Yun was also her shadow, it was too violent.

Lingyun Villa!

As soon as the gate was opened, Ling Yun opened the car and looked at the second floor, the lights were still on!

The lights on the first floor are on too!

He hasn't arrived for two hours, An Qing and the others are waiting for him?
The little guy ran in immediately and shouted, Ma Ma, Ma Ma!

Seeing An Qing watching TV, wrapping her arms around her, and asking to go to bed again, she yawned again and again!
The little guy smiled smugly in his arms, thinking that her mother and father would not quarrel.


An Qing couldn't see Ling Yun and just hugged her, not leaving!

The little guy is in a hurry!

Will we quarrel again?

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Ling Yun asked after entering.

"Well, I'm going to bed now!" An Qing replied, she was embarrassed to say that she was waiting for them.

Needless to say, Ling Yun also knew that An Qing was waiting for their father and daughter!
"It's over? What's the matter?" An Qing asked curiously.

"One thing, go to bed." Ling Yun hugged An Qing and her daughter directly in the princess's arms.

He asked the little guy to turn off the light, and the little guy stepped on An Qing's belly, ahaha!
next day!

The little guy got up very early!

Both An Qing and Ling Yun didn't get up yet, An Qing dimly opened her eyes, and there was a light, she thought Ling Yun had turned it on, and Ling Yun also opened her eyes, he also thought it was An Qing, but in fact it was the little guy who turned it on!
At this moment, she is holding an eyebrow pencil and secretly drawing dark circles on An Qing's face!

When An Qing felt itchy on her face, she hid under the bed again and became very naughty.

Ling Yun's face is already that of a tabby cat!

The little guy couldn't help laughing, aha, aha!

Call it a day!

The little guy ran to the first floor again, anyone?

It's Gongsun Qing who gets up early!
She was busy with breakfast, the little guy sniffed the air, it didn't smell good, and curled his lips!
Gongsun Qing heard the voice, looked back, and asked with a smile: "Qi Qian, why is it so early?"

She was surprised, isn't the child very sleepy and very sleepy?

Why does Sissy look so energetic!
"Morning! Grandma! Eunuch Sun is out!" The little guy replied in a childish voice, his beautiful eyes widened, watching Gongsun Qing make breakfast.

Gongsun Qing looked out the window, her head was covered with black lines, where is the sun?

Listen to the weather forecast today!

It's rainy and the sun won't come out!
"Are you hungry? Grandma's loving breakfast will be ready soon!" Gongsun Qing covered her mouth and smiled, seeing how her eyes were fixed on the pot!

The little guy didn't expect much, so he nodded, just perfunctory her!

There was a cry on the second floor, ghost!

It's An Qing!
Ling Yun was startled awake by her, and immediately covered her mouth, why was she screaming so loudly?

He also wasn't surprised to see An Qing's dark circles!
Then they smiled at each other, the little guy is really naughty!
The little guy on the first floor who heard An Qing's yelling laughed out loud!



hum! !
Keep them up last night?

It's also errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) it made her sleep, it feels like the bed is still running.

(End of this chapter)

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