Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 616

Chapter 616

Ling Yun has made a plan and will tell An Qing in a few days, including secretly buying shares in the Li Group.

The current Li Group is on the verge of collapse, and Ling Yun still controls a lot of shares.

Back to the little guy, the little guy said happily: "Papa, we just got a new doll, my sister got it."

"Boom! It's amazing." Ling Yun said.

If they can't catch it anymore, they will just hang on and refuse to leave, right?

"Aha, I also have a share."

Ling Yun asked again: "What did you do? You also have a share?"

The little guy replied: "I asked my sister to pinch it, otherwise I would definitely not be able to pinch it." He turned his head aside and became proud.

An Qing was also drunk, so what?Isn't it just luck to get one?

The game currency has lost a lot, but seeing Sissy so happy, An Qing's heart is also very sweet.

Little Eileen also said: "Brother, the baby also has a share."

Ling Yun pretended to be surprised and asked: "Why do you have another share?"

"The baby squatted down to help pick it up..." Little Irene whispered more and more, since it was confirmed that she was also involved.

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry!

At their request, they only nodded and changed the scene by clipping one of the dolls on each crane machine.


The little guy watched several young ladies fighting and dancing in front of the big screen of the game console, so he stopped to watch.

Beibei wanted to show off, so she asked Ling Yun to teach them how to play, Ling Yun shook his head, not suggesting they play this, little Irene can't, just her and Sissy?Otherwise, An Qing will join?

Beibei curled her lips, still thinking it made sense!
Little Irene disappeared again, and An Qing was speechless. If she hadn't held so many dolls in her hand, she would definitely hug her and stop her from running around.

Good guy!
Little Erin is fishing!

Looking at her points, it was just played, Beibei muttered: "How could she?"

"Aha!" Little Irene shook her head and became professional without explaining.

Beibei also threw coins at the side, imitating little Irene, and the little guy went too!
One fishing machine, five levers, they laughed the loudest, especially when they caught fish.

The whole morning was spent inside, little Irene was obsessed with fishing, Beibei loved racing cars, and the little guy and Ling Yun continued to throw basketballs!
An Qing kept their dolls next to them, and sometimes she and the little ones would play some other parent-child games with the little ones.


They didn't argue to go back. The lunch was not delicious, so they settled it outside. There was an extra meal for lunch, and the three little guys asked for ice cream!

Ask the waiter in the restaurant what places are fun?Especially for children to play.

The waiter suggested the playground in Shanghai, and the aquarium!
I've been to the aquarium, the little guy has no interest, but the playground?

Probably similar to Jiangbei's!
Just when they were thinking, the little guy saw a child, about four or five years old, riding a children's balance bike.


Let's take a look, how many people are behind him!
Ling Yun immediately went to ask their parents where they were going!
After some understanding...

Today is a children's balance car competition organized by a certain group in Shanghai. Their flagship store specializes in children's products for publicity and advertising.

The little guy clamored to participate and win the championship, the corners of Ling Yun and An Qing's mouths twitched!
she will?

She's so small, no one else will let her participate!

Beibei's height should be fine, and little Irene might be able to participate.

Now that I figured it all out, I can only take them excitedly to the match point, it's not too far away, just walk a few streets to get there!

Children's balance bikes do not have pedals, and they all rely on the slippery feet to control the progress of the bike.

The little guy is really not tall enough, An Qing explained to her that she would quit, with her mouth crooked, as if she wanted to cry.

Ling Yun patted her head and explained that he would bring her to participate when she was older. The little guy rubbed his eyes, although he was unhappy, he still nodded his head heavily.

Beibei also touched her head and patted her chest to promise that she would definitely win the championship.

The three little guys looked at each other and laughed together.

What Ling Yun was worried about before did not exist. He thought it was not allowed to register for the competition, but when he came here, he found that anyone can participate, and there is no limit to register at any time. The age requirement must not exceed six years old.

The rule is that No.1 is the one that takes the shortest time to reach the finish line. This site was transformed into a mountain road with [-] bends by the cordon, and the road section with ups and downs was also made. The work was done very seriously, and Ling Yun was amazed.

The only thing that makes Lingyun not have a headache is...

The group's self-balancing scooter is actually their company's product, and they must use their self-balancing scooter to participate. It's like making it for Ling Yun and the others.

Many children who ride balance bikes are not happy. They are familiar with their own bikes, and they will be more comfortable riding.

Bei Bei and Little Irene successfully signed up. Now An Qing helps them put on their sports equipment and wait for the competition to start.

The two little guys are full of confidence, and they even skated a certain distance beforehand!

Ling Yun knew that the little guy was still unhappy, so he told her a lot of jokes, temporarily making her laugh out loud.

after a while

The much-anticipated children's balance car competition has begun!

"Come on! Son!!"

"Xiao Honghong, mother supports you."

There were countless cheering sounds like this, and An Qing was no exception, she kept chasing them and cheering them on.

"Sister, little Irene, number one!" The little guy was also running, still covered in sweat.

From the very beginning, Beibei kept the lead, including going uphill, turning perfectly and quickly, and the distance between No.2 Little Irene was only one or two meters.

For a moment, the performance of the two of them stunned all the friends.

Let the parents who are four or five years old feel ashamed, especially those who have sons, who are actually no better than two little girls who are more than three years old.

The judges also nodded. Not surprisingly, the two of them decided on No. 2. What a surprise. They have been held several times before, but they have not been found. Their performance is too good.

A beibei wearing a blindfold, a real little Irene, their judges like little Irene, cute!I believe she can be the spokesperson of their balance bike.

As for Beibei, it's hard to make a decision if you can't see the whole face. If you can, let them endorse together. This is the final plan of their group.


The little guy happily ran over like a little sparrow, hugged Beibei and little Irene, and said in a very excited tone: ", first...first!"

"Number one!" Beibei panted heavily, sweating all over her face, letting An Qing wipe them off, her heart was filled with excitement.

Little Eileen: "Brother, baby is second!" Ling Yun wanted to praise her, right?
She just watched eagerly!

Ling Yun whispered in her ear, give her an extra meal tonight, fried soul crystal!

The child's saliva drools in an instant, stir-fried Soul Crystal?Must be delicious!

(End of this chapter)

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