Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 624 Naughty

Chapter 624 Mischievous (one more)
After An Xiaoxiao went in and chatted with An Qing...

Only then did the little guy tiptoe in, with his back turned to An Qing, but he couldn't hide from An Qing's little eyes.

Being naughty, when she entered the second bedroom, she turned her head and made faces at An Xiaoxiao again.

In the second bedroom!
Ling Yun was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone to see how the harvest was going today.

not bad!

Song's Guanghua Group, he owns 18.00% of the shares, and Qin Lan also owns 15.00%.

The stock of Guanghua Group will plummet in the past few days, that's for sure.

While thinking about what to do next, Ling Yun felt his feet itch and wanted to laugh.

The naughty little guy is scratching Ling Yun's feet, she must hide when she does something bad, so every time she scratches, she lies under the bed, careful not to be discovered by Ling Yun.

When Ling Yun found out that she was responsible, his face turned dark, why didn't he sleep?Immediately Ling Yun put down the phone, squinted his eyes, and pretended to sleep.

The little guy covered his mouth to hold back his smile, got up from the floor, looked at Ling Yun on the bed, and thought to himself that she was really smart, her father didn't even notice, how stupid.

Turning his eyes, the little guy started to take An Qing's thrush pencil, and tiptoely drew eyeliner on Ling Yun's face. She usually sees An Qing draw a lot, and she knows a little bit about it.

Ling Yun observed with his divine sense, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the little guy didn't notice it even though he was concentrating.


The little guy had just finished drawing when she saw Ling Yun open her eyes and was caught straight. The thrush that stopped in mid-air was her incriminating evidence!
Ling Yun sat up, carried her onto the bed, patted her twice, and asked, "Why don't you sleep?"

"I miss Papa!"

"Hey, what's your little head thinking? It's so late, where else can Dad go?" Ling Yun said funny, and teased her, constantly scratching her feet!
The little guy was most afraid of this, he kept laughing, and the laughter also attracted An Qing and An Xiaoxiao, seeing their father and daughter playing happily, An Qing and the sisters did not continue to be curious.

In a moment!
Ling Yun said: "Is Qianqian thirsty?"

The little guy's eyes were big, and he curled his lips and said, "How does Papa know?"

She began to suspect that there were bugs in her stomach again!
Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, and he laughed for so long, it's no wonder he couldn't keep his mouth shut!
"No, here it is!"

Seeing a bottle of drink in Ling Yun's palm, the little guy scratched his head. She thought Ling Yun would make milk powder for her, and felt a little disappointed.

Seeing that the little guy was indifferent, Ling Yun touched her head with a smile, kissed her forehead, and said, "This is better than milk powder!"

The little guy kept looking at Ling Yun, blinked his beautiful eyes, and asked in disbelief, "Really?"

"Of course, it's gone after you drink it, there's only one can! Understand?"


The little guy licked his mouth and watched Ling Yun help her open the canned drink, using a straw?
She pouts, why isn't it a pacifier?

The little guy hadn't had a drink yet, so he asked, "Papa, what is this?"

"Wangzai Milk!"

"This is Wangzai?" The little guy pointed to the cartoon boy on the can.

"Well, take a sip!" Ling Yun stuffed the straw into her mouth, patted her head again, and half hugged her.


"Is this milk?"

"Papa, this... this... is delicious!"

The little guy took a sip, and immediately became incoherent with excitement.

Ling Yun chuckled lightly, isn't it good?

This bottle of milk was processed by Liu Hufa through a combination of various methods. The raw materials are very precious.

It's normal for the kids next door to cry.

It is a great tonic for the little guy's body, because Ling Yun couldn't bear to learn Shenquan for the little guy these two days, so he invented it on purpose!
Ling Yun asked: "Why haven't you finished drinking yet?"

It's been more than ten minutes, why is she still sucking?

Ling Yun shook the jar, speechless, nothing at all, the little guy is still sucking?Is this aftertaste?
"Ahem, Sissy has to throw it away after drinking."

"No! It still smells!"

No matter what Ling Yun said, she just wouldn't throw it away!
Looking at the words on the can, the little guy read out softly: "Ling's Dairy? Professional children's milk has been imitated for 20 years and has never been surpassed!" After reading, she put down the empty can, clapped her hands and laughed .

"Papa? Is there any more?" The little guy asked unwillingly, with an unfinished look on his face, very cute!
Ling Yun couldn't bear it anymore, pinched her cheeks a few times, and said seriously: "No, didn't I tell you, it's just one can!"

The little guy hummed and pulled it long!His brows were frowned, typical of being coquettish.

"Papa? Where can I buy it?" The little guy's eyes began to roll. It's not a problem to buy it with money.

"Here, I don't have any for sale yet. Look, this Ling's Dairy, this little cartoon brother, have you seen it?"

Ling Yun flickered, and the little guy nodded half-understood, as if he had never seen it before.

I heard Ling Yun continue to add: "The milk of this Ling's Dairy is professional, and ordinary people can't buy it at all. Thanks to your father's character, otherwise..."

Speaking of Ling Yun, he patted her head meaningfully, the little guy felt awesome, and looked at Ling Yun dryly.

Seeing the little guy's eyes, Ling Yun hurriedly avoided, couldn't stand it!

Helpless, he is really gone. The bottle just now was produced today. I felt sorry for the little guy just now, so I took it out for a while, and ended up causing trouble for him.

She must be dismissed!
Ling Yun yawned again and again: "Qi Qian, Dad is sleepy, go back to sleep, see you tomorrow!"

As he spoke, he put her under the bed and pushed her gently. The little guy held the jar and looked back three times, hoping that Ling Yun would stop her and give her another jar!
Ling Yun immediately fell asleep, deliberately not looking into her eyes, how did An Qing see the little guy leave outside?

This expression?
Immediately angry, did Ling Yun beat her daughter?Why is there such a grievance on his face?
"Cissy come here, mom hugs, sleep here tonight, we'll teach your dad a lesson later!"

"Don't...don't..." The little guy went out without looking back. She wanted to tell Beibei and little Irene that she found a delicious milk, so she couldn't stay any longer.

As soon as the little guy is gone...

An Qing was dumbfounded, what's going on?Why doesn't Sissy come over?
In order to find out what was going on, An Qing immediately went in to look for Ling Yun!

Ling Yun took advantage of the situation to pull An Qing down, and after taking advantage of it, Youyou explained: "She's sleepy!"

An Qing was speechless for a moment. Is that the reason?And lied to her a wen!

Ling Yun curiously asked An Xiaoxiao why she was looking for her, and An Qing said that it was probably the Song family's business, feeling that the world is impermanent, Song Shijie was arrested, An Xiaoxiao finally lost a hidden danger.

After that, we will discuss today's Guanghua Group. The whole group is in disarray, and people are panicking.

(End of this chapter)

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