Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 631 Welcome

Chapter 631 Welcome

After they muttered for a minute or two...

The little guy took out the check and demanded to buy all Wangzai milk!

Not only that, he threatened that when An Qing came back tonight, she would buy it with money!


She has no money, and it is Ling Yun and An Qing's business to raise her, that's the reason.


Ling Yun helped them do the calculations, a bottle is 20 yuan, and 1000 million yuan has fifty cans.

Fifty cans sounds like a lot, but it's probably only a few days!

Beibei and the little guy are worried, they worry about money at a young age, they are very unhappy, and there is no cure for that.

The check was given to Ling Yun who was happy in his heart, but...

It's been a while since he came back from buying Wangzai milk, what's the problem?
Ling Yun explained that this is a limited edition, and it doesn't mean that if you have money, you can buy it. He also fooled around and said that if he didn't have a big face, he wouldn't be able to buy it!

The three little guys believed it foolishly, just because it was delicious.

There is no other way, they can only ask Long Yanran to make milk powder for them to drink, Ling Yun asked little Ailin to play games at the same time, if she doesn't even learn to sing, she will make trouble!
In Ling Yun's short time, let them go over what they learned before, and then he taught a little star!

The little guy seemed to like it very much, and the melodious child's voice spread to the first floor, attracting Ji Wuxue!

Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle, the sky is filled with little stars...

In the end, the four little guys all sang together, and the whole villa was full of singing, and Ling Yun would occasionally drive them.

And a few days ago, Ling Yun sang the song When you are old, teach them too, I want to make up an album!
Originally, I wanted to teach them to sing a few more songs. Considering that I couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, I took it slowly.

After telling them to sing three times and then they can move freely, Ling Yun was busy going to dinner!

Had dinner!

You Beibei asked, "Handsome Shushu, how much Wangzai milk can I buy every day?"

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, no wonder they were absent-minded when they were eating!
"Eight cans."

When the little guy heard it, so many?Immediately silly fun!

Ji Wuxue doesn't understand, what can?what milkWhat is she missing?

The little guy couldn't hide his words, and told about the matter of them drinking Wangzai's milk just now. Ji Wuxue was not angry, but looked at Ling Yun dryly...

Obviously, she wants to try it too!
Ling Yun shrugged, the little ones laughed and told her, no more!
Little Aileen asked Ling Yun to buy it immediately, there are still seven cans left today, Ling Yun is speechless, how can the calculation be so accurate?
Ling Yun asked them to prepare, and also asked Long Yanran to give them a bath in advance, and later took them to Yuexia Entertainment Company, and then he went to buy Wangzai milk and came back.

Have a drink?

Some play?
They don't know how happy they are.

When they followed Ling Yun and Long Yanran to Yuexia Entertainment Company, it was already eight o'clock.

Long Yanran asked: "Brother Lingyun, I...I want to go out and play..."


Ling Yun nodded, probably she is dating Xu Le, Ling Yun can't do bad things.

Beibei heard it, so she said: "Auntie, I'm going too..." His eyes turned bleakly!

Long Yanran flicked her forehead angrily, and said, "You little light bulb, stay here obediently, I will come back early tonight, and I will come over."

Beibei was very angry, and kept yelling that she would bounce back when she grew up!

Third floor!

As soon as the four of them arrived, they were immediately surrounded. Now that they are famous, the chorus of Anjia's birthday banquet in the magic capital has not diminished in the slightest.

I don't know where the other one was abducted by their president. The four little guys are so cute.

"Auntie, don't pinch your face..." The little guy got angry, and patted the hand that touched him everywhere!
She hates it to death!

"Papa... Papa..." The little guy eagerly shouted to Ling Yun who was walking in front!But Ling Yun turned his head and smiled, meaning let them take care of it.

Protecting Sissy, Beibei pouted and said, "Don't pinch, Auntie An will be angry."

As soon as they heard that An Qing was angry, the staff surrounding them felt relieved. They were most afraid that An Qing would get angry. She was not as easy-going as Ling Yun.

It is rumored within the company that the little princess is their little boss. This is true, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like their boss, An Qing?
Seeing that the little guy's face was red from being pinched, Ji Wuxue rubbed her, and led her into the office.

Looking at her expression, she seemed to be suing. An employee stopped them and offered them delicious food. Now I dare not pinch them. Watching them eat snacks and touching their heads from time to time feels good. Who made them suffer too much? welcome.

Ling Yun carried a box of egg fried rice and walked to An Qing's desk. He hadn't knocked on the door before, and An Qing knew that someone had come in, but she didn't know who it was!

Ling Yun said exactly the same in Qianqian's voice.

"Qixi?" An Qing was overjoyed, and immediately raised her head, seeing Ling Yun smiling at her, she immediately gave him a supercilious look!
He said again: "Not serious..." I was still very happy in my heart, after all Ling Yun brought her meals, and she didn't have an appetite for staff meals.

"Go to eat..." Ling Yun snatched the information from her hand, not letting her continue reading.

An Qing couldn't resist Ling Yun, so she could only be obedient. As soon as Ling Yun sat in her seat, she immediately immersed herself in her work, while An Qing chattered with him while eating.

The biggest topic is the big man, he is completely popular!
An Qing was so sweet in her heart, she really lamented life. Who would have thought that a migrant worker who accidentally robbed them at the beginning would become popular in half of China. His song has not been out for a few days, and now people are humming it on the street. .

The next topic will be Li's Group. The precarious Li's is almost doomed!

An Qing also exposed the news that Qin Lan is manipulating the Jiangbei stock market behind her back!

Ling Yun was stunned...

This woman is really scary!
In all likelihood, Qin Lan upset the Li family. If Li Qingmin knew that he was being played around by a woman, how would he feel?

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly. He didn't want to get involved in the Li Group too much. He bought Li's shares before, and now it has [-]% of the shares. He wants to sell it to Qin Lan. If he cashes out, it's okay to buy all of the Song Family's Guanghua Group!

These shares are everywhere, and he is not easy to sort them out. To be honest, he is just too lazy!

Immediately, Ling Yun invaded the network and searched the news comprehensively. According to this situation, Qin Lan will make a big move. Li Shi can last up to three days. What is she going to do?Be a bully?
After An Qing finished eating, she looked at Ling Yun quietly closing her eyes, thinking that he was tired and fell asleep, so she secretly kissed him while she was not prepared!
Ling Yun licked his mouth leisurely, but did not choose to open his eyes. He found an important piece of news!
Who is behind Guanghua Group?
Looking at the hidden data, the real owner of Guanghua is not the Song family, but a foreigner who holds the most shares.

His name is Stephen!
About this Stephen, there is almost no amount of information in the Guanghua Group. The Song family has an accident, and the Guanghua Group is in danger, but he has never appeared. Is he dead?

Ling Yun feels that this Stephen is also a cover.

On the surface, Guanghua Group is the largest, but in reality he is a servant, and the real owner is likely to be a top consortium, a small Guanghua?If it's gone, it's gone!
(End of this chapter)

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