Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 664

Chapter 664 Crossing Tribulation (Eighteen More)

The little guy wants to take the little piggy with him!
Ling Yun didn't allow it, and promised to come back to feed it from time to time, so the little guy didn't make trouble.

Spirit world!

Ling Yun brought them directly to his original mansion, the Divine Palace!
They were not required to wear blindfolds!
The little guys looked at the sky outside, amazed again and again...

What a beautiful sunset, what a beautiful sky.

"See Lord Dijun..." A certain divine guard who heard the sound knelt down!
Ling Yun couldn't remember his name, and said lightly: "Get up, where is your captain, call him over!"


After speaking, the divine guard disappeared excitedly...

"Sissy, this is my father's former home, you don't have to be polite to them, understand?"

The little guy looked at such a luxurious palace and nodded!
Beibei poked the little guy, who scratched his head and looked at Beibei with a silly face!

"Sister, Yushan..." Beibei reminded in a low voice!


Only then did the little guy remember that he forgot the most important thing!
"Papa, this... this... Martial Soul!" As he spoke, he took out the jade coral that he bought from Xin Zhao back then from his pocket!
Ling Yun stroked it lightly, and his hand bounced back, making him frown, sealing a terrible magic power.

"Put it away first, let's talk about it when we get back to the villa." Ling Yun returned the jade coral to the little guy.

"Okay!" The little guy still nodded, but he was afraid that they would forget again, so he asked Ling Yun to remind them again.

Ling Yun said to give them a small task, the old men in the God Realm had a glowing golden bead in their hands, it was the Chengtian Bead, and it was the key that Ling Yun needed to help Beibei achieve the supreme divine body.

Let them find a way to get it, whether it's cheating, cheating, or stealing!
Captain Rex of the Divine Guard came, with an excited look on his face!

Ling Yun told him that they would stay here for a while and try to meet their needs, Rex naturally nodded in agreement.

It's just that I can't help but have some questions in my heart, who are these children?
The other two are really familiar!

One is the little guy, and she is still wanted by Happy Supreme!
The other one is Ji Wuxue, and her arrest warrant has been revoked.

When Ling Yun left, he whispered a few words to the little guy, and the latter aha looked at the sky!

Long Yanran saw that there were a few more things in her hand, a jade slip, a residual image of the Supreme God that sealed Ling Yun, a few spells and a few bottles of medicine pills!
The little guy had tears in his eyes, and even the sensitive she seemed to have realized that Ling Yun would not be by her side!

Right after Ling Yun left, she began to rub her eyes. Long Yanran felt sorry for the child, and coaxed her with Bei Bei for a long time.

In the end, it wasn't that she was coaxed, but she was tired and sleepy from crying and wanted to sleep.

At this moment, she is sleeping peacefully in Long Yanran's arms, her body is still twitching.

Rex arranged accommodation for them, which was Ling Yun's former bedroom.

Little Ailin liked all these decorations and wanted to go along with it, so Ji Wuxue patted her on the head to tell her not to make trouble.

"Auntie, do you know where Shuai Shuai has gone?" Beibei asked curiously.

Long Yanran shook her head, how could she know?

The little guy rubbed his eyes and woke up, couldn't see Ling Yun, kept silent, his nose was sore, Long Yanran knew that she was strong on the outside, but at this moment her heart was very fragile, her mouth was slowly crooked, as if she wanted to cry again.


Sure enough, just as Long Yanran thought, the little guy began to cry slowly!
Beibei comforted her and said, "Sister, let's go play hide-and-seek? Let you hide."

The little guy shook his head, feeling uncomfortable...

Ji Wuxue wiped her tears and said, "Qiqian is a good child, don't cry, uncle..."

"Mmm!... Mmm!"

Ji Wuxue's mouth was covered by Long Yanran before she finished speaking, so she couldn't mention Ling Yun!


The little guy thought again and cried even louder!
"Woo hoo, papa!"

Long Yanran glared at Ji Wuxue angrily, she managed to coax her well!
Ji Wuxue scratched her head in embarrassment, she really didn't know that it would be counterproductive: "Qiqian, be good, sister Xiaoxue give you a lollipop!"

Beibei helped her take it apart and put it in her mouth!
The little guy was crying while licking, Beibei shrugged, she couldn't help it.

"Oh, everyone loves little Qianqian, she has a cat face, she's not cute anymore, her hair is messy, auntie will tie it up for you, let's see the world tonight, it must be very beautiful!"

While talking, Long Yanran helped her comb a hairstyle.

The little guy asked her to tie her hair quietly, and she didn't stop crying. Long Yanran's head was so big after finishing it!

Ji Wuxue thought for a long time, took out her phone and showed her the video of An Qing and Ling Yun!
The little guy was crying at first, but slowly she laughed, and she was amused by herself in the video.

Long Yanran also smiled happily, the child has been settled, and she can sleep peacefully tonight.

Little Aileen is not in the dormitory, she is outside, Ling Yun has untied all her seals, she is enjoying herself, her cultivation has passed the catastrophe period?
All of a sudden, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and the catastrophe came, and there was a black cloud of catastrophe.

Little Irene was startled and broke out in a cold sweat. She wasn't prepared, so what should she do?She is running around in a hurry!
This kid, it was his first time to cross the catastrophe, he had no experience, and he hadn't heard about it carefully, so he ran into the bedroom in a panic.

"Sister,'s not good, the baby is about to be struck by lightning."

Shouting while running, she reached the little guy's bed, jumped on it, pulled Cici's quilt, and wrapped herself tightly.

From the outside, I could still see little Erin shivering.

Long Yanran's face was horrified when she heard the rumbling thunder, thunder calamity!

She crossed the catastrophe?
He swallowed hard, and at the same time severely criticized: "Little Irene, are you going to kill us?"

After Long Yanran absorbed the exercises Ling Yun gave her, she knew the horror of the thunder calamity, and if she passed the calamity here, would it kill them?

Little Irene didn't speak, her body kept shaking and refused to come out.

The little guy scratched his head, what's wrong?Red eyes blink and blink!
Bei Bei asked, "Did little Irene do something bad? If I don't hit you, who will I hit?"

"No, the baby didn't steal it..." Little Irene replied in a childish voice!

Beibei's face turned black!

Finally let her catch who stole the milk powder...

I was suspicious of little Irene before, but now little Irene doesn't call herself.

"Get out, let's leave first, leave her alone." Long Yanran hugged the little guy, and patted Beibei and Ji Wuxue who was in a daze a few times!
If he didn't run away, the thunder calamity would come down, and he didn't know how big the range would be. Long Yanran didn't dare to breathe, and kept running outside, which made her tired.

Just as the little guy was put down, he ran into the bedroom again: "Little Irene is inside!"

Long Yanran grabbed her again, but she couldn't be allowed in!

(The future update time will be changed to after twelve noon...)
(End of this chapter)

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