Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 690 Rejection

Chapter 690 Rejection
The little guy and Beibei did bad things, of course they hid.

This is not!

Both choose to be invisible.

Emperor Guapi didn't notice it at first, until the two of them knew that Emperor Munan was not blaming them, and then slowly appeared.

The cruel words are over!
Emperor Munan lost his mind a bit, but he calmed down at the last moment. He couldn't deal with Bei Shenzun for a while, not to mention that there was another Emperor Guapi who didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, and his big move failed for no reason.

"Hehe, hehe, I will settle this matter one by one in the future, you just wait for me." Emperor Mu Nan looked around with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

There is still fire in Beishenzun!
"Mu Nan, I don't need you to settle this matter, we will. Just wait!"

It's the other way around?

Another one who challenged their gods?

Don't say offend him, let's take the little princess here, and Emperor Mu Nan is still killing and choosing to silence him. The gods can't let Emperor Mu Nan easily.

Emperor Mu Nan sneered: "Okay, I'll wait for you, don't let me down."

Since God is not benevolent, don't blame him for being unrighteous.

The God Realm is precarious, and he doesn't mind adding more fire.


Emperor Mu Nan laughed coldly. After cremating the body of the Golden Saint Doulong, he took out the magic core and immediately shattered the void and left.

Bei Shenzun wiped off his sweat, he would not be able to bear it if the fight continued, but fortunately, Emperor Mu Nan left.

The little guy kept his eyes on him to take away the magic core, and curled his lips helplessly.

"Melon skin! Have you become more courageous?" Bei Shenzun pointed at his nose and scolded him as soon as he got up.

"Guard Bei, how are you doing recently?"

"I feel bad!"

"It's good that you come, these two little ones will be handed over to you, and I won't be responsible if something goes wrong."

"Hmph, sooner or later I will clean you up." Bei Shenzun huffed.

However, he smiled at the little guy and said, "Little princess, are you hungry? I'm going back to eat with the old minister." Her face was full of smiles, as long as she was fine, but he was so worried.

The little guy shook his head: "Sissy's eaten it, grandpa, are you hungry? There's still..." Before she finished speaking, she was embarrassed, and the teahouse had been destroyed.

Beibei rolled her eyes and replied, "Won't the old man ask me?" She pointed at herself, like a child who was left out and unhappy.

"Oh, the old minister was about to ask, have you eaten yet? Why is the eldest princess here?" Bei Shenzun was stunned.

"Hahaha." Beibei laughed loudly, "I won't tell you."

He was eccentric and really cute, the eyes of the melon skin emperor on one side were straight, and the northern god was deflated, which was rare, so the corners of his mouth also chuckled.

Bei Shenzun smiled and stopped asking her questions.

"I'm still worried. I'll go to Shenfeng with you. I'm afraid it won't be safe along the way. At least I'm much safer with me!"

After pondering for a moment, Emperor Guapi, Yoyo suggested!
Bei Shenzun didn't refuse, only a fool did!Immediately after notifying the city lord and other city guards to deal with it, Beishenzun and Guapi Dadi hurried back to Shenfeng with a little guy in their arms. The journey was safe and sound, and nothing they worried about happened.

Back at Shenfeng, the little guy and Beibei ran to look for Long Yanran, but Guapi Dadi was inevitably scolded, and the cold-blooded Tianzun threatened to fight him. How could he just take the little princess out in such a critical time? Woolen cloth?

When everyone knew about the behavior of Emperor Mu Nan, they were all annoyed that they acted so boldly. It seemed that the emperor had been inactive for too long, and some people were swollen.None of them paid much attention to the God Realm.

It is necessary for them to let the emperor come forward to rectify it, otherwise the little princess will inevitably be troubled in the future.

after a while

Dong Shenzun changed his attitude, and said to Emperor Guapi: "Guapi, I have nothing to do recently, so I just help us old men, in other words, help your good friend Dijun."

Emperor Guapi shook his head: "I don't want to participate in the affairs of the God Realm. I'm just a commoner. I don't care about killing people. Please forgive me."

Dong Shenzun did not give up: "You also know that Dugu Yidao is now outside the God Realm, and may break in at any time. At that time, the God Realm will be in jeopardy."

"Hehe..." Emperor Guapi sneered a few times: "The God Realm is no longer the God Realm of the previous emperor, and the Twelve Realms are not the Twelve Realms of the Pluto. The Temple of War God has become a thing of the past. As I just said, it has nothing to do with me, the emperor is a businessman."

"Guapi, how about the safety of the little princess? Can you bear it? She was invaded by them before in the shrine. Although Shenfengye claims to be indestructible like the shrine, you can't say too much about everything."

Bei Shenzun said at the same time, I don't want to lose this powerful combat power, a man who was once as famous as Emperor Mu Nan, the number one God of War in the God Realm, can now make him the best at critical moments.

It is a reality that those families who have the emperor's order are usually flattering and flattering, but they all shirk when it comes to the key.

The Ten Thousand Clans Conference will be held in a few days, and now Dugu is blocked from the God Realm, what should I do?
Emperor Guapi didn't care about all this, and resolutely chose to stay out of it, but before leaving, he said: "Send her away, this place is not suitable for her, the emperor is not here, you can't guard the God Realm, let alone her."

Dong Shenzun didn't take these words to heart, couldn't he keep it?He doesn't believe it.

If it was only the First Heaven, they would be absolutely sure to kill those who invaded the God Realm, but it happened that it was not only the First Heaven, the demons, as the mortal enemies of the God Realm, were also eyeing them.

this moment

I'm afraid there are many demons in the God Realm. The gods have never doubted this!
Not long ago, the black-robed demons who invaded the shrine, they found some clues, the demon Shuras, and the Nanwu family who responded to him.

The Nanwu family, who threatened to re-elect the god leader, is not reconciled. If they continue to cause trouble, they are afraid that they will turn against each other.

Even the God Realm can't guard the little princess?where is safe?On the contrary, it made them believe that it was the safest place to stay in Shenfeng, and this was the last bastion.

They don't believe that Dijun will ignore her precious daughter. They have heard what they said before, and Dijun will only leave for a few days. Count the days and come back.

The little guy and Bei Bei were in a separate courtyard, and successfully found Long Yanran and Ji Wuxue!
The yard is very beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, there is a small bridge, a flowing water, and fairy flowers of the gods are planted next to it, what a fairyland!
"Aunt Long, Aunt Long, Sissy is back, aha!" The little guy hopped and jumped to Long Yanran's feet, sweat still dripping from his forehead.

"Sissy? Auntie is worried about you."

Long Yanran's eyes immediately turned red, and she knelt down to hug her. In the past few hours, she was restless, her nerves were tense, and her sadness never disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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