Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 702

Chapter 702
Ji Wushuang can't be at a disadvantage. He doesn't know how many spirit stones the other party has asked, so he must be cautious.

He has doted on Ji Wuxue since he was a child, so he obeys her in everything.

Ji Wushuang met Long Yanran, but she didn't remember it for a while, that's right!Back then, Bi Shui Xing Long Yanran was a modern women's dress, so it's no wonder he could tell the difference.

And Long Yanran was very satisfied with his fairy sister, and didn't think Ji Wushuang was glib, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely take care of Xiaoxue."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaoxue, right?" Beibei said in a childish voice, not knowing who to imitate, winking at Ji Wuxue.

Ji Wuxue forced a smile, and so did the little guy: "I will also take care of sister Xiaoxue."

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth curled up into a smile, take care of yourself first, what does Ji Wuxue need to take care of?Very obedient.

Ji Wushuang is also lamenting that his sister's personality is no longer what she used to be, and I hope she will keep it.

"Then, see you later, Xiaoxue!" Ji Wushuang fulfilled his wish, and he can return to the Gemini Starfield with peace of mind.

However, his eyes have been looking at Empress Hanyue, and he feels that Empress Hanyue is more suitable to be his empress.

"Ahem, drool, wipe it off!" Xin Zhao said with a smile, this fake domain master is less serious than him, and he doesn't shy away from everyone's gaze.

Ji Wushuang was fooled again, causing everyone to burst into laughter.


Empress Linglong smiled lightly and teased him, "Does the twin emperors think I'm not beautiful?" She winked at him while talking, oops!Awesomeness.

"Sister Fairy, you three are so beautiful." Ji Wushuang scratched her head with a smirk after speaking.

"Puchi, our sisters won't be interested in your straight male style." The Empress Hanyue shook her head. The other party is the domain master, but they are famous empresses of the God Realm, and their status is not bad, and their vision is not ordinary. .

Some strong people think that the Taishang Lord must be an ugly monster with the ice soul mask all day long!
But the fairies don't think so...

One, the appearance can be completely modified by using pills, so many people are handsome, and there is almost nothing ugly. Then, the man who is called the most powerful man in the God Realm will be extremely ugly?

Second, even if the emperor in their hearts is an ugly person, so what?Some are born evil, but have an extremely vicious heart, scheming, all kinds of evil, many people worship the emperor too much, it is because they only understand the surface, but they are from Shenfeng, how much do they understand, in their hearts, the emperor is also Good and evil.

Three, the emperor is ugly?Does not exist, why?The little princess looks so cute, the emperor must be so handsome and breathtaking.

The candidate in their two hearts is a strong man like Taishenjun. Of course, they have secretly agreed with each other, but the emperor never took a second look, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Ji Wushuang?
He has no part in queuing!


Ji Wushuang was embarrassed for a while, but he didn't expect the fairy's words to be so straightforward, which shattered his last hope.

Xin Zhao smiled again, it was cool to see the domain owner deflated: "Why don't I introduce Ruhua to you?"

"Ru Hua?" Ji Wushuang frowned slightly and asked back, his mind ran over the famous female monks in the Twelve Regions, and found that there were none, could it be a low-key little fairy?Immediately happy, I still secretly sighed that Xin Zhao is a buddy!

Beibei and Ji Wuxue shuddered when they heard the words, and their skin got goosebumps.

"No, don't introduce..." Ji Wuxue shook her head wildly, and was the first to disagree.

The flowery figure and appearance came to mind again, and she shivered again!
Beibei laughed loudly: "Ha! Ruhua is so good, Uncle Xin has such a good vision."

Long Yanran turned her head and snickered...

Only the little guy is cute, and he can't laugh if he wants to. What did her sister say, and why are she laughing?Why didn't she understand.

Ji Wushuang looked confused, one said no, the other said yes, what's the situation?The name Ruhua is not bad, could it be that she is already someone else's Taoist partner?Heartache!
"You're welcome!" Xin Zhao winked and patted Ji Wushuang's arm.

"Brother, don't listen to him, Ruhua... Ruhua is just one..." Ji Wuxue didn't know whether to continue or not.

"Like a flower, like a flower, a flower!" Beibei giggled.

The little guy tried his best to think about it, but he didn't even stretch his brows. After a while, he smiled: "Aunt Long, is Ruhua Tathagata's younger sister?"

"Haha!" Long Yanran covered her mouth when she heard the words, but still laughed.

"Really?" Beibei exclaimed immediately, did she miss some wonderful episodes of Journey to the West?Thinking about it, it's not true, isn't Ruhua just a false name, how could she be Tathagata's younger sister, so she immediately shook her head again.

The little guy smiled again and said: "Sure enough, Qianqian is the smartest!" He said arrogantly again.

Long Yanran was ashamed, who said it was right?As long as she talks nonsense, is she still smart?This is not true.

Xin Zhao smiled from ear to ear: "From now on, you will be Tathagata's brother-in-law, and you will have a backer."

"Ha! Let me tell you secretly, the Tathagata is amazing." Beibei said.

"Yes, not a very powerful person, can I introduce Ruhua?" Xin Zhao finished speaking with an expression that I wasn't joking.

Ji Wuxue is in a hurry!

"Don't, don't, brother, Ruhua is full of pockmarks, you can't have it, it's just a false name!"

A false name is a person who does not exist, look at Ji Wuxue in a hurry.

"Ah!" Ji Wushuang's mouth twitched!In turn, he stared at Xin Zhao, hand-painted what he just said, good buddy?Pooh!A bad friend must stay away.

"Xin Zhao, I will cut off your righteousness with your robe."

"Okay, pay off the debt you owed last time when you went to the brothel...cough cough, and the last time you went to the Twin Continent to help you." Zhao Xin said leisurely.

"I... I... I... Hehe, brother, my forehead was squeezed again just now."

Ji Wushuang regretted that she was tricked by Xin Zhao again, and she was ashamed in front of the fairy sister.

"It's okay, just stay nearby, Sissy is sleepy and needs to take a nap."

Long Yanran said, the little guy in her arms was already yawning heavily.

"If you two stay, please follow me here." Empress Hanyue stretched out her hand again and made a big gesture of invitation.

Xin Zhao and Ji Wushuang looked at each other and nodded immediately.

The God Realm was not safe, so they had no choice but to act as temporary guards to keep them safe.

Long Yanran asked Beibei and Ji Wuxue, Beibei chose to follow her, and Ji Wuxue planned to stay with her brother for a while.

Empress Linglong immediately took them back to Shenfeng!
At this moment, in front of Zhenwu Pavilion, Dong Shenzun shouted at the communication talisman: "Let them protect with all their strength, come on, don't let her have an accident." The more he said, the more annoyed he became.

After finishing speaking, he burned the communication talisman without delay, and the veins on his tensed forehead burst out.

(End of this chapter)

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