Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 741 Fairy Spirit

Chapter 741 Fairy Spirit Son (Part [-])
Everyone has not dispersed...

We are all waiting for the verification results!
An Qing was terrified, it couldn't really be a trap, could it?
Xiaobawang took another sip, his brows gradually wrinkled, except for the good taste, he didn't feel anything.

The more Shangguan Liuyun ate, the less calm he became, and his face became more gloomy. This is an ordinary peach!

"Damn it, you dare to lie to me, Little Overlord!"

"Okay, it's the first time I, Shangguan Liuyun, have been tricked!"

Everyone was shocked!They began to chatter, some said that it would be fine to take back the 100 yuan top-quality spirit stone, and give them another top-quality spirit stone, there is no need to make a fuss, and some said that it would be fine for the dumb to eat Coptis chinensis.

The black-faced uncle was secretly startled, no way, are they really lying?Do you want to help them now?

An Qing looked worried, Long Yanran took her hand and comforted her.

Beibei and the others looked calm!
The little guy asked Xiaobawang, "Does it hurt?" Pointing his little finger to his heart, he blinked cutely.

The little bully just wanted to roar, but when he thought about it, his face was very sad: "It hurts! My heart hurts!"

Shangguan Liuyun was stunned, why didn't he feel it?
Everyone asked: "Really? Didn't you see that you were in pain so much that you were rolling and crawling?"

The huge contrast is puzzling to everyone!

Xiaobawang secretly wiped a handful of tears, and glared at everyone angrily: "What are you looking at, I bought an ordinary peach with 100 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, will my heart not hurt?"


Everyone suddenly realized that they burst out laughing, laughing at the two idiots.

Shangguan Liuyun's eyes were cold, so he dragged Xiao Bawang to mutter a few words.

The black-faced uncle found it funny when he came back to his senses. His heart ached when he just bought it, but it can be seen that the person who bought the two peaches just now is not a kind person.


Under Xiaobawang and Shangguan Liuyun's yelling, they alarmed the Lord of White Tiger City, Xian Lingzi!
The name is a bit like a girl, but he is a tall and strong man.

Before the Fairy Lingzi arrives, the voice arrives first!
"Who dares to cause trouble in White Tiger City?"

Word down!

A momentum will be suppressed!
"It's great that the city lord has come, you must uphold justice." Xiaobawang said.

Everyone despises!

What's too good to be true?It's clearly intentional, okay?

When Xian Lingzi arrived, he was almost scared to death!
Why are the little princesses here?Seems like it's aimed at them?
Take a closer look!
The emperor and empress are all here!

God, who is dying?
The little guy scratched his head, he seemed to have seen this person before, just like Beibei, he just couldn't remember, they all forgot that they were at the banquet at the Shenfeng Peak, and it's not their fault, there were more than 300 people on the Shenfeng Peak at that time.

"Cough, what's going on?"

I wanted to ask for peace, but after thinking about it, I decided to say goodbye. Isn't this situation a private visit on Weibo, and he can't destroy it.

The little bully immediately told what happened just now, without adding any details, and demanded that these little boys be severely punished.

Shangguan Liuyun had an attitude of watching the show, he didn't say anything, the little bully said what he had to say, and he only wanted the result.

Xian Lingzi nodded after hearing this, with a look of anger on his face, and slapped the little bully in circles in circles.

The scene was completely silent, and no one expected this to happen.

"It's too much, don't think that you are the Lord of White Tiger City, so I dare not touch you?" The little bully glared, his eyes getting colder and colder!

Shangguan Liuyun frowned, the script was wrong, shouldn't he be blaming a few kids?

Xian Lingzi calmed down and said, "Let me ask you, did your heart ache after you bought this peach?"


"Then why should I punish them severely? They didn't lie to you." Xian Lingzi said unhurriedly.

Everyone suddenly realized!

Yes, Taozi's effect has been achieved, and they have not cheated.

Xiaobawang's face was ugly, he couldn't refute it, and stomped on the ground angrily!
Xian Lingzi was displeased: "Little Overlord, don't seek death, and you will end up with a big event for your family."

Shangguan Liuyun suffered a loss and threatened to return the product, everyone despised him, how could he return it after eating it?He was unreasonable, without the slightest demeanor before, and insisted on taking out another ordinary peach as the one he just ate, and demanded a refund!

Seeing the little guy's brows gradually frowning, Xian Lingzi immediately slapped him a few times.

"Hit me? Do you know who I am?" Shangguan Liuyun shouted sharply.

Xian Lingzi sneered: "Shangguan's house in the Holy Land? Are you courting death?"

What is he afraid of?
Everything is done according to the rules, he Shangguan Liuyun is provoking the city lord, even if the Shangguan patriarch comes, he cannot be moved.

Shangguan Liuyun didn't expect that the city lord was not afraid of his family at all, his face was ugly, and there were laughter all around.

"This matter is not over." After saying this, Shangguan Liuyun didn't stay any longer.

And Xian Lingzi glared at Xiaobawang, who also ran away in desperation.

The little guy laughed, everything was settled, and the money was also in hand.

While everyone was not paying attention, Xian Lingzi greeted the little guy.

"Little princess, don't worry about shopping, I'm here, it's all right."

The little guy nods!
Beibei said: "Sure!"

Xian Lingzi looked around, and it was wrong to be upright here, so he went back to the City Lord's Mansion and asked a few guards to pay attention.

After the black-faced uncle confirmed that they were all right, he quietly left.

"Mama, I'm rich!" The little guy is acting like a spoiled child!
"Aha, sister?" Little Irene and the princess came. The child liked to watch the show and clamored for the princess to bring her, but it turned out that it was her sister.

"Why are you here?" The little guy scratched his head, didn't he say he was home? "Bad papa, cheating children."

An Qing said: "Let us buy things with the money." After saying that she couldn't refuse, she took the spirit stone from Beibei's hand.

Beibei signaled to Lingyun to say something!

Ling Yun shrugged, he was the one who didn't have the right to do so.

Beibei was unhappy, she worked so hard and acted cute for so long, she didn't get a single spirit stone, and even Ling Yun didn't dare to look at her with her melancholy eyes.

The group returned to the Fairy Fairy Workshop they had just passed by. The princess was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. She is a regular customer of this shop, and she has a token that can be used at a discount.

"Ling Yun, which color do you think suits me better?" An Qing picked things up and down, unable to make up her mind for a while.

Ling Yun said: "The ones in your hand are all red, but the depth is different. You can consider buying them all."

An Qing rolled his eyes at him, feeling a sense of happiness in her heart.

The maid saw that their group was either rich or noble, so she didn't underestimate them, but was very enthusiastic. Hearing their conversation, she was secretly shocked!

buy them all?
There are hundreds of top-quality spirit stones, so rich and self-willed!

Long Yanran had chosen everything, but when she asked about the price, she was taken aback. There were dozens of top-quality spirit stones for a bottle, and it was still a luxury.

Little Irene stared at the bottles and said, "Mother, you like to paint this, aha."

She even recognized a bottle, which was her mother's favorite.

(End of this chapter)

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