Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 773

Chapter 773
Big leap!
Xin Zhao had already arrived in front of You Yue, and immediately wanted to take her down, but the latter was stunned, secretly thinking that there was such a terrifying look in his eyes.


Ling Yun shouted!

"Brother Yun, she...she..." Xin Zhao really wanted to say, she might know those things!

Ling Yun waved his hand and said calmly: "It doesn't matter!"

Xin Zhao withdrew his hand, regained his expression, and looked at You Yue with a half-smile.

You Yue's face was livid with fright, and she didn't say a word.

In a moment!
She walked off the stage in a calm state of mind.

"If there is nothing wrong, this Ten Thousand Clans Conference will end." Ling Yun turned his head and said.


Seeing that Ling Yun was about to leave and no one spoke, Yantian Sword Emperor shouted.

Ling Yun didn't turn his head back, his tone was cold: "What's the matter?"

This attitude made Yantian Sword Emperor very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"This is a letter of challenge!" Yantian Sword Emperor still had a respectful attitude, cupped his fists, took out a letter from the storage ring, and floated it to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun turned his head and stared at the challenge letter in front of him, chuckled, and asked curiously, "Whose? Why didn't you send it yourself?"

Dong Shenzun took it with one hand and took it apart!

Yantian Sword Emperor replied: "The time of arrival was given by the Demon Race Shura's subordinates. I owe him a favor, so I'm sorry to refuse."

Everyone was also very curious, none of them left, and their eyes were all on Dong Shenzun.

"Emperor, it's the demon king Shura's appointment to fight you." Dong Shenzun stroked his beard and finished speaking, with a frown on his face.

Bei Shenzun came over and said to Ling Yun: "Emperor, last night the great demon king of the demon clan stepped down, saying that he will not care about the demon clan in the future. This is a good thing."

Lingyun Diandian, although he didn't understand why the Great Demon King did this, it was none of his business.

King Shura?
Ling Yun sneered and said, "When will the fight be? Is it a fight to the death?"

"There is still a stick of incense in the time, and the content says it's a discussion." Dong Shenzun replied with a calm face.

Ling Yun said: "Yes, I want to see where his confidence is!"

After speaking, she returned to the seat next to An Qing and sat down.

Isn't it just after a stick of incense?

He can wait!

Dong Shenzun also nodded in response, and burned the challenge letter, so that King Shura could know that the Supreme God was up for the challenge.

Everyone looked happy!

No one wanted to miss the contest between King Shura and Taishang, so they had no intention of leaving.

"Master Zhenghe, please talk about Buddhism." Yantian Sword Emperor said to the representative of Putuo Temple with a smile.

Master Zhenghe pinched the Buddha beads with his fat head and big ears: "That's fine, the little monk will show his shame."

I just talked for a while...

You Yue is unhappy and irritable!

"Great monk, I don't want to listen to this, please tell us about King Shura."

She had heard that King Shura had turned from evil to righteousness, and she had already put down the butcher knife after being instructed by Putuo Temple.

Master Zhenghe smiled, put on the beads, and said, "King Shura, named after the Buddhist Dharma Protector, Asura..."

The little guy ran down unknowingly, touched Master Zhenghe's bald head, and listened curiously to him talking about King Shura one by one!
King Shura was full of sorrow when he was a child. His mother was a mortal, but his father was a demon. The two fell in love but it was unfortunate.

The war and famine of the demon clan consumed a lot of life on the land.

one day

His father died in battle, and his mother was in a time of war and troubled times.

Against this background, his mother gave birth to him successfully in a dilapidated temple.


In this chaotic era, how can a newborn child survive without incident? At the beginning, his mother was active, looking for food for him to fill his stomach.

His mother could no longer find food, and in desperation began to eat the corpses of beasts and human flesh on the side of the road.

Over time!
His mother thought badly about him, and threw him into the fire, waiting for his body to be roasted.

Fortunately, it rained heavily at the critical moment, and the rain extinguished the flame on his body.

His mother, Kong Youtian, lost her mind, so she screamed and left.

He survived like this, and soon grew to be ten years old. Just like his mother, he relied on monsters and human flesh to survive, gradually grew sharp fangs, and carried the ax left by his father with him.

All life in the world is prey in his eyes.

one day!
He was by a river, saw the old monk, and started hunting.

The old monk saw that he had eaten raw meat, and also saw the god Asura appearing behind him.

So he took action to subdue him, presided over him and named him King Shura.

The old monk knew that King Shura was suffering from pain all over his body, so he lost his humanity, so he asked him to contact human beings and learn how to become a human being.

Sometimes 15 years have passed!
King Shura has learned to speak, learned a lot, has a very high level of cultivation, but hates humans even more.

His brutally revived evil nature broke out again and ate a member of the sect.

At this time, the old monk passed by again and witnessed everything. The old monk lamented the fate and the arrangement of fate.

The old monk taught him to overcome the devil in his heart.

The more one's heart is biased towards the devil, the more painful it is. King Shura is in unbearable pain now.

It's because he's vacillating between being a devil and being a man.

King Shura covered his head frantically, and ran away in pain.

Thousands of years have passed!

King Shura had already grown into a giant. When he met the old monk again, he clasped his hands together and bowed slightly.

The old monk lamented that he still couldn't save him after all!
King Shura has developed a beast nature, he treats life like food.

Because the environment has taught him that if he is not cruel to others, then others will be cruel to himself.

The old monk is Xuanzhen of Daputuo Temple!
Xuanzhen couldn't transform King Shura, and couldn't get out of seclusion, thinking that he had learned Buddhism for nothing.

At this point in the story, Master Zhenghe sighed and stopped talking.

The little guy continued to touch his bald head, and the latter didn't mean to hinder her.

"Why did we hear that King Shura has converted to Buddhism?" Ji Wushuang frowned, looking pensive.

"It's just spreading rumors." Grandmaster Zhenghe shook his head, it was all fake, that one is the devil, and it is said that he is still slaughtering innocent people.


He is in the Mozu, and the Putuo Temple can't punish him. Xuanzhen gave him a hint before, and he is still grateful. He still listens to Xuanzhen's words.

The little guy said in a childish voice: "Big bald donkey, you look like Amitabha, so cute. Aha." After she finished speaking, she continued to touch, smiling from ear to ear.

You Yue looked at An Qing, and slowly stretched out her arms to hug the little guy.

The little guy was playing with her, and one flashed to the other side of Zhenghe and the master.

This move scared everyone!
Everyone has misjudged her, she is not an ordinary person at all, she has practiced the technique of concealing breath, and her cultivation base is unfathomable!

(End of this chapter)

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