Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

While teaching Beibei, Long Yanran told her that this is an example of disobedience.

The latter pouted, saying that children have no human rights.

The little guy was still angry after eating, and didn't talk to An Qing.

Whenever An Qing asked her something, she just hummed.

"Are you a little piggy? You know hum?"

"You are the little piggy, and Ma Ma is the little piggy." The little guy couldn't help retorting.

Beibei immediately said, "No, Aunt Ann is a big pig."

Little Eileen aha!
An Qing and Long Yanran's faces turned dark.

The situation was not good, Beibei flashed instantly, she didn't want to be beaten again.

Her handsome uncle is not here, no one to help them, poor!

At the moment, it is in the Ice Flame Cave under the Shenfeng Peak.

Many of the prisoners imprisoned there basically violated the great taboo of the God Realm.

Some were imprisoned for life, and they could not survive or die in a lifetime of pain.

Some came out in just a few decades, and after they came out, they were in a trance and couldn't bring up that memory.

Ice Flame Cave!
It was a place of extreme cold and heat. The coldness and heat made all the prisoners numb with fear. It was simply the top ten tortures. Half of the day was extremely cold and half of the day was extremely hot, which was unbearable.

Prisoners are all sealed and cultivated, and special people loosen their muscles and bones every day, and torture them day and night.

He went to see Happy Supreme!

To be precise, it is to extract his memory.

Just now, Dong Shenzun said that Tianmen has been making big moves, which is very mysterious.

Many lurking personnel in Tianmen Continent didn't know what was going on, and they suddenly couldn't be contacted yesterday.

Ling Yun didn't want to take care of these things at first, but Dong Shenzun kept nagging like a fly.

When Xiaoyao Zhizun saw that the person who came was not the person who tortured him in the past, but Ling Yun, he was even more frightened.

The man in front of him gave him endless fear, and he would never forget it for the rest of his life.

Without even asking, Ling Yun pressed his head...


A bone-piercing scream...

When Xiaoyao Zhizun was tormented by the icy air, his memory was pained out, and he passed out in a flash.

Ling Yun quickly sorted out his memory, then frowned.

The Tianmen organization is very large, reaching every star field and every continent.

Don't look at Xiaoyao Zhizun who looks very good, in fact, his status in Tianmen is a middle elder.

There are hundreds of elders like Xiaoyao Zhizun at least, but Xiaoyao Zhizun has a reliable father, and there are quite a few people in Tianmen who give face to their father and son.

In addition, Xiaoyao Zhizun has a wide range of friends and knows a lot of people.

The Tianmen elders are divided into ordinary disciples, low-level elders, middle-level elders, and high-level elders. Is there any above?Xiaoyaozhizun's memory doesn't know either.

As for the recent Tianmen God Mystery mentioned by Dong Shenzun, from memory, this Xiaoyao Zhizun doesn't know anything at all.

However, he did receive a little rumor that he seemed to be working for a certain important person.

At that time, Xiaoyao Zhizun just laughed?
Big man?
Is there anyone more important than the big shots in Tianmen?So he doesn't believe it.

He didn't dare to ask about what he was doing, and it was impossible to find out if he asked, so he simply pretended that he didn't know anything.

Ling Yun didn't get any useful news, so he left, thinking to himself, Xiaoyao Zhizun is really hot, and he is useless at all.

After leaving the Ice and Flame Cave, Dong Shenzun asked, "Is there any result?"

Ling Yun shook his head: "No."

Dong Shenzun was a little disappointed and asked, "What do you think? Do you want to go and have a look?"

"It's not like, maybe they're all in seclusion training? Don't be suspicious all day long." Ling Yun rolled his eyes at him and said sadly.

Dong Shenzun's eyes lit up instantly, what he said made sense, what was he worrying about, didn't he just kill a few people from the God Realm.

"That's right, do you need help with the auction of the building next month?"

"No, it's business as usual."


"If it's okay, the emperor will leave." Ling Yun was a little speechless, why is this old boy a little weird, different from usual.

"Yes, Dijun, can you not take pictures of the things you want to auction, I will buy them! Buy them all! Want them all!"

Dong Shenzun had an impatient expression and his tone became more and more excited. He finally mustered up the courage to speak out, as if it was very difficult.

Ling Yun shook his head with a smile!

Impossible, the news has been released, it doesn't matter whether the spirit stone is or not, it must be advertised to the Yuexia Auction Building to make it famous.

"Don't. Dijun!" Dong Shenzun didn't give up, and was lazy, like a child asking for candy, which really made Ling Yun dumbfounded.

As for it?
Artifacts and elixir are just common goods.

If Dong Shenzun knew what Ling Yun was thinking, he would beat his chest and stamp his feet.

He is the only one who is too godlike, so he thinks it is an ordinary product.

"I wonder if you guys are rich oil spills?"

"Ahem, not too much, not too much..." Dong Shenzun was embarrassed, and understood what Ling Yun meant.

Ling Yun's forehead went black!
not much?

What do you mean?
Not many can buy all the items on his list to be auctioned.

What does that mean?

How angry, I didn't expect these old boys to be so rich, but I underestimated them.

After all, it has managed the God Realm for tens of millions of years, for sure.

"Keep it for the elderly!!" Ling Yun said and left.

He is not short of artifacts and elixir.

It's okay to tip a few old men when you have time, but their performance has been unsatisfactory recently, and I can't even praise them.

Dong Shenzun looked at Ling Yun's back, with black lines all over his head!

He thought too.

But reality doesn't allow it.


As soon as Ling Yun came back, the little guy ran over aggrieved, with his mouth crooked, as if he was about to cry.

"What's the matter?" Ling Yun was puzzled, what's wrong with this child?

"Hug." The little guy stretched out his hand to hug, but no matter what Ling Yun asked, she didn't answer.

"Bebe, come here quickly."

Helpless, Ling Yun could only find Bei Bei.

Beibei was happy, finally looking forward to Ling Yun's return, and immediately ran over, scratched his head, and said: "Huh?"

"What's up with her?"

Beibei looked around to make sure that An Qing was not there before she said, "My sister was beaten by Aunt An, it hurts." Her tone was still aggrieved.

The little guy lay in Ling Yun's arms, began to cry, and his body was still twitching slightly.

When Ling Yun learned the specific reason, he didn't blame An Qing. How could this child not eat? Isn't this worrying?

"Little Qianqian doesn't cry, daddy forgot, I will definitely come back and cook for you next time."

This is the reason why the little guy really lost his temper.

What about giving her delicious food for every meal?Even if something happens, won't you tell her?There used to be reasons not to cook, but now there is nothing.

The little guy rubbed his eyes, and said in a choked tone: "No, no, don't lie to the children."

Ling Yun smiled!

Finally got the little guy done.

(End of this chapter)

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