Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 815 An acquaintance is here

Chapter 815 An acquaintance is here
They don't want to miss such a good thing, just the artifact is enough to make them greedy.

The little guy was lying on the guardrail on the top floor, looking straight down, and saw a familiar figure!

After a laugh, she disappeared.

When she reappeared, she was in Mrs. Ghost's arms.

That's right!

The little guy just saw Mrs. Ghost, this woman is the focus of everyone's attention no matter where she goes.

Mrs. Gui was taken aback, thinking that someone had become more courageous and dared to sneak attack her?

It turned out to be her baby girl!
"Sissy, I think I'm dead, why are you here? Where's your sister?" Mrs. Ghost stopped her immediately, with an excited expression on her face.

"Aha!" The little guy was very happy, shook his head, didn't answer, just laughed.

The one who came with Mrs. Ghost is the Ghost Emperor!

He wasn't excited, he was still thinking about why the little guy suddenly appeared just now?
The question is, who is this baby?There seems to be some fluctuations in the body.

The monks in the surrounding twelve domains wanted to take the place of the little guy, and they also wanted to hug him.

Ling Yun has a headache!
This identity will be exposed again.

Beibei was gone too, Little Irene and Ji Wushuang curled their lips, they weren't that awesome.

"Uncle Huang, this is what the concubine told you. How about my daughter? Isn't she cute?" Mrs. Ghost pinched the little guy's face and introduced it to the King of Ghosts with a smile.


The Ghost Emperor remembered, Mrs. Ghost said at the time that she recognized several daughters, one of which was the daughter of Devil May Cry, and Devil May Cry was the brat who rescued him.

"Boy, where is your father?" Ghost Emperor asked.

The little guy replied: "Up there." Littlefinger pointed to the highest auction building.

The ghost emperor has an expression of I believe you, above?Isn't that the place of Taishenjun?
It's impossible for Devil May Cry to be too godly, but his subordinates?It's also impossible, so how could such an awesome brat be someone else's subordinate?

"Godmother!" Beibei hugged Mrs. Ghost's slender thighs as soon as she appeared.

"Babe!" Mrs. Ghost was pleasantly surprised again, but she still didn't realize why they suddenly appeared.

"Beibei misses you so much." Beibei said in a childish voice.

Some God Realm city masters who were familiar with them swallowed their saliva. Is this woman the godmother of the big and small princesses?Ghost Island has a great relationship with the Taishen Lord and cannot be offended.

The ghost emperor said: "It seems that you are not free, and the old man just wants to go around, so you can do whatever you want."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards some shops that sold things.

Mrs. Ghost didn't care either!

"A kiss."


"Godmother, I want to kiss you too." Beibei said coquettishly.

"I can't do without you, you come here with my concubine, it's hard to talk here." Mrs. Ghost said, her eyes rolled around, she was speechless, they were all stinky men, staring at her all the time.

The little guy looked at the direction Mrs. Ghost was going and shook his head: "Wrong."

Beibei directly dragged Mrs. Ghost to the auction building.

"Bei Bei, did you go the wrong way?" Mrs. Ghost asked with a twitch of her mouth.

This place is not open yet, so I can't get in, and there are six guards at the door.

Beibei shook her head: "No, no."

"Don't make trouble, the concubine wants to cry to the devil, where is he?" Mrs. Ghost's face flushed slightly!
"Papa?" The little guy blinked and asked, Devil May Cry's name was a bit familiar, but he just couldn't remember it.

Babe remembers, so um, um!

There was a commotion in the distance!
The crowd parted like a tide, leaving a human-shaped path.

Accompanied by Empress Linglong and Lu Yao, An Qing strolled over.

That outfit!


Stunning Twelve Realm Eyeballs, this set was designed by An Qing for herself, a combination of Blue Star and God Realm fashion.

A red body, a phoenix crown and a xiapei, the skin of her arms is like white snow, the place she walks is like a fairy walkway, and there is a fairy air of white mist around her, her handsome face is covered by a layer of tulle, like a beautiful landscape.

It was this layer of tulle, so beautiful that it shocked the eyes of men.

The people only read the speeches, before they came here, they had to inquire more or less about the news, and they dared not mess around.

Beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth!

"Why did you come down?" An Qing walked to the auction building, and saw the little guy in the arms of a strange woman, and Beibei was led by her.

Although this woman is wearing a black silk veil, An Qing has such sharp eyesight that she can see the alluring face of Mrs. Ghost's disaster at a glance.


An Qing immediately remembered that she had seen this woman before, and that photo was a photo of the little guy in the Great Sword City of the Wuhun Continent.

At that time Ling Yun lied to her, saying that the photo was from P, that woman?Little Irene said it was her mother, who was nothing like the princess.

Mrs. Gui was stunned, at a loss for a moment, but the empress in front of her?Ninety-nine percent of the show is right.

Just now?

Did you tell them?

Mrs. Ghost didn't know, and didn't dare to ask.

An Qing's face remained calm, she went directly into the auction building, said and asked if she had anything to say.

The little guy got down from Mrs. Ghost's embrace, and ran towards An Qing with short legs, while Bei Bei pulled Mrs. Ghost who was in a trance.

"Ma Ma, Ma Ma, you are so beautiful." The little guy grabbed An Qing's red robe, blinking his beautiful eyes.

Empress Linglong and Lu Yao smiled without saying a word, secretly thinking that the little princess's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter.

An Qing looked back and smiled, lifted her up with her hand, and said, "Who is more beautiful?"

The little guy looked at An Qing, thinking about Mrs. Gui, hesitating.

Mrs. Ghost was stunned at the door, those divine guards didn't stop them?
Can I really get in?
While thinking about it, Beibei had already pulled her in.


When I first entered, I was attracted by the little guy's laughter before I had time to appreciate the decorations.

Beibei hurriedly introduced: "Aunt An, this is godmother."

After blinking, he added: "You have money."

"Aha!" The little guy smiled: "You have money."

Mrs. Ghost is embarrassed...

Where is she rich?

An Qing smiled slightly, and began to look Mrs. Gui up and down.

Mrs. Gui was a little uncomfortable being seen. It turned out that her goddaughter knew the empress.

"The concubine is so polite!"

"Sister, you're welcome, these etiquettes will be avoided." An Qing said.I thought to myself, Beibei's godmother?Her daughter may also have a share.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Mama, this is Yan Mama, they are all beautiful."

After finishing speaking, I wanted An Qing to praise her!
Both of them were said to be beautiful by her, so An Qing was naturally flattered.

"You really know how to talk." An Qing laughed and squatted down to pinch her face.

The little guy replied without blushing, "Really." Those big round eyes were very moving.

Beibei's eyes wandered back and forth between An Qing and Mrs. Gui.

Since they all knew each other, An Qing started chatting with Mrs. Gui, just like checking household registration.

Mrs. Ghost swallowed hard!

This is not true, is it?

Sissi just called the Empress to be her mother?

Chaos, chaos!
She was a little confused about the relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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