Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 821 Seven Star Knife

Chapter 821 Five Star Knife
The little guy will not give up, his eyes are fixed on the five-star knife of Guangzhu.

"Ma Ma, is that knife also for sale?"


"I understand, I can shout too."

Hear it!

An Qing hurriedly covered the little guy's mouth, she couldn't let her bid randomly.

"Qi Qian, don't make trouble, go and play with Brother Ling Yun." Long Yanran carried her out.

Don't do it, little guy!
Long Yanran muttered a few words, and she immediately ran out in a hurry.

Bei Bei was dumbfounded.

An Qing asked: "Yanran, what did you tell her? Is she so obedient?"

"Ha, I told her, Ling Yun is drinking."

"Haha." An Qing also laughed, why didn't she think of this trick.

Beibei's face turned black, she heard it all, how could she lie to her sister.

For this knife!

The strong have different opinions!
Empress Linglong clapped her hands, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, the bidding begins, starting with 50 yuan of top-quality spirit stones."

"300 yuan." Nan Wu Wentian shouted.

The scene suddenly fell silent!
"500 dollars."

"one thousand!"

"two thousand!"



"1 yuan of top quality spirit stones."

The scene fell silent again!


So hot?

Empress Linglong asked, "Is there anyone with a higher bid?"

"1000 yuan!"

Immediately, someone started bidding again...

Top floor!

Ling Yun smiled slightly, very satisfied.

The little guy ran up angrily, sweating profusely.

"Bad papa!"

As soon as she came, she beat Ling Yun, who was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked speechlessly.

The little guy just hummed and didn't speak.

Qianye smiled at the same time: "Does she miss you so much, it's like three autumns since I don't see you for a moment."

"Really?" Ling Yun asked with a smile, and tried to scratch her armpit.

"Hmph!" The little guy acted like a baby, and immediately dodged Ling Yun's troublemaker, and put his arms around his neck.

"Dijun, can I discuss something with you." Qianye said a little embarrassed, her face was slightly red.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you lend me some spirit stones..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Ling Yun frowned.

"You also know that Xuanwu City needs a lot of money, and Liuxian's has been destroyed, and all the spirit stones have been turned into spirit energy."

"Is that so?" Ling Yun seemed to be hesitating...

Little guy: "Is that so?" Then she asked again: "Does Papa have money?"

"Qi Qian, Dad is dead poor, do you have any money? Lend me first." Ling Yun's dad looked at the little guy with clear and moving eyes.

The little guy kissed her father, touched his pocket, and replied in a childish voice: "Not much."

The little hands took out several top-quality spirit stones from their pockets one after another.

"Just like that?"

"Not much more." The little guy pursed his mouth aggrievedly, his brows furrowed slightly, and he was so cute.

"These are not enough, what should I do?"

"Mama, there are a lot of them, I've seen them all." The little guy rolled his eyes.

"Okay, just lend me these, and you can ask your mother to go." Ling Yun put down the little guy, and the latter ran downstairs, really obedient.

"It's so interesting, I really envy you father and daughter." Qianye smiled, only she could understand how much sadness was contained in this smile.

"Okay, wait for the five-star knife to be auctioned, and I'll lend you the spirit stone when I get it." Lingyun Xinfu smiled, showing charming dimples.

"I'm afraid it's not enough!" Qianye said with a slight frown.

The Lingshi in Xuanwu City alone cost 2 to [-] million, and the price of a five-star knife is estimated to be more than [-].

Ling Yun thought about it!

"The auction is over, and this emperor will help you make up enough."

"Well, thank you."

"It's okay, the emperor wants a drop of your blood, so you can sell it to me."

"Ah?" Qianye was dumbfounded, her blood essence was very rare, but she was also startled: "It doesn't matter how much you want."

Ling Yun replied calmly: "Well, just one drop, it hurts you too much."

Qianye's heart is full of sweetness, at least she can still be cared about, it is progress for her.

The Five-Star Knife has already reached the asking price of 2 yuan for the best Lingshi.

The enthusiasm has not diminished, and it seems that there is no pain in Lingshi at all, which is in stark contrast to the puppets that were auctioned just now.

Empress Linglong said: "Is there anyone else to bid? If there is no one to bid, the five-star knife will belong to the 310 private room."

Room 310 is Nan Wu Wen Tian!

At this moment, he was worried and prayed that he would not bid any more. 2 yuan for top-quality spirit stones was much better.

The truth is not what he thought!

"Twenty thousand and fifty yuan."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone held their breath, and then discussed one after another.

"Tsk tsk, it's too high."

"It's definitely a little higher. In the past, the highest price for artifacts in other auctions was only [-], but it was not a royal product."

"The imperial product is [-] yuan, and the enhanced version is worth it. If it exceeds [-] yuan, you should be cautious."

"Twenty thousand and twenty thousand more than fifty are not much different."

"Quiet!" Empress Linglong frowned, she was still in the auction, why did it get discussed, is it like this in general auctions?She is speechless.

"Is there anyone else asking for a price?"

"Twenty thousand and one hundred!" Nan Wuwentian was in so much pain, he hated the person who just called him for the price, and said in his heart, don't let him know who it is, or... hum!
After shouting this price, most people stopped and could only sit down and watch the show.

"Congratulations, distinguished guest of box 310, you have successfully photographed the first artifact in this auction, and we will have a special person in charge go to your box for the follow-up work."

After the Empress Linglong finished speaking, the five-star knife in the beam of light slowly rotated and inserted straight into the 310 box.

As soon as Nan Wuwentian grasped it, he was very excited and felt the power of the five-star knife.

He felt that with this knife, Yuexia City would cease to exist with one easy blow.

Before paying off the Lingshi, the knife was given to him first, which has to be said to be too crazy.

"This artifact was also refined by the Supreme Lord. Hey, it's really a bargain for 310." Murong Chong sighed deeply.

He had already seen the black palace logo on the inconspicuous hilt of the knife. To see this logo, he stared at it for a long time, and his eyes hurt.

"Ha, who told Dad that you have no money." Xinhuang joked.

Xinyue sticks out her tongue: "When the Lingshi is used up, I will hate less."


She said something to Murong Chong, and went out to look for the private room of the Low Immortal Palace.

Not long after the little guy ran to An Qing's place, it happened that Nan Wuwen Tianfu's spirit stone was delivered.

A storage ring filled with spirit stones.

"Mama, I don't have a share? Papa wants to borrow money."

"Why does your father want money? Baby, this spirit stone is not ours, it's melon skin."

The little guy shook his head, knowing not to betray Ling Yun: "Little Bai Shu?"

"Dabai?" Beibei didn't believe it, she had heard it all here, that this spirit stone belonged to Aunt An.

An Qing stopped asking, but changed the subject and asked if she was thirsty?

(End of this chapter)

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