Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 823 Immortal Emperor Taiyi

Chapter 823 Immortal Emperor Taiyi
Her father, Xia Houba, is proficient in many martial arts, such as swords, which are dispensable and do not need to be filial.

Besides, even if you participate in the bidding, it may not necessarily go to her family.

Room 150!
The two elders of the Pill God Sect sighed together: "It's a divine weapon again, when will the pill be auctioned off, I'm dying of anxiety."

They were very excited just now, they were 100% sure that it was an ancient alchemy technique, and taking pictures of that hair growth pill was like a treasure.

The dialogue between the two was heard by the elder Sun Wuji, the Lord of the Four Heavens next door...


Didn't you just auction off the hair growth pill?The two old men are probably suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Changsun Wuji is a magician, a powerful god of law, and his strength is second only to the Martial Ancestor God Emperor among the nine gods.

He came to the auction, as long as it was for those exercises, martial arts, and other artifacts?Elixir?Neither suits him.

After seeing the list, he was full of interest in the fire ganoderma again. If he can get the fire ganoderma, he is expected to absorb the fire element between heaven and earth, and his strength will be improved to a higher level by then.

In box 201!
The Taurus Emperor died speechless, not because he was reluctant to buy the five-star sword from Lingshi, but because it exceeded his budget.

He came here for that Heaven-Defying Pill!
At this moment, he is also very interested in this sword, but he is too shy.

"Emperor Guapi is really uninteresting, why didn't he say that there are so many good things when the crystal card is issued? I don't even have enough money."

He slapped the table hard, his eyes looked a little confused.

The ghost emperor in box 850 muttered to himself: "Where is Concubine Yan Xue? I'm dying of anxiety!"

"This sword looks pretty good, hey!"

He died speechless, most of the spirit stones were not on him, even if he was photographed, no one would pay for it.

The person in private room 851 is Immortal Emperor Taiyi, the Lord of the Sixth Heavenly Layer, dressed in white.

How handsome?Not as good as Ling Yun, not as good as Gua Pi, and at the same level as Ji Wushuang and Xin Zhao.

At this moment, he looked like he was staying out of the matter, and he was sitting cross-legged, and he started to practice. This kind of person is like this, he practices whenever he has time, and usually retreats.

This time I was lucky enough to receive a crystal card as soon as I left the customs, so I took a look when I was bored.

He intends to auction off some kung fu skills, so he can go back and practice them when he has time.

He is not only God, but in the sixth heaven, there is a sect called Taiyi Golden Gate.

He is the master!
This sect is very interesting. It only accepts the early disciples of the Immortal Emperor, and all those who join are masters of the sixth heaven.

Immortal Emperor Taiyi?

Xin Zhao knew it, but in the future...that is, the Guangming Era before the restart era, he and Immortal Emperor Taiyi participated in the battle of destroying the world, and they were all allies.

The sixth heavenly god was severely injured by Ye Lingyun in the Middle Ages, and then withdrew from healing his wounds until he was crushed by Ye Lingyun when he beat Lingyun in a group in the battle of annihilation.

At this moment his door was being knocked by Xin Zhao, Immortal Emperor Taiyi slightly opened his eyes, squinting at the door with displeasure.


"Open the door!"

Immortal Emperor Taiyi gently flicked his sleeves.

The door is open!
"Who are you?" Immortal Emperor Taiyi was clearly furious.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't know me, but I know you, little needle mushroom? Ha!" Xin Zhao covered his mouth and joked with a smile.

Small needle mushroom?
Immortal Emperor Taiyi panicked at first, and then let out all his aura, without even realizing that this is an auction building.

The terrifying fluctuations began to sweep towards the surrounding boxes.

A certain immortal emperor in the box next door smiled and said to himself, "Interesting."

You Yue frowned slightly: "Someone is trying to die? There is a good show to watch, and maybe you can see the emperor."

Xiahou Yanyan excitedly said: "Is it true?"

Nan Wu Wentian: "Oh..."

Recalling that Taishenjun is a little abnormal, his complexion is a bit bad, and he will have to practice harder in the future.

Xin Zhao smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Why are you panicking? Why are you getting angry?"

Only then did Immortal Emperor Taiyi withdraw his momentum, but he wasn't worried that others would say he was causing trouble.

"I don't know you, how do you know?"

"It's a long story, let's not talk about it, we used to be an alliance, and you took good care of me."

Xin Zhao said, he was moved a little bit in his heart, at that time he was only an immortal, so he was sent to participate in the battle to destroy the world, thanks to Immortal Emperor Taiyi who took care of him like a big brother.


Immortal Emperor Taiyi frowned slightly, looked Xin Zhao up and down, he was sure he didn't know this person, could his head be abnormal?Got it wrong?

Probably not, the secret is known, and it is impossible to admit it.

"Time is running out. Let's have a drink. When Qianxi comes back, Brother Yun will be scared. If you don't know each other, let's get to know each other again."

Without further ado!

This acridine directly dragged the bewildered Immortal Emperor Taiyi away.


Everyone was stunned, all right?What's the matter?

Even Empress Linglong was puzzled, and she didn't dare to ask.

A very pleasant voice sounded: "Continue!"

The voice came from box 999, it was An Qing!

The little guy was excited: "Ma Ma, it's Ma Ma."

Mrs. Xueying replied: "Yes, yes, yes, don't jump, look at you, you are sweating profusely." She wiped the sweat from her forehead while speaking.

Empress Linglong nodded: "The auction starts with 100 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, starting now!"

"One thousand!" Shangguan Yun shouted!

The Ghost Emperor brushed off his presence: "One thousand and five." After he finished speaking, he didn't intend to speak.


Everyone is starting to get better...

Top floor!

Xin Zhao dragged the stupid Immortal Emperor Taiyi here, he couldn't believe it.


I thought it was a young servant, but I didn't expect it to be a big boss, even the emperor knew him.

"Get to know each other." Xin Zhao smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh... oh... you... hello, I'm Taiyi!" Immortal Taiyi introduced himself hesitantly, unable to adapt for a while.

"Hello!" Ling Yun smiled slightly, he recognized this person, then poured two glasses of wine, and handed one to Immortal Emperor Taiyi: "I'm sorry."

Immortal Emperor Taiyi didn't know what was going on, took the glass of wine and said, "You're welcome!"

"What are you doing? Sit down quickly and roll the dice." Emperor Guapi was smoking a cigarette, his face was red, and his brain was completely alcoholic.

Qianye on the side said: "Can you do it? If you can't, just step back, it's getting worse and worse."

Got it!

Being despised by a woman, he refused to accept: "A man must do it."

Ji Wushuang is here!
"Damn it, why didn't Pinjiu call me?"

While talking, he moved the stool to sit down, and took the cigarette on the table to smoke.

"Ahem, aren't you looking at beautiful women?" Xin Zhao gave a contemptuous look.

Ji Wushuang was powerless to refute!
"Uncle, where is Qianxi?" Ji Wuxue asked, none of the friends on the top floor were there?
Ling Yun replied, "Take a look at Box 999."

Ji Wuxue let out a cry, and immediately ran downstairs.

The corner of Immortal Emperor Taiyi's mouth twitched, what's the situation, drinking here?Isn't it being auctioned?
Xin Zhao said impatiently: "Hurry up, Sissy will be troublesome when she comes."

Ling Yun nodded, sat down immediately, and rolled the dice!
(End of this chapter)

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