Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 831

Chapter 831

The Guapi Emperor lost another game, and finally he was so drunk that he fell down, and everyone laughed.

An Qing just looked at it for a while, and immediately went back to the 999 box.

Now the auction is the tenth item, a pair of artifact shoes!
Empress Linglong introduced: "The ones on the beam of light are the walking shoes. Wearing them, you don't need to expend your true energy to step through the air, and you can also walk thousands of miles."

"Swift shoes are invulnerable to water and fire. You can change the size at will."

Following the introduction of Linglong Empress Dao, many people expressed their interest.

The little guy obeyed Ling Yun's words and wreak havoc!
"Ten thousand!"

Before the filming started, her childish voice resounded throughout the auction building.

Empress Linglong knew it was her as soon as she heard it, so she said: "The price for box 999 is [-]!"

The corner of Dong Shenzun's mouth twitched!
"Twenty thousand!"

Everyone is speechless!

Great speed, this is [-]?

Empress Linglong said to Box 950, "I'm sorry, the [-] you bid is invalid."

Dong Shenzun was confused and asked, "Why?"

Empress Linglong said: "There are only five artifacts. In order to prevent others from auctioning off two pieces, so that other people can't take pictures, so the emperor stipulated that those who have already photographed artifacts cannot take another artifact."

Ten thousand horses galloped past Dong Shenzun's heart!

God of Wealth strikes [-] points critically in his heart...

Everyone responded and shouted, they like this rule!
Box 901!

Queen Yaoyue chuckled and said, "Cousin, let's bid!"

Qixian froze for a moment, didn't ask anything, and directly shouted: "2."

The old woman asked curiously, "Your Majesty likes those shoes?"

"No!" Queen Yaoyue shook her head: "I just want to tease that child."

The little guy rolled his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Sister... How much do you shout?"

Beibei said, "Twenty thousand."

Ji Wuxue shook her head...

Little Irene: "Ten thousand just now, now ten thousand!"

Long Jiani laughed: "No, someone has already shouted more than 2."

"Listen... now the price is [-] outside, so you can only call for a higher price." Long Yanran explained.

Long Jiani was careful enough: "For example, twenty-five thousand, twenty-six thousand, twenty-seven thousand, twenty-eight thousand, whatever!"

The little guy nodded to show that he understood, then ran to the guardrail and shouted to the Linglong Empress below: "Sister Fairy, twenty-eight thousand!"

Long Yanran held back!Can't vomit blood!
Just shout, why did you run out to let everyone see it!

Also raise the price so high!

The little guy is not afraid!

There are many voices around...

"Should this be the daughter of the Supreme God?"

"Is it intentionally raising the price?"

"I'm not convinced! Is this intentional?"

Empress Linglong motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then explained leisurely.

"Maybe the little princess likes this pair of shoes? If you can't accept the price, you don't have to shout."

After hearing the words, there is no need for everyone to say anything, she has the final say on breaking the rules.

Too high!
Shoes are useless!
Dong Shen respectfully beat his chest and stomped his feet, he also wanted to shoot [-] yuan, they are all a bunch of ignorant people, but this breaks the rules.

Box 340!

Murong Chong shouted: "Thirty thousand!"

He saw the black palace logo again, and now it is basically certain that the auction items are basically the items of the Supreme God, and there is no doubt that he refined them.

Thirty thousand!

It’s not a loss to be able to take pictures smoothly!

Qi Xian shouted: "Thirty thousand one!"

The little guy asked Long Jiani again...

After figuring it out, she shouted again: "Thirty-five thousand!"


There was an uproar...

An Qing seemed to know what Ling Yun had just said to Qianqian, she just smiled lightly and didn't stop her, she was probably a little curious at the same time.

What are you curious about?
Curious why Ling Yun asked Sissy to do this?

Murong Chong sighed again and again, the price was too high, he couldn't afford it, Xinhuang on the side comforted him.

Qixian got the nod from Yaoyue Queen and shouted again: "Thirty-eight thousand!"

The little guy huffed angrily: "Hmph, forty thousand..."

Queen Yaoyue smiled, plucked the strings, and said, "Why is this child so cute!"

"Cousin? Still shouting?"


Qi Xian was full of questions: "Forty-one!"

The little guy laughed, clapped his hands, and muttered, "It's not fun."

Everyone is speechless!

Queen Yaoyue gave a wry smile. When she heard the little guy laughing, she regretted being tricked by the little guy!

Do not!
To be precise, he was tricked by the Supreme God!

Queen Yaoyue thought to herself, nothing escapes her eyes.

I thought I had successfully traded [-] top-grade spirit stones, but now I'm going to spit them out again!


The Lord Taishang is not the one who suffers!
It also cost thousands of top-quality spirit stones, so don't miss it if you lose money!
"Your Majesty, Taishang is too cunning to use his daughter to lure us." The old woman also guessed it, with a look of anger.

Qixian's face is all black!

Queen Yaoyue said: "We are careless, we think we are smart, but in fact everything is controlled by the Supreme God."

The old woman was not convinced, and wanted to continue talking, but Queen Yaoyue interrupted her and told her to prepare the spirit stone.

For a price of [-], no one would be stupider than them.

So it was no surprise that the walking shoes were photographed by the Yaoyue Queen, and the price of these shoes was at most around [-].

Qi Xian comforted: "Just take it as a lesson."

Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched: "It's too expensive."

The old woman said: "Why don't I go to cheat again?"

Queen Yaoyue waved her hand: "No, he's already prepared."

The old woman just couldn't swallow it.

Room 222!

Mo Liancheng laughed haha: "This silly girl is so cute, I like you even more, Yaoyue!!"

No loss is the domain owner!

He was able to crack Ling Yun's formation and sense who number 901 is.

Diya in Room 106 recalled that when he saw the little guy just now, he always felt something was wrong!
Do you have cultivation?
No cultivation?
These two questions lingered in his mind, and he was so strong that he still couldn't see through a child.

Nan Wuwentian in room 310 smiled and said, "Why are there so many idiots?"

In fact, what he also wanted to shout was that there was no spirit stone, embarrassment, and he was too shameless to say that.

There is one that has a different vision from others, and it is from Box 599.

He is the one-eyed boy from the Demon Gu Sect, that single eye looked at the little guy with a ruthless look.

It was a complete accident to come here. He had chosen the second way to come to the God Realm, and it turned out to be a bit bloody.

He met a friend in the endless sea, who was originally a killer, and would not be friends with people who were not killers, and there were very few.

His friend is a casual cultivator, and the crystal card was given to him. He was randomly selected by Emperor Guapi, and he was so lucky to get it.

So Cyclops entered Yuexia City together, always looking for opportunities to attack.

When he saw the little guy just now, he was still very excited. It was fine if he was a family member of the Taishang Lord. As long as he killed one, the mission would be considered complete.

(End of this chapter)

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