Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 834 Did something happen?

Chapter 834 Did something happen?
This acridine!
Still too young!

Don't you know anyone on Ghost Island?The servant shook his head and smiled wryly, secretly thinking that Xia Luo is an idiot.

Ghost Island is so famous, he must know it, but he didn't pay attention to the sign, and now he sees that there is a small skull on the tiger's mouth on Mrs. Ghost's left hand.

"Sorry to bother you, I'll leave right away." Xia Luo swallowed, staying away, must stay away.

Ghost Island's reputation spread far and wide!

He doesn't want to court death!

Beibei murmured: "Godmother, is Beibei fierce?" After speaking, she raised her head and looked at Mrs. Ghost. That cute stupid appearance made the latter laugh for a while.

It's all cute to the bottom of my heart.

"Boom, eat quickly, I'll buy toys for you later and see if there are any here." Mrs. Ghost said happily.

Beibei puffed up her cheeks like an angry little toad.

"If you kill them like this in the future, they will definitely be afraid."

Mrs. Ghost shook her head: "It's better for you to be cute, why are you so fierce."

The little guy said in a baby voice, "Yeah, Sissy is the cutest, yay!"


Mrs. Ghost couldn't help it, she smiled more today than last year.

Beibei gnawed at the mutton: "It's delicious!"

"You are too hungry."

"certainly not!"

"But this mutton is really good." Mrs. Ghost has an appetite, so I'm sorry because it's in the public eye.

"Sister, eat quickly, don't let little Irene find out, there is also Xiaoxue."

"Yeah, yum!"

The little guy started licking his fingers, his hands were oily.

"Dirty, don't do this, your little hands are not clean, you can't do this."


It took more than half an hour, and the two little guys ate more than half of the whole sheep. Mrs. Ghost was dumbfounded and underestimated their stomachs.

I saw Beibei lying on the chair, touching her round belly: "What should I do, it's so big?"

The little guy's stomach was also swollen, and his little hands kept rubbing his stomach.

Mrs. Ghost is still a little worried about whether they will make it through!

Auction building!
Now the fourth artifact is being auctioned!

The asking price reached [-]!
After two accidents, everyone began to show their faces.

Shangguan Yun shouted seven thousand!

Many people who knew him did not dare to bid, and could not afford to offend him.

Nan Wu Wen Tian scolded...

Youyue in box 310 said: "Doesn't the emperor care?"

Xiahou Yanyan said: "I should know, maybe it's some kind of trick."

What kind of plan is there, he just thinks too much.

Ling Yun knew that this kind of situation was anticipated in the original design.

Just let them hate each other!
He doesn't believe that someone has such a big face?If you have the ability, you can buy an artifact with 100 yuan of top-quality spirit stones! !

An Qing would not allow such a thing to happen.

The Cancer domain owner in room 100 is really innocent, he smiled leisurely, he likes not to give face the most.

"Seven thousand one!"

"Seven thousand three!"

Shangguan said: "Seven thousand and four."


A very loud laugh!

"Ha ha!"

Most of the people looked down on Box 106.

It's Dia!
Laughing arrogantly, that look seemed to despise the common people.

"Seven thousand five!"

The last word actually formed an echo, so terrifying.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of a certain immortal emperor Sanxiu's mouth.

Top floor!

Su Min's face turned pale, apparently a little affected.

Xin Zhao looked angry: "Is he crazy? As for what?"

Immortal Emperor Taiyi said: "It is necessary, he is threatening everyone, Qiqian just wants to take pictures, it is simply wishful thinking."

Ji Wushuang cheered up and said, "He's very strong."

Xin Zhao smiled disdainfully: "Strong?"

Qianye frowned, looking at Ling Yun, who smiled lightly.

The gods in the 950 box had serious eyes, Dong Shenzun said: "Di Ya is still the same domineering."

Xi Shenzun curled his lips, what are you talking about?They still have an invincible emperor.

Room 310!
You Yue shook her head and laughed: "It's interesting, the handsome Di Ya actually spoke."

"Sister, who is more powerful than my idol or Di Yabi?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen them make a move, how can I judge?"

You Yue complained speechlessly!

Box No. 99 Ben sneered: "I don't know if it's a provocation?"

Martial Ancestor God Emperor in box 780 frowned slightly, and said nothing, his expression seemed to be bad.

The Eastern old lady in box 333, the master of the Aquarius star field: "Is Di Ya starting to be unreasonable?"

Dongfang Rumeng said: "Don't you dare to shout?"

The old woman in the east smiled: "We are not auctioning artifacts, so there is no need to provoke him. We are like a mad dog, going crazy and biting people."

Dongfang Rumeng covered her mouth and smiled, it was really an interesting metaphor.

Wan Sanqian in Room 444 is still hesitating, should he ask for a price?

How old is he?

Wan Sanqian's eyes were dismissive, and the corner of his mouth was filled with a contemptuous smile.

Box 966!

Baili taunted: "Go to the blood crow? Visit Diya?"

"My little bird said, no." Baili Gusu played with those purple birds.

They were still sitting at the table, facing each other, one red and one purple were quite dazzling.

Box 901!

The old woman said: "This armor is not bad. Did Di Ya take a fancy to it? It's been a long time since I've been here, and it's the first time I've heard him ask for a price."

Qixian: "Tsk tsk, it really is the strongest, so imposing, what does my cousin think?"

Queen Yaoyue frowned slightly, she remained silent...

Qixian thought she was in a daze, and shouted again: "Cousin? Cousin?"

The old woman said: "Seventh Young Master, don't disturb Your Majesty, she is thinking about something."

Qi Xian was speechless, walked to the edge of the guardrail, and looked sideways at Di Ya in 106. The latter's eyes were deep, like a bottomless pit.

Box 999!

An Qing asked Empress Hanyue about Di Ya's background, but she was not afraid.

Empress Hanyue was also frightened for a while, patting her heart repeatedly.

Long Jiani said: "We can't let him take pictures easily."

Long Yanran nodded, and walked to the guardrail: "Ten thousand!"


Everyone almost thought it was a hallucination, and there are people who openly oppose Dia?

Who is it?

Box 999?

I don't know that woman, who the hell is she?
Could it be that it was instigated by the Supreme God?
Dia laughed wildly again: "Haha, you guys continue."

what's the situation?
Is this admitting cowardice?

Or is it the strongest overlord of their twelve domains?
The reversal of the plot is beyond everyone's expectations. No one can figure out what Di Ya is thinking.

Empress Linglong was about to speak when she was suddenly interrupted by a beautiful female voice.


Everyone raised their eyes in unison, focusing on box 901.

The voice came from the Yaoyue Queen.

The Empress Linglong asked: "What important business do you have?"

The melodious sound of the Yaoyue Queen's piano...

"Sacred weapon armor? Some don't suit me, the little girl dares to ask if the emperor has a beautiful skirt-like divine weapon? Like the one worn by the fairy on the stage."

Queen Yaoyue's sweet voice captured the favor of many people.

Box 222!

Mo Liancheng smiled and closed his eyes to listen!
This silly girl!
What are you doing?
Could it be that he was in collusion with Diya?
(End of this chapter)

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