Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 855 Meeting

Chapter 855 Meeting
The cheapest meal at Yuexia Hotel costs [-] a table.

Are they excited?
Ling Yun went directly to the office, unexpectedly An Qing was not there, but Qin Xianglian was here.

"Lingyun? Beibei? Cici? Why are you here? No wonder it's so noisy outside." Qin Xianglian raised her eyes and smiled.

She wore a pair of glasses today, looking very artistic.

Beibei said with tears in her eyes: "Mom, mom, Beibei misses you so much."

She immediately dropped the red rope in her hand and threw herself into Qin Xianglian's arms.

"This child, hasn't it been a few days?" Qin Xianglian hugged her lovingly: "Why are you crying?"

Beibei pouted and stopped talking, feeling the warmth in her mother's arms.

The little guy rubbed his eyes and asked, "What's wrong with my sister?"

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "Isn't that how Qianqian missed your mother before?"

The little guy blinked, covered his eyes immediately, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Beibei doesn't cry, she still cries when she's so big." Qin Xianglian joked.

"Hmph, it's not that big." Beibei retorted with tears in her voice.

Ling Yun asked, "Where's An Qing? Why don't you see her?"

Little guy: "Yes, I'm numb, I want her to hug me too."

Qin Xianglian said: "She went to the police station."


Qin Xianglian told Ling Yun about Han Xiaoai, but the latter didn't show anything, but the little guy started crying, calling Auntie Ai in a milky voice.

An Qing went to the police station to visit Han Xiaoai!
At this moment, Ling Yun's cell phone rang, and it was An Qing who called.

"I'm at the police station, come over if you have time."


Ling Yun responded, probably guessing that An Qing couldn't visit Han Xiaoai.

I hope he will use some means!
What can he do?

Sensed by his spiritual sense, he discovered that Ouyang Xiuxiu was downstairs, the old man actually came here, he should have heard what Long Yanran or Ji Wuxue said.

This old man's work is much smoother.

"We're going to the police station, where's Beibei?" Ling Yun asked.

Beibei shook her head, and immediately hugged Qin Xianglian, who smiled, what's wrong with this child.

"Then uncle will give you a task!"

Beibei blinked and asked, "What mission?"

"Wait a while, you little boss, call Aunt Chen of the Yuexia Hotel and tell her to make the private rooms of the Yuexia Hotel available before five o'clock, and say that I will invite the whole company to dinner."

Qin Xianglian was surprised!
Beibei nodded, and replied in a childish voice: "Haha, leave it to me."

"Remember, take care of little Irene."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he begged the little guy and went out.

"President, is what you just said true?" The big man asked happily when he saw Ling Yun coming out.

"Really!" Ling Yun smiled, very optimistic about the big man's future.

Look around and can't see andy!

Ling Yun questioned: "Where did Andy go?"

"She asked for leave, and said she would ask for a few days, but recently her mobile phone has been disconnected, and no one comes." A female employee replied.

"Well, just be a representative and notify the whole company to gather downstairs after get off work."

Ling Yun said to the female staff member who answered just now.

The little guy blinked cutely: "Remember..."

Well also!

That's so cute.

Everyone envied Ling Yun for having a lovely daughter.

First floor!
Ling Yun and Ouyang Xiu met, the latter trembled when he saw Ling Yun, the security guard next to him said: "Abbot, I just said, don't walk around when you are old."

"It can't be a stroke!" Another security guard said.

He was speechless. He didn't intend to let him in, but the old man said he had a business deal.

"Let's go!"

Ling Yun passed by Ouyang Xiu without stopping, left these words, and he went out.

Ouyang Xiu felt a lump in his heart, as expected Pluto knew that this was troublesome.

Ouyang Xiu didn't know how to speak along the way, he followed Ling Yun all the time, and didn't know where he was going, so he didn't dare to ask.

In an unoccupied corner, Ling Yun stopped, and Ouyang Xiu raised his head.

Immediately swallowed saliva!

What the hell is that black hole?

"Follow up."

Ling Yun spoke again, coldly.

Ouyang Xiu's scalp felt numb when he heard this, and he followed Ling Yun carefully into the room.

After coming out again!
He was dumbfounded, and muttered in his mouth: "Spatial magic? Ability?"

They arrived at the police station in the blink of an eye?

Depend on!
Sure enough, Pluto is abnormal.

It's just that Ouyang Xiu didn't understand why Ling Yun went to the police station.

police station!

An Qing didn't say a word, the iceberg goddess, wearing a pair of sunglasses, was sitting on a chair.

"Star Anda, we also follow the rules, so don't make things difficult for us."

Zheng Guangfa said that he is the chief of this police station.

He heard An Qing's call just now, and he was a little flustered. The first call must be An Guomin.


Her father doesn't know anyone from Jiangbei.

The second one belongs to Ling Yun.

Looking at An Qing with a calm demeanor, Zheng Guangfa became more and more restless, won't he cause trouble for his upper body?
So he likes tea and serves him with kind words, and he doesn't dare to neglect at all.

Not far away is a group of people from Bangzi Kingdom, An Qing doesn't know who they are.

An Qing said: "I don't know the rules, anyway, I will take her away today."

The corner of Zheng Guangfa's mouth twitched!
take away?


He died speechless, what a fight between gods and mortals.

He knew one of the people next to him, who was from the consulate of Bangzi Kingdom in China.

As soon as he arrived, he took out a bunch of documents and wanted to extradite Han Xiaoai to return to China for judgment.

"This beautiful lady, let me meet you. I am Han Tianyang, from the Han family of Bangzi Kingdom. I am the third young master."

Han Tianyang walked straight to An Qing, and spoke politely, his Mandarin was quite standard.

Surname Han?

It's still from Bangzi Country!

An Qing immediately frowned and ignored him at all.

Han Tianyang smiled, he had already investigated An Qing's identity clearly.

The eldest lady of Anjia in Shanghai, once a first-line star in China, has lost her fame in recent years, and now she runs an entertainment company in Jiangbei, with a branch in Jiangnan.

This is part of the information Han Tianyang found!
The death of his brother Han Shixun is related to her, right?
When he came to China this time, he had two tasks. The first was to contact An Qing, to investigate the cause of his younger brother's death, and to escort Han Xiaoai back to Bangzi Kingdom on the charge of commerce.

Best of both worlds!

After all, his father suspected that An Qing had a lot to do with it. After investigation, he found that Han Xiaoai was there, which made him even more sure.


The Jiangbei Li Group has shares in their family, and his father asked him to acquire the shares of other shareholders this time, so as to hold the power in the hands of their family.

The investigation found that the recent stock turmoil of the Li Group is a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

This was all done by Qin Lan, and she didn't expect such a result, she didn't know all this yet.

(There are three changes every day, and the review is postponed...)
(End of this chapter)

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