Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 857 Scared Ouyang

Chapter 857 Scared Ouyang
Ouyang Xiu felt a lump in his heart, shouldn't he?


Don't let Pluto mess around!
An Qing turned her head, eyes full of coldness, she was always waiting for her man to express his opinion.

After Ling Yun laughed, he said, "Interesting, interesting, call them a certain restaurant."

This was said to Ouyang Xiu again!

He was also very smart, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Hey, it's me!"

"Ahem, what's the matter?" Ye Zonghan who was opposite asked tremblingly.

"It's being processed, make a call for me..."

Ouyang Xiu's conversation with Ye Zonghan afterwards was to ask them to release Han Xiaoai immediately and come back.

Ye Zonghan immediately followed suit without asking anything. Ouyang Xiu was afraid and angry, and knew that this matter had something to do with Pluto, so he didn't dare to neglect.

Fan Zikun asked in a low voice, "Master, what should we do?"

Han Tianyang's eyes were also full of coldness: "Uh, wait."

After a few minutes!

His cell phone rang, it was his father!
"Hi, my lord father."




Han Tianyang obediently responded, gritted his teeth, hung up the phone, and waved: "Let's go."

After watching everyone from Bangzi Kingdom leave, An Qing said: "It's okay, it's okay, it's Miss Qing's fault, she's late."

Han Xiaoai couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately hugged An Qing and cried, this girl must have suffered a lot.

The little guy rubbed his eyes and said, "Auntie Ai, it's Sissy's fault, she's late."


This living treasure really made them laugh to death, Han Xiaoai laughed through tears.

A beautiful woman was crying, Ling Yun couldn't stand it!

Zheng Guangfa's face was ashen, and he didn't say a word, as if his parents had died, but he was happy when he heard the second half of the sentence.


Ouyang Xiu smiled and waited for Ling Yun to speak.

Ling Yun's meaning was very simple, he told Ouyang Xiu with gestures.

To die?

Those few people were sweating profusely, and they didn't believe it at all. How could they die after sitting for a few years at most?

Ouyang Xiu kicked Zheng Guangfa who was in a daze, and said angrily, "Did you hear that, pull them out."

"Yes, yes, yes." Zheng Guangfa said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Han Xiaoai was dumbfounded, was this the Ling Yun she knew?
Wu Xiaoqian's mind went blank, what's going on?can be ignored?Who is that old man, or their president is really domineering.

Ling Yun looked around indifferently, and immediately smiled when he saw the little guy.

Ouyang Xiu wiped off his sweat and followed immediately, but Ling Yun didn't speak, and he didn't dare to ask.

main entrance!
An Qing said: "Let's go back first, you have something to talk about, who is Sissy with?"

The little guy looked at An Qing, then at Ling Yun, a little worried, why didn't they stay together?Are you fighting again?

Han Xiaoai hugged the little guy directly: "Qiqian, Aunt Ai misses you."


The little guy was carried into the car by Han Xiaoai.

Ling Yun said: "Let's go, see you at the company."

Looking at the time, it was past four o'clock, and the employees of Yuexia Entertainment Company were about to leave work.

It's almost time for An Qing to return to the company.

"Well, see you later."

Ling Yun nodded as a response.

When only Ling Yun was left to drink with Ouyang Xiu, the latter couldn't help it, and asked fearfully, "Master Pluto, that matter has nothing to do with me."


"The old man hopes that you will give our dragon group a chance!"

Ling Yun sneered: "Opportunity? Are you worthy?"

Ouyang Xiu wanted to continue talking, but his cell phone rang suddenly, it was a text message.

Ouyang Xiu breathed a sigh of relief: "This matter has been dealt with now. Regarding Ling Rufeng's matter, a press conference is being held to clarify the facts."

"Do you think I'm a soft persimmon?" Ling Yun's eyes turned cold, and he squinted at Ouyang Xiu.

With this look, Ouyang Xiu was so frightened that he couldn't raise his head and look at Ling Yun.

"No, we were wrong, really wrong!" Ouyang Xiu immediately knelt down.

This old man is still smart, seeing that he is still useful today, Ling Yun will not shock him to death with his palm.

"Go back, what do you mean by that?" Ling Yun's face turned dark, and the passers-by around him pointed.

Everyone is saying that he is not, let an old man kneel down, and you can tell that he is a prodigal at a glance.

Ouyang Xiu got up quickly, not knowing what to say.


"Go back and wait for me, this king will come and play with you tonight!" Ling Yun said calmly.

Ouyang Xiu's face was ashen, and when he raised his eyes again, Ling Yun had already gone far away.

An hour later, the TV clarified Ling Rufeng's matter...

The Ling family also received the news, and the whole family turned on the TV with a confused look on their faces, and then burst out laughing.

Ling Rufeng, who was shopping for a mobile phone on the street, also saw it, humming a song.

On the contrary, there were three people together, and they caught up with Ling Rufeng in the middle of Xiantian.

On the way back to the villa, Ling Rufeng was stopped by the three of them.

Ling Rufeng dismissed it, but he has the cards, how many?Scum!
This look immediately provoked the three people to laugh, mocking Ling Rufeng for not knowing whether to live or die.

Yo ho, life and death!
Who are you talking about?

Ling Rufeng also had a bit of a temper, and immediately burned the charm Ling Yun gave him, and if this thing is gone, it will be gone, and he will ask his brother for it when he goes back.

A force surged through his body immediately, and he laughed at that moment.

The three of them were taken aback, wondering why Ling Rufeng suddenly had such a terrifying aura?

(End of this chapter)

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