Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 861

Chapter 861

I bought ice cream for them before returning to the villa. The little guy kept making noises.

In the villa!
Ji Wuxue clapped her hands: "Uncle, let's go out, one is worth two."

An Qing said: "I thought that the congregation would expose their abilities in full view, but I didn't expect this to happen."

Long Yanran said: "She is really good at singing, Sister Qing, her reputation will rise in the future, maybe it will overwhelm you."

An Qing smiled and said, "It would be best if that's the case, at least she's an artist under our company."

"Ma Ma Ma Ma, I have ice cream." As soon as the little guy came back, he immediately ran to show off in front of An Qing.

"Yo, you're back, don't you have mine?" An Qing asked.

The little guy pointed to Ling Yun behind, and replied in a childish voice: "Papa said, it's not good to eat too much, so I didn't buy it from you."

An Qing: "..."

Little Irene laughed and had ice cream again. It was a good day, and she played games while eating.

Eight O'clock!
Ling Yun asked Long Yanran to take them to take a bath, and they didn't sleep after the time limit.

An Qing turned on the computer and started live streaming with fans. Today is the first day of live streaming.

The software was developed by Ling Yun, a smart zombie, and it is also the software of their Yuexia Entertainment Company!

This software is interactive, and there is no need to charge money.

A lot of fans are asking when An Qing will release a new song, the recently released one is very good, and I will never tire of listening to it.

An Qing said that in a few days, she has been busy recently and has no time to record. Fans expressed some regrets.

Ling Yun can't be lazy if he wants to, the little ones don't want Long Yanran to help them take a bath, they want An Qing, otherwise they want Ling Yun, they want to listen to the story.

An Qing didn't have time, so she shrugged!

Ling Yun was speechless, so he could only ask Long Yanran to arrange a room for the concubine, and for Ling Rufeng, he took over the bathing work himself.

"Papa, papa, story, story." The little guy was playing with water, his eyes fixed on Ling Yun.

"Journey to the West."


These little guys are united front.

Ling Yun doesn't plan to talk, save a few episodes, teach them to sing at this time, and attract their attention tonight, so he can go to the capital for business.

"Ahem, I will teach you a new song to promote positive energy."


"Does it sound good?"

"All right…"

Ling Yun coughed twice again, and spoke leisurely!
children should remember
Leave home and school alone

After school is not a loved one to pick up

to report to the teacher

Strangers give something to eat

but don't want to
stranger wants to hug you

must run

(Adapted from Ban Yang's Acacia)
When the hearty singing was repeated for the second time, the four little guys started humming along with Ling Yun.

After fully mastering it, after taking a bath, Ling Yun gave them a task, asked them to dance and sing, just sing the song just now, and asked Long Yanran to help them take a video to attract their attention.

Don't say it!
The effect is very good, they are too active, even An Qing's fans can hear their childish voices.

Ling Yun said, let them record the video and post it online, he went back to his room, and before leaving, he didn't forget to seal the little guy's Thunder Gate.

After Ling Yun called Ling Rufeng, he immediately went to the capital.

The Lin family in Beijing!

At this moment, their important relationships are basically in the living room, and what they are discussing is the change of mind of the top leaders of the Dragon Group.

Their patriarch, Lin Ruhai, had a sullen face, smoking a cigarette, and planned to visit the Bai family later.


The atmosphere got a little weird.

A gust of wind blew into the living room, and everyone couldn't keep their eyes open.

After everything calmed down, there were two more people in the living room, they were Brother Ling Yun.

"Who is it?" Lin Ruhai swallowed and looked at the person wearing a disposable mask and sunglasses.

How did he come in, he didn't notice at all, so he wasn't surprised.

The Lin family immediately took five or six steps back to distance themselves from Ling Yun.

The second elder of the Lin family shouted: "No matter who sent you, you are all going to die."


The three elders on one side directed the bodyguards who rushed in, and there were dozens of them.

Ling Rufeng sneered, and then slowly took off the mask.

"Ling Rufeng!!"

A child of the Lin family recognized him immediately, and everyone looked dignified afterwards.

Isn't he just the late day after tomorrow, how could he come here?

And who is the masked man!
"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Ling Rufeng glared angrily.

"Bah, you're courting death." Lin Ruhai said dismissively.

Ling Yun found a seat slowly and sat down, looked at them coldly, surprisingly none of them dared to take it.

Ling Rufeng whispered: "Brother, let me feel that power again."

Ling Yun shook his head: "There is not enough time, and Qianqian will make trouble if she goes back late."

Ling Rufeng: "..."

"Everyone, kill them." Lin Ruhai ordered, and everyone rushed towards Ling Yun.


With a look from Ling Yun, a large number of people rushed up to die, each of them vomited blood on their backs, fell to the ground in pain, and completely received their lunch boxes.

What the hell!

Everyone who is not dead is shivering!

Lin Ruhai was taken aback, he couldn't do it, he still had self-knowledge, and ran right away, wishing his parents would have more legs.

As for the second elder of the Lin family, he couldn't even run. His legs and feet were weak when he was old.

The third elder, a smart man, immediately knelt down, spared his life, spared his life, and asked Ling Yun if he was not short of dog legs, he would definitely be able to do it.

Ling Rufeng scolded him for being spineless.

The third elder forced a smile, as ugly as dead parents.

As the third elder knelt down, other Lin family members also knelt down and begged for mercy.

Lin Ruhai can't run away!

I saw him running wildly over, shouting: "I was wrong, I was wrong!"

When passing by a knife, he picked it up and slashed at the trembling second elder. The latter instinctively turned around because of the pain.

Lin Ruhai spat out a mouthful of blood, and both of them fell to the ground, dying.

Others beg for mercy again...

Ling Yun asked Ling Rufeng's opinion, whether to kill or not was a matter of waving hands, it was just an ant among ants.

When had Ling Rufeng seen such a cruel scene, he hardly dared to open his eyes.

However, he recalled all his previous experiences and gritted his teeth. If his brother was not the King of Pluto, he would have been miserable all his life.

So he opened his eyes, there was no trace of unbearable in his pupils, he nodded and said, "Kill them all."

"Don't...we know we're wrong."

Everyone kowtowed desperately, the living room did not have a strong smell of blood.

The third elder couldn't be reconciled, Ling Yun in front of him was too scary, with a bit of aura flowing from Ling Yun's body, he couldn't resist.

Several younger generations of the Lin family who were familiar with Ling Rufeng knelt down and begged Ling Rufeng: "Rufeng, we are classmates in high school, we are classmates, please forgive me."

Ling Rufeng yelled, what a bullshit classmate, he was being criticized every day, and the Bai family members who were trying to get Lin Tianjiao's idea were against him everywhere.

It's okay not to mention this matter, but now he is even more angry, and he walked over and kicked a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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