Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 864 Dumbfounded Ling Yun

Chapter 864 Dumbfounded Ling Yun

Ling Yun thought for a while before agreeing to Qin Lan.

He guessed that Li Qingmin held less than 20.00% of the shares, which was very dangerous.

What's more, even if Ling Yun absolutely controls the Li Group, he doesn't want foreign countries to get rich, so he will solve the problem once and for all tomorrow.

Qin Lan drank the hot boiled water and kicked Ling Yun angrily.

"Hey, hey, you can't drink something cold when you have a cold. Do you still want to make money?"

"miss you!"

"Take this medicine."

"Ling Yun!" Qin Lan said loudly, with an angry face: "I treat you like a sister, but you want to sleep with me?"

All the people in the coffee shop looked over, all of them were smiling and watching the show, and some even laughed.

The coffee in Ling Yun's mouth sprayed all over the floor!

This woman is pretending to be something in her head, is she really shit?


Ten thousand prairie horses galloped past in Ling Yun's heart.

"This is cold medicine from abroad, you really don't understand good people." Ling Yun said speechlessly.

Cold medicine?
Qin Lan is not stupid, foreign countries are all pills, most of them are white, but Lingyun's medicine?Dark!
Seeing Qin Lan shaking his head and refusing, Ling Yun really wanted to vomit blood, his elixir was actually rejected, how many immortal emperors would be pissed to death if it spread.

"You really don't want to eat? Don't regret it, think about your sequelae."

Qin Lan was stunned when she heard the words!
Immediately snatched the elixir from Ling Yun's hand, swallowed it with boiling water, and patted his heart: "If you lie to me, you will die."

"Whatever, what happened to the Guanghua Group."

"After you leaked their core technology last time, the stock of Guanghua Group plummeted, and I bought it like crazy."

After Qin Lan felt herself, she was completely shocked. Her cold was cured.

"How much stock do we have now!" Ling Yun asked again.

"Your 19%, mine 25%!" Qin Lan said truthfully!

Ling Yun sprayed coffee all over again!
what's the situation!
Why are his shares so few, while Qin Lan's has so many, has he been tricked!
Seeing that Ling Yun was choking, Qin Lan asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

"Ahem, didn't my shares have 18% before?"



"Don't get excited, beware of cerebral hemorrhage, it's like this, if you don't have money to give me, of course you won't buy it." Qin Lan said confidently.

Ling Yun complained fiercely in his heart!

What did you say at the time, help him pay for it?Should he trust this woman?

The key is the core technology he leaked, which caused the stock to plummet, but it was not him who benefited the most, so he was not angry.

"Then who owns the most shares in Guanghua Group? Do you know?" Ling Yun didn't think about that anymore, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"It's still Stephen. It's strange that his shares haven't changed."


Ling Yun stroked his chin and thought about it. A serious man is very handsome. This is Ling Yun at this moment. Qin Lan was stunned for a moment, and immediately lowered his head.

"He's the chairman behind the scenes, it's hard to beat him on the surface," Ling Yun said.

Qin Lan suggested that Lingyun set up Guanghua Group one more time. When the stock fell again, they would buy it again, but it would cost a lot of money.

Right now, Qin Lan is really out of money, and if Guanghua Group doesn't return to its former glory, she will die at a loss.

Ling Yun had no choice but to agree, and he left this matter to Qin Lan, but he also kept a hand!
Qin Lan asked, "Do you still have money?"

Ling Yun said: "Yes, the most important thing I need is money?"

It's no wonder Qin Lan believed him!
"I'm going to the bathroom!"

Ling Yun nodded!
After Qin Lan left, Ling Yun let the smart zombie Niubi invade a certain country's bank, and transfer all the money stored in the black accounts inside to a black-named online virtual card by transfer.

The so-called black households are the properties left behind by certain dead killers. Ling Yun's reputation is called waste recycling.

After Qin Lan came out, all operations had been completed.

"Give me your card number, and I'll transfer the money to you. You can operate it." Ling Yun said indifferently.

He was also a little excited in his heart, he didn't expect those black households to be so rich, and as expected, being a killer was very popular.

Lingyun's black name card has increased by more than 1 billion in 300 minute, which is still a dollar.

"Really rich?"

Qin Lan asked incredulously, and at the same time flipped through her phone, finding out the bank card number.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, this woman didn't take the usual way.

He grabbed Qin Lan's phone directly, looked at the string of numbers on it, and read it out directly!
"Transfer to bank card... 50 billion!"

"Received, received, operate immediately!"

Qin Lan was speechless!

"How much? Five billion?"

Ling Yun nodded, and added: "Mei Dao!"

Qin Lan's hands holding the hot water trembled a bit. Is Ling Yun a multi-billionaire?The gap with her is not so big.


She really couldn't believe how Ling Yun did it, could it be that he has been manipulating the stock market behind his back?It is impossible to think about it, he is so lazy, how is it possible.

Qin Lan took back her mobile phone and looked at it. It was really 50 billion dollars in the account. She even rubbed her eyes.

"Okay, now we can have a good business battle with Stephen." Ling Yun's eyes were deep, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ling Yun, I don't understand, when you were so rich..."

"At the beginning? I was very poor."


"You won't believe me if I tell you. I had a dream not long ago. In the dream, there was a fat woman asking for a child with a lot of money..."

After that, Qin Lan rolled her eyes while laughing and giggling. She is not stupid and sweet, so easy to fool.


Ling Yun seemed to hear the little guy's voice, and looked up, it really was!

How did she come here? Ling Yun was at a loss, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Qin Lan thought to herself, I can't see, I can't see, I can't see me!
"Aha, Qin Mama?" The little guy looked at her directly, still can't see?
The guests all around looked over, and many of them recognized the little guy.

Ling Yun asked: "How did you come here?" He was full of questions.

"Hi Qianqian, why are you here?" Qin Lan asked awkwardly.

I haven't seen this child for a long time, and I always feel that she is different.

The little guy smiled and said, "Aha, with a whoosh, I'm here, hum, I've been watching outside for a long time."

She also pointed to the invisible glass window beside the door.

Ling Yun was shocked!
Immediately knew what the little guy wanted to express, with a whoosh, isn't it the door of thunder, is it possible!

He sealed the Thunder Gate, could it be that she cracked it!
Depend on!
As Ling Yun pondered, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility.

Since Qin Lan was here, he was too embarrassed to ask.

"Do you want to drink?" Qin Lan hugged the little guy and showed her the menu.


The little guy saw the ice cream.

"Hasn't Beibei come? Who did you come with?"

Qin Lan asked, she also had a lot of questions, for so long, she didn't see anyone coming in.

The little guy got a little smarter and kept shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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