Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 872

Chapter 872

Finally, the little guy is dealt with, now Ling Yun can go to the capital to treat Lin Tianjiao with peace of mind.

After Ling Yun left, Beibei immediately began to display her big sister image.

"Follow me."

Beibei led the way and stopped after taking two steps.

When will it arrive, this is what Beibei thinks in his mind at the moment.

So she is very smart, go ask Long Yanran!
Long Yanran was fooling them, she would only pay them attention if the gift was for her.

Beibei immediately nodded in agreement, and then Long Yanran gave them a bad idea to let them fly with masks on.

Beibei laughed out loud, why didn't she think of it.

The little guy's disdainful eyes...


They looked at the little guy's Thunder Gate, their mouths widened in shock.

Bei Bei immediately yelled, but the little guy was particularly snarky, the former's eyes were round and round, and he planned to go back and ask Ling Yun to teach her too.

The corners of Long Yanran's mouth twitched, thinking to herself how could Qianqian do it?
The first cyborg they wanted to kill, Robert Geller, was by the Linjiang River in Jiangbei.

At this moment, Robert Geller was sweating from running, and planned to go to the river to wash his face. Thinking back to that scene, he shivered violently again.

But he didn't realize that Beibei and the little ones were appearing behind him.

"Haha, where are you going?" Beibei covered her mouth and smiled.


How can there be sound here?

Robert Geller turned his head to look, and immediately chose to kneel down and beg for mercy in fright.

"Sorry, sorry, I was wrong."

Beibei clasped his hands together and said solemnly, "Amitabha."

Long Yanran gave her a white look: "Hurry up, Momojiji."

"Okay." Beibei shrugged.

The little guy laughed, his eyes kept rolling!

Long Yanran murmured inwardly that it was not good, Qianqian must be thinking badly about it.


The little guy used the technique of the five elements, and a huge water dragon appeared immediately.

The other little guys immediately clapped and shouted, but Long Yanran was speechless, making such a big commotion?
"Cissy, don't make trouble, what should I do if people panic later?"

The little guy laughed: "The water dragon will shrink immediately."

Robert Geller was so frightened that he couldn't speak, his legs were shaking all the time.

The shrunken water dragon swung its tail, and shot Robert Geller into the soil.

After the water dragon completed the task, it began to show off in front of the little guy.

The little guy laughed, and let the water dragon carry her, Long Yanran expressed her tiredness.

Beibei obeyed Ling Yun's words, ran over to look at the dying Robert Geller, shook his head, and used the five elements technique.

Unsurprisingly, Robert Geller went to get a box lunch.

Beibei didn't feel any burden at all, because she just helped to cover the soil, which is called filling the hole.

Long Yanran shouted: "Cissy come down quickly, stop playing, I have something to do."


The little guy got down from Shuilong's body with a lot of enthusiasm, and then she didn't bother to move, so Long Yanran hugged her.

Beibei began to think about what the reward Ling Yun was talking about.

Jumbo ice cream?
Or baby?
The more I think, the more excited I get.

It wasn't until Long Yanran's words came that Beibei came back to her senses and followed into the Thunder Gate.

The influence of the water dragon was quite large, and many people took pictures of it, attracting the National Security Bureau.

The second cyborg, Oleg Silki, escaped quickly and returned to the hotel.

He was just starting to tremble and watched the Thunder Gate appear, until he saw the little guys, he was also shocked.

"Dragon? Long Beibei... Pluto...!"

This time, Beibei flashed directly in front of Oleg Silky, and touched his hand lightly, and the latter petrified into a living statue.

Little Irene clapped her hands: "It's almost finished, aha."

Ji Wuxue questioned: "Beibei will petrify? Yes? No what?"

Beibei turned around and laughed loudly: "I know it all."

The little guy waved his hands, it was done so quickly, she didn't even change into a dragon.

Change into a dragon!

Long Yanran must be mad.

This hotel is in the city center.

Before leaving, Beibei also put the stone statue of Oleg Silki into the space to avoid Lingyun's denial.

The third cyborg, Jermaine Mason, has fled to the countryside and is on the phone!
Little did he know, death was beckoning to him!
As soon as the Thundergate appeared, Germaine Mason noticed it immediately, and he wasn't like the previous two who were just waiting to die.

He chose to attack, no matter what the hell that door was, he just felt it was dangerous.

As soon as Babe and the others came out, Jermaine Marsan came up to them and punched them.

When he saw Beibei, his eyes almost popped out, but he didn't intend to stop.

This battle five scum!
When Ji Wuxue was hit, both of them were knocked back, the former's body of the Immortal Emperor was safe and sound, while the latter's hand was numb and was shaken.

Before Beibei and the little guy could make a move, Little Irene roared like a fire dragon, and Germaine Mason was wiped out.

Long Yanran was very satisfied, and said: "You four little gods have worked hard, go back and watch cartoons, drink a can of Wangzai, and enjoy yourself."

Beibei was drooling as she imagined the scene, she also thought of Ling Yun's barbecue, this kid is a foodie.

Mission accomplished!
The four little ones were very happy, and they went back to the villa happily, waiting for Ling Yun to come back.

Ling Yun here!

After they successfully arrived in the capital, they went all the way to the Central Hospital where Lin Tianjiao was.

Ward 303!

Lin Tianjiao became a vegetable at this moment, and Ling Rufeng looked at her on the hospital bed with a heartbroken heart.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, it was just a trivial matter, she was just a vegetable, it was enough to get into her mind and pull her soul back, it was like parting from life to death.

"Brother, is there any help?" Ling Rufeng wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, with a heartbroken look on his face.


After Ling Yun finished speaking, just as he was about to enter Lin Tianjiao's mind, he heard movement outside.

It turned out that it was the Huayi genius doctor and the ghost doctor Fang Lao who came over. After listening to the dialogue, it seemed that they were here to treat Lin Tianjiao.

Ling Yun waved his hand, and they disappeared in place. Looking at the unfamiliar environment, the two old men hugged each other, their legs trembling in fright.

Damn it.

One second in the corridor on the third floor of the Central Hospital, the next second here?

This is where?

Once I heard it, it's terrible, they are in Jiangbei, when Ling Yun waved his hand, the black hole passed them quickly, invisible to the naked eye.

In Lin Tianjiao's mind!

As soon as Ling Yun arrived, she found that there was a sea of ​​flowers here, all made up by her.

And Lin Tianjiao was in the sea of ​​flowers, she couldn't get out no matter how she walked, she was lost.

Ling Yun looked speechless and died.

"Hey, look this way!"

"you are?"

"I am God!"


"Yes, you follow me now, and I will take you out."

Lin Tianjiao was overjoyed when she heard that, she had been lost here for a long, long time.

Now I don't doubt Ling Yun's words at all, maybe he looks like Ling Rufeng.

In the ward!
Ling Rufeng only came back to his senses at this moment, and he took Ling Yun as a god in his mind. He saw Ling Yun float into Lin Tianjiao's head like this with his own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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