Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 874 Australia

Chapter 874 Australia
The little guy hasn't slept yet, seeing her parents on TV at this moment, her mouth is pouted, she is both angry and happy.

Long Yanran said at the same time, they are acting, the little guy just believes it in a daze.

Beibei shook her head: "It's not like that, can Shuai Shushu perform?"

This is what it says!

The little guy immediately cast a suspicious look.

Long Yanran wished she could knock Beibei unconscious, she could only respond with a smile, not knowing what to say.

The little guy just refused to go to sleep until Ling Yun and An Qing could wait, this kid was quite energetic.

Seeing that it was twelve o'clock and she still wasn't asleep, Long Yanran became anxious and said everything and even threatened her that if she didn't sleep, she wouldn't grow up.

This trick doesn't seem to work, Long Yanran is helpless, and being disliked for telling stories, she doesn't know what to do for a while.

But fortunately, the little guy doesn't cry or make trouble, except for refusing to sleep, he is quite obedient in other respects.

Ling Yun and An Qing went shopping, watched movies, had a great time, and seemed to have forgotten about the little ones at home.

When she was about to return to the villa, An Qing answered a phone call, and she was absent-minded after listening to it.

Ling Yun probably guessed that it belonged to Andy, and she invited An Qing to her wedding.

An Qing was a little puzzled. Andy once talked to her, and she would not get married so easily. Ling Yun was a little speechless after hearing it, so why should Andy suddenly meet Prince Charming?A flash marriage came suddenly.

Andy got married the day after tomorrow. He married a fundamental aristocrat of island origin in Australia. The fundamental family is also very famous in Australia.

What An Qing doesn't believe is this, islander?It's what Andy hates the most, how could he marry him, so this matter is full of doubts.


An Qing asked repeatedly, if she encountered any difficulties, she said, she said domineeringly, she must take care of it to the end, and Andy didn't say anything.

Back to the villa.

An Qing still wanted to know what was going on, so she went to call Han Xiaoai.

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly, didn't he see the little guy's unhappy eyes?
"Papa, was that you on TV just now?"

"Oh?" Ling Yun was embarrassed and was discovered by her: "Isn't Dad handsome? He's all on TV."

"Aha, um." The little guy smiled and nodded immediately, he was really handsome.

After Ling Yun finished teasing the little guy, he found that An Qing was still on the phone, and ignored her, and put the little guy to sleep first.

The next morning!
An Qing woke up very early, and went to the company without eating breakfast.

The headline in the entertainment industry was Ling Yun's proposal to An Qing last night, it was really a sensation.

Ling Yun is at home, fishing and teaching the little guy some problems.

Noon time!

An Qing called back suddenly, saying that she was going to attend Andy's wedding, and she would go with Han Xiaoai, but Ling Yun said that he would not go, because he didn't know Andy very well, even though he was a subordinate.

Fortunately, the little guy is not here, otherwise he would definitely make a fuss.

During dinner, the little guy couldn't see An Qing and started gossiping again.

"Papa, where's Mama?"

"Do work and go to another place."

"Why don't we go?"

"Don't go, it's not fun."

The little guy was puzzled, thought it was the Twelve Domains, and began to act like a baby: "Papa, let's go find Mama, Bobo!"

"It doesn't matter how many pops, don't go." Ling Yun shook his head.

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, so she called An Qing.

Long Yanran was so funny that she actually dialed the number for her.




The little guy kept yelling that An Qing's phone was turned off, and she didn't respond at all.

Ling Yun was speechless: "She's on the plane, call when she arrives."

The little guy curled his lips, her eyes began to roll, Long Yanran immediately noticed it.

At this time, Ling Yun also found out, and grabbed her, but she couldn't let her secretly use the Thunder Gate to find An Qing.

"Aha, don't catch me." The little guy writhed desperately.

Beibei came up to help: "Don't bully my sister."


Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the two sisters were so united!

Originally thought that the little guy would just leave it like this, but who knew that Ling Yun woke up early the next morning, the little guy was gone, and his consciousness was swept away!

Where did she go to An Qing? An Qing was asleep, and she slept next to her before she found the little guy.

An Qing blinked, but she didn't realize that she was in Australia at the moment, not a villa.

"Sissy, doesn't your father wake you up yet?"

The little guy muttered, sleeping, what's the fuss?
So she frowned slightly.

Gradually, An Qing realized something was wrong, isn't she in Australia?How did her daughter get here?

"Qi Qian, get up quickly, why don't you pester your father!" An Qing pinched her face.

The little guy woke up now, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and said in a milky voice, "Papa asked me to come."

Ling Yun was also shot while lying down, this kid is really cheating.

Originally, An Qing wanted to call Ling Yun and scold him severely, but after thinking about it, it's fine, the little guy is fine with her.

But she just didn't know how to explain it to Han Xiaoai, it really gave her a headache.

When Han Xiaoai was having breakfast, she was taken aback when she saw the little guy, and then asked An Qing, who said that Ling Yun brought her here the day before yesterday.

She was brought to the hotel very late last night. Han Xiaoai thought about it and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she started playing with the little guy.

The wedding was at night, An Qing and the others had to rush to Andy's place before noon today, because Andy wanted An Qing and Han Xiaoai to be her bridesmaids.

In a grassland area of ​​Australia, in a town near Oleo, Andy is in a hotel!

When An Qing and the others came here, they saw Andy not very happy, and An Qing had even more doubts in her heart.

Han Xiaoai said: "Andy, do you have any difficulties? It's okay, we will help you."

Andy's face was a little heavy, but she smiled immediately: "It's okay, you can be my bridesmaids at ease."

An Qing said: "Don't lie to me, I know that you are not very happy."

Han Xiaoai said: "That's right."

The little guy lay in An Qing's arms and said in a baby voice: "I know, Auntie is not happy, here is..."

Andy was surprised!
The little guy pointed to her heart, where there was a knife wound.

An Qing was taken aback, looked at Andy with an unnatural expression, and asked immediately, it was exactly what the little guy said.

Han Xiaoai was curious, how could Qianqian know?
An Qing didn't have any doubts. After all, she knew that her daughter knew a lot, so it wasn't surprising.

The little guy knew everything, and if Ling Yun knew it, she would be shocked again, because she used Ling Yun's ability to break the illusion.

And Ling Yun didn't teach her. In fact, Ling Yun couldn't teach her the Eye of Delusion Breaker, because he only knew how to use it, and he didn't understand the secret of the Eye of Delusion Breaker at all.

Normally, Lingyun doesn't use it very much, and he thinks it's a tasteless existence.

The little guy knows all about it now, anyway, if she concentrates on looking at Andy's heart, she will be able to see the latter's true inner world clearly with her delusion-breaking eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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