Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 878 Qin Lan Car Accident

Chapter 878 Qin Lan Car Accident
Ling Yun sighed, he was too embarrassed to say anything about his younger brother's choice, it was a bit early, but it was just an engagement.

And he!
Now that the little ones are here, it's time to propose marriage to An's family.

Thinking room!
Ling Yun dialed An Guomin's number. An Guomin was in a meeting on the opposite side, and he didn't want to answer an unfamiliar phone call.

Just as he was about to pick it up, several company veterans next to him rolled their eyes, and he hung up.


After calling three times in a row, Ling Yun still hung up. He also had a lot of self-esteem and said that he would never call again in the future.


I thought that the Han family in Bangzi Kingdom was quiet, but I didn't expect Ling Yun to be negligent.

It is not him, but Qin Lan, the second shareholder of the Ling Group, that the Bangziguo Han family is going to deal with.

When Qin Lan went out to eat at noon, she was hit by a large truck. The driver died on the spot, and Qin Lan entered the intensive care unit.

Ling Yun didn't know all this!
In the villa!
The little guy slipped back after waking up from the plane, still in front of An Qing and the others.

She cheated Anqing again, and the latter explained to Han Xiaoai and the others for a long time, and the space magician pulled it out.

Beibei jumped up and said in surprise: "Haha, Shuai Shushu did not lie to me, my sister is back!"

Long Yanran scolded: "Sissy is on vacation today, she doesn't need to dance, Beibei, come here quickly, your task has not been completed yet."

Beibei curled her lips, she was speechless, now she wants to drink to Wangzai, she has money, she has to complete the task assigned by her handsome uncle.

Little Irene complained while playing the game: "Brother is good or bad, and there is no Wangzi."

Ji Wuxue was so funny, she went over and pinched little Irene's face: "You love Hunjing, Wang Zi is not suitable for you, give me the future Wang Zi."

Little Eileen said: "No, no, Hunjing and Wangzai are more suitable."

Beibei shuddered violently when she heard the words, she hated the soul crystal the most, and now she turned blue when she smelled that smell.

The little guy laughed: "I'm going to play."

Long Yanran asked: "Where does Qianxi go to play?"

The little guy shook his head, but he couldn't say, Beibei said that she must be feeding the fish and the little white dolphins.

Long Yanran said, no matter where she goes, Beibei is going to practice dancing now, she is speechless, so Beibei should dance and play.

Beibei saw a familiar figure at the door and ran over immediately.

"Mommy mommy!"

Qin Xianglian said worriedly, "Don't run away."

"Haha." Beibei smiled and shook her head!

"Where's your uncle?"

"I don't know where to go."

"Sissy! Where's your father?"

"Papa, where's Papa?" The little guy scratched his head.

Long Yanran asked curiously: "Why is sister-in-law looking for brother Ling Yun?"

"problem occurs!"

"Huh? What happened?" Long Yanran asked indifferently.

Bei Bei asked, "What's the matter?"

"Qin Lan was in a car accident, and she's giving first aid now." Qin Xianglian replied.

"Auntie racing?" Beibei laughed.

Qin Xianglian suspected that a fake Beibei was born!

"Qian Mama is the car god? Just like Papa." The little guy was full of curiosity.

Long Yanran swallowed her saliva, and asked worriedly, "Is she serious?"

"Don't ask, where is Ling Yun?"

"He's gone to work, have you called him yet?"

"I called, but I didn't answer."

Long Yanran was speechless: "The phone is always disconnected at critical moments..."

But not bad!

The little guy is here, she must have a pill in her pocket, it doesn't matter if she has Lingyun or not.

"Sister-in-law, let's go together, brother Lingyun is hard to find."

As Long Yanran said, she hugged the little guy!

"Aunt Long, where are we going? Sissy just came back." The little guy blinked his beautiful eyes.

Bei Bei immediately said, "I'm going too, I'm going too, I don't want to learn how to dance."

"Will little Irene go? Where's Xiaoxue?"

"No, come back and buy me ice cream." Ji Wuxue said.

Qin Xianglian's car honked its horn outside.

"To see your godmother, won't little Irene and Xiaoxue go?" Long Yanran asked again.

Little Irene shook her head resolutely, this child's game is her mother.

Ji Wuxue thought for a while and shook her head. It's fine for Cici and the others to go. She took out a spiritual fruit and handed it to the little guy, and said in a childish voice, "Qixi, this is a gift from me to the godmother. You are not allowed to steal it." .”

Spirit fruit?

Ji Wuxue still has?
A few little guys are watching...

The little guy licked his mouth and kept nodding, but Ji Wuxue was still worried, and told her repeatedly not to eat, not to eat.

Central Hospital!
Outside the intensive care unit, the Qin family is here!
Mr. Qin sighed, and then said to the mobile phone angrily, "Have you found it? Who did it?"

"There is no news yet, it will take some time." Qin Tiansheng said.

"What's going on with your national security, especially you, you are the director general, and someone is still persecuting our family."

Old Master Qin was gasping for air, his anger was aroused, his body was a little overwhelmed, he trembled with anger, and then died.

Qin Tiannan said: "Father, is he our former enemy?"

"My poor daughter." Liu Xue cried, she was Qin Lan's mother, she looked quite similar.

"Why are you crying, isn't there a result yet!" Qin Tiannan pointed at Liu Xue and scolded.

"Okay, okay, what's the noise!" Mr. Qin became angrier immediately. He was already in a bad mood, and he was deaf from the noise.


The door of the intensive care unit opened, and a female doctor who had returned from studying abroad came out. She was Song Yili, one of the three beauties in China!

She, Liu Qingcheng and one of the most beautiful teachers are collectively known as China's three classical beauties, and even the empress An Qing is eclipsed.

"I'm sorry, we did our best!" Song Yili said, taking off her mask.

Liu Xue fainted as soon as she heard the bad news, and Qin Tiannan immediately supported her and sent her to the hospital bed to rest.

Mr. Qin seemed to have aged decades overnight, without saying a word.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and it was his eldest son Qin Tiansheng calling.

"Dad, how's it going?"


"I'll contact the Ha Long family immediately!"


"Maybe the Long family has a solution?"

"You mean...?"

"Yes, now we can only hope so."

"Please them, you must talk to him properly."

"Got it, I'll let you know if there's any news."

Qin Tiansheng hung up the phone and immediately contacted Longshi again.

As soon as Long Shi heard this, he immediately called Ling Yun, but still no one listened.

"Go in and have a last look at her. I'm sure that even if Huayi came, she wouldn't be able to save her."

Song Yili shook her head, she knew exactly how serious Qin Lan's injury was, and it was really impossible to save Qin Lan with Huayi's acupuncture.


She knows her, and she is also a good friend of her grandfather. She also knows Chinese medicine. When she was a child, she dreamed of becoming an excellent doctor. When she grew up, she followed her grandfather's arrangement to study western medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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