Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 897

Chapter 897
Half an hour later!
The four little guys were stunned. It was a delicious and artistic lunch. The little guys were a little reluctant to eat it.

Beibei took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and then posted it on Moments, this kid and that WeChat account belonged to Lingyun.

Others thought it was Ling Yun's post, and commented on each of them.

Lin Qiuyan replied: "Son, mother who comes to Beijing wants to order this table."

Qin Lan sent an emoji!

Liu Zhiyun commented: "Third son, tsk tsk, this life."

Fu Qing commented: "Third brother, I'm so sorry, the online report the day before yesterday was awesome, when will I treat my brother to a full meal, I've prepared the red envelopes."

Comment on a drooling emoji over the weekend.

Lin Yueyan commented: "Wait for me, I'll be back in a few days, but I'm so hungry."

Liu Qingcheng was on vacation in the United States and saw such beautiful food by accident, so she must have some comments.

"Hmph, if I don't make these dishes when I go back, my mother will complain to you, oh my god... I'm hungry now, if my mother loses her body, you will be finished!"

Chen Li was lazy, and secretly commented: "Boss, boss!" There are a few greedy expressions behind!

There are many more comments...

Beibei and the little guy muttered a few words while eating, and then they all replied!
Lin Qiuyan's reply was that 1000 million yuan per table is the same price, and a can of Wangzai will be given away for free when there are ten tables!
Ling Yun knew that he had to vomit blood, why are these two children so tricky...

There is no note on WeChat, so the little guys don't know who it is.

Those who reply to Qin Lan will understand, because her profile picture is Qin Lan herself, so beautiful that the little guy looks like Ma Ma all the time!
Beibei's reply is like this, three words, love you!
Beibei expresses, and the little guy also expresses, meaning, her reply is, Bobobo... There are a few more expressions!
This time Ling Yun jumped into the river and Qin Lan couldn't explain it clearly, it was really mud falling into his crotch, it was either shit or shit.

Who told his precious daughter to be so cheating, hey, it's okay to be a Sissy, but his goddaughter Beibei is also cheating.

The replies from Liu Zhiyun and Fu Qing are the same, Sun Monkey!I'm the third child, and I was given the nickname Bald Lao Sha, so let me go!The red envelope is left behind.

While replying, they kept laughing, as if they had found something interesting to do.

Lin Yueyan's reply made people laugh and cry. The little guy seemed to know that the profile picture belonged to her cousin, so he kept rolling his eyes.

She asked Beibei to reply: "You are so hungry, little fat girl, little fat girl, little fat girl..."

There are more than ten words for the three words "little chubby girl". Lin Yueyan's hair was so angry that it almost stood on end, and the bird of paradise on one side was covered with black lines. Is this the answer from Pluto?
Seeing Liu Qingcheng's comment, the little guy gradually frowned, who is this?

"Old lady? The Lun family doesn't know you..."

The above sentence was replied by the little guy, and Beibei also replied: "Old lady? You call me old lady at such a young age? Hehe, you are also a little fat girl, with a fat bucket and a big waist, no! It's an old fat girl!"

Liu Qingcheng smiled ugly, her face turned dark...

This time Ling Yun needs to evacuate urgently, and Liu Qingcheng has to demolish his villa when he comes back.

"Huh? How do you know that I'm the boss!" There were a lot of frightened expressions behind.

When replying to Chen Li, the little guy is like this, a little cute and cute, and I like Yuexia staff to call her little boss.

The phone rang, and someone replied with new content, Beibei quickly clicked on it.

It belongs to Liu Qingcheng!
She replied: "Okay, I'm an old fat girl? You're a fucking bitch, a little boy, the Lun family? Disgusting! Ha ha."

I feel that this smile is particularly sinister...

Beibei rolled her eyes, how dare she say old lady?Then Beibei replied in a very embarrassing way.

"Don't worry, old fat girl! Come on, come and hit me."

"The Lun family punches you carefully, big bastard, beat you to death!"

Seeing Liu Qingcheng felt nauseated, goosebumps all over her body.

There is a letter reply!

This time when Beibei clicked on it, it was Lin Yueyan's!
The little guy saw it, and her cousin's reply was: "When I go back, I will eat you poorly. If I get fat, I will get fat. If I eat poor you, I will eat poor you..."

Also speechless!
There are more than a dozen words for her "eating poor you", she does not admit defeat at all.

Here comes another...

Beibei didn't even want to reply.

This is from Lin Qiuyan, and her reply was: "Son, do your ears hurt?"

Beibei scratched her head, and then touched her own ears.

The little guy burst out laughing, his mind was filled with the image of her grandma twisting her father's ears, and her mouth was dry from laughing.

Qin Lan received it!
My heart is pounding for no reason...

My head is still shaking and shaking, my mood is very complicated...

These two live treasures, this time it was Ling Yun, who didn't know anything about it, because Ling Yun dozed off on the bed and fell asleep.

After half an hour of chattering, the two little guys finally agreed to leave the table.

Little Aileen and Ji Wuxue had already finished eating, why don't they concentrate on eating?Also eating and playing with mobile phones!
As expected, the little guy was fed up, lying motionless on the sofa, stroking his belly with a small hand, pouting, hating that his belly was not as big as Aunt Long's!

Long Yanran was still eating, and now was the time for her to enjoy, with a cup of Coke next to her, full of enjoyment.

Beibei was on the side, her eyes full of contempt. Sure enough, her aunt was the biggest foodie, and no one could shake her status.

The princess has something to do, she went back to Endless Sea long ago, and the formation is still there, she can come over at any time, as long as little Irene has games, I don't think about her for now.

In half an hour!

Long Yanran lay down next to the little guy happily, but her stomach didn't show anything, the latter's was obvious and bulging, and Beibei's was similar.

Long Yanran took a look at them, then got up and sat in another seat, sitting between the little guy and Beibei, and as soon as she sat down, she stroked the little guy's bulging belly.

"Why is it so big? Are you pregnant with a baby?"

"Ah?" The little guy was dumbfounded, then gave Long Yanran a blank look, and replied, "Are you stupid? I've told you that giving birth to a baby is an adult's business. Don't bully me because I haven't read a book." I don't understand."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and snorted, ignored Long Yanran, and continued to massage her stomach with her little hands.

Long Yanran's smile stopped abruptly, and the corner of her mouth twitched fiercely, this child is not easy to be fooled.

Bei Bei burst out laughing, mocking Long Yanran all the time, Ji Wuxue and little Aileen's laughter was also there!
Long Yanran touched Beibei's belly again: "Beibei's belly is so bulging? Tell me! Is there something hidden? I just found out that some top-quality spirit stones are missing."

Beibei shook her head, and explained in a childish voice: "No, this is my flesh, which just grew. Auntie, are you stupid?" She said while shaking her bulging belly.

Long Yanran was devastated, she felt like she was a child and Beibei and the others were adults.

(End of this chapter)

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