Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 907 is awesome again

Chapter 907 is awesome again

It will kill you if you eat it!

Leaving aside the fact that it is poisonous, it is so big, do you want to kill people?
There are too many impurities in the elixir, which is why such a large elixir is formed.

"Bei Bei, have you ever seen such a big pill?" Ling Yun asked.

"" Beibei shook her head, dumbfounded, the plot is wrong, shouldn't it be a compliment!
"Look at it, Peiyuan Pill looks like this, and the elixir with almost no impurities should be distinguished in this way. How to make it? Let me tell you."

Ling Yunxuan refined a Peiyuan Pill, and it was effortless to grab it. He just wanted to pretend to be aggressive, and he showed his hand on the spot, and the effect was not bad.

The eyes of the four little guys stared at stars, and their fiery adoring eyes stayed on Ling Yun, especially the little guy, her beautiful eyes showed a look of excitement.

After listening to Ling Yun's explanation, Beibei lowered her head in embarrassment, Little Irene and Ji Wuxue giggled every time they saw Beibei's big poison elixir.

"Why is your alchemy furnace empty and still not hot?" Ling Yun frowned slightly, blinked his eyes a few times, and realized that his daughter didn't seem to be refining.

The little guy lowered his head and didn't speak.

Long Yanran said: "After you leave, she will stop practicing and play with that cat."

Ling Yun was speechless, and said, "Qiqian, it's study time, so I can't play."

The little guy replied: "I'm not playing, I'm training the cat."

Ling Yun: "..."

Is there any difference between the two? He is drunk.

Long Yanran asked amusedly, "Then did you succeed in training?"

The little guy chuckled and nodded his head twice.

"Xiao Baihei, come here quickly."

The kitten lying on the lawn in the distance ran over immediately, it was so fluffy and cute.

When it ran to the little guy's feet, its small body arched the latter, and the little guy said again: "Little Baihei, jump twice."

Ling Yun and Long Yanran looked at each other, they couldn't laugh or cry, this name...

Xiaobaihei jumped twice immediately, she was very obedient, Ling Yun understood it as soon as she thought about it, she must have trained with affinity.

"Sissy, the training is over, right? We should concentrate on refining the pills. I heard that there will be an alchemy conference in the future, and there will be an alchemist guild to join. There are great benefits and rights, so you are not interested. "Ling Yun raised his finger and counted a few.

Beibei immediately raised her hand and said, "I want to participate and be the biggest!"

Long Yanran struck down, and said: "Be the biggest? That's the president, do you have the skills? As for your dark, big and poisonous pill, I'm afraid you have no hope."

She looked at the big elixir on the table, and couldn't help laughing. This living treasure made her laugh too much. Before Ling Yun came back, she was still a treasure.

Beibei was furious and pouted, "It's much better than Bad Auntie's."

As she spoke, she grimaced and said slightly: "Have you become a pill yet? Shame, you can't compare to a child."


The other three children all spoke in unison, laughing at Long Yanran in a childish voice. The latter has a dark face, so he shouldn't talk too much.

The little guy's eyes lit up suddenly, and he tugged on Ling Yun's pants.

"Father, you can perform again, alchemy! Okay!"

She wants to see how the void refines the elixir, and she always feels that she will understand after watching it a few times, what's the fire?Looks like it can be converted or something.

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "Okay, this time you have to be careful. I will pass on my technique to you after you learn alchemy and master it thoroughly."

In the void, a pack of medicinal materials was automatically decomposed, and then a ball of fire appeared, and then under Ling Yun's perfect operation, a Peiyuan Dan with a halo was refined without even a minute.

Pill fire?

That's all irrelevant, Ling Yun has thousands of methods, and the methods are ever-changing. He can also use fire, but in order to attract the little ones, it's cooler to use fire.

This elixir was held by the little guy, she didn't speak, but stared straight at it, and after a while she just laughed.

Ling Yun and the others shook their heads, not knowing what she was thinking.

"A bit bitter..."

The little guy had seen enough, so he took a bite, and then swallowed. For a moment, she was lost in thought, and her eyes rolled again.

Everyone was speechless and defeated by her.

Long Yanran noticed her rolling eyes, but the latter also couldn't figure it out.

"Father, you refine it more..." The little guy grabbed Ling Yun's pants again, his voice was childish, and he even acted coquettishly.

Ling Yun's forehead went black...

Refining it out for her to eat?He was a bit reluctant, it wasn't the question of whether he was refining or not, but it was to attract their interest.

The results of it?
It turned out to be him playing a show!

The little guy acted like a baby again, so cute.

Ling Yun sighed, well, who let him be defeated by the little guy, but it was agreed in advance that after Ling Yun refines another one, the little guy can't be lazy and must refine it well.

"Okay, it's up to you, as long as you study and practice hard, you can also make alchemy like me in the future, and be so popular."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he was playing with the Peiyuan Pill in his hand, it was gaudy, and he started to quiver, his brows were slightly raised, winking a little.

That look is to seduce the little ones.

Beibei said: "In the future, I will also act like a handsome sorghum, pretending to be aggressive everywhere."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, why did this sound so awkward?When did he use alchemy to pretend to be coercive?

"The baby is also following, let's pretend to fly together!" Little Irene said in a firm tone, very excited.

Ji Wuxue just smiled and didn't speak!

The little guy went crazy: "Well, follow me from now on..."

The four little guys immediately looked at each other and laughed...

Long Yanran was amused, and saw her brother Lingyun's face turned black when he was deflated, the invincible Pluto Jiadijun actually lost to them.

The little guy was reprimanded by Ling Yun again: "Stop moaning, move your little hands quickly, Dad has confidence in you."

"I almost know it." The little guy blinked and said.

Ling Yun was dumbfounded...

"Then refine one and let me see if it's bragging!"

The little guy curled his lips, and the rebuttal was not bragging.

Ling Yun immediately turned on the gas stove for her to start a fire, ready to let her start, when he heard Long Yanran and the others' exclamation, he immediately turned his head to look!
Seeing this, it really shocked his three views, and at the same time, his heart was filled with excitement, and he couldn't calm down at all!
"Wow... wow... that's amazing!"

The three little guys stared wide-eyed without blinking, staring at the little guy making alchemy in the void.

That's right, she was using Ling Yun's method to make alchemy in the void, without using the alchemy furnace.

She doesn't have a fire, but she is very smart. Isn't there a gas stove? The five elements will be used immediately, and a little fire dragon will come right away.


Can you do this?

Beibei and the others looked dumbfounded, their eyes were full of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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