Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 909 Restoring memory

Chapter 909 Restoring memory
Beibei immediately whispered to the little guy, who blinked and believed it.

"Dad, what do I need to eat to grow fire?"

"Eat more vegetables and less meat." Ling Yun replied solemnly.

Beibei turned her head and snickered...

The little guy immediately pestered Ling Yun and gestured with his little hand: "Father, I'm going to eat a lot, a lot, a lot of vegetables tonight."

"Okay! Hahaha."

Ling Yun was in a good mood, and the little guy was also giggling, thinking to himself, no wonder her Aunt Long ate so many green vegetables every meal.

She has made plans for tonight, all the vegetables are hers, and no one else has a share.

Ji Wuxue listened to Lingyun teach Beibei, and after studying for half a day, she finally refined one.

Under Ling Yun's guidance, Beibei knew both sets, but she was very happy.


The little guy really ate green vegetables, and Ling Yun had enough green vegetables, he laughed so hard he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.


Ji Wuxue's face was ugly, she covered her head, and ran back to the room screaming.

Long Yanran immediately followed Ling Yun's arrangement, ran in, and locked the door.

The little guy and Beibei are about to cry!

Little Irene said: "Brother, there is such a terrifying power inside."

"Dad, what's wrong with sister Xiaoxue." The little guy rubbed his red eyes and asked.

Beibei is also concerned!

"It's okay, she's woken up." Ling Yun didn't expect this day to come so soon, isn't it a year that was promised, it's only been less than a month or two now.

Could it be that her skills have changed?Or is Ji Wushuang modifying the exercises in the twelve domains?
Ling Yun shook his head, he didn't know, he could only wait for Ji Wuxue to come out and ask.

In half an hour!

The screams ended, and the little ones were all worried. If Ling Yun didn't let them in, they would have smashed the door.

"Father, there is no sound inside. Is sister Xiaoxue dead?"

"No, no, she must have gone to sleep." Beibei scratched her head.

"It's not right, it must be painless." Little Irene said while lying on the door, blinking her eyes.

Ling Yun said: "Come here quickly, she will come out later."

in the room!
Although Long Yanran was well prepared, it was still difficult to accept that Ji Wuxue had transformed into a big beauty, no less beautiful than Empress Linglong and Qin Lan.

"Cough cough..."

After recovering the memory of the previous twin daughter emperors, Ji Wuxue didn't know how to address Long Yanran.

According to age, Long Yanran is too young, and she used to call him auntie, but now, it really makes her think.

Long Yanran seemed to see through it, embarrassed: "Call me Yanran, you have recovered your memory, let's treat each other as ordinary people."

"Alright...Yanran...Yanran, thank you for taking care of me during this time." Ji Wuxue smiled, and the smile on her face was very charming.

"You're welcome, it should be."

"Thank you anyway." Ji Wuxue said again, and bowed slightly to express her gratitude.

"It's too hypocritical, let's go out, otherwise they can't wait to rush in." Long Yanran pointed to the door.

"Alright, let's go!"

Ji Wuxue was very disturbed, what would happen to the three little guys when she suddenly regained her adult body?Will you accept her again?

Come to the living room!

The little guy is dumbfounded, who is this beautiful sister?
"Hello, who are you?"

Beibei looked Ji Wuxue up and down, feeling very familiar: "Have we met before?"

Long Yanran said: "Guess, who is she?"

The little guy shook his head desperately, and said in a childlike voice: "I don't guess, I'm going to find sister Xiaoxue."

"That's right, whoever plays with you, let's find Xiaoxue." Beibei also pouted.

Ling Yun took a look at Ji Wuxue, and found that she was quite similar to her childhood, no wonder Beibei felt familiar.

"Xiaoxue, what's going on?" Ling Yun asked.

The little guy and Beibei were taken aback, Xiaoxue?Where?I looked around and didn't see it.

Little Ailin kept looking at Ji Wuxue, and then she let out a wow. Although she didn't know why Ji Wuxue had grown so big suddenly, she felt uncomfortable and couldn't accept it.

The child cried and jumped up, hugging Ji Wuxue's long legs!
"Wow, sister...Wow..."

Crying so loudly, it made Long Yanran and Ji Wuxue's heart ache when they saw it.

"Stop crying, isn't little Irene the strongest." Ji Wuxue stretched out her hand to rub little Irene's head, comforting her.

Little Irene continued to cry without answering!
Beibei also realized something was wrong, is the big sister in front of her really Xiaoxue?
"You are Xiaoxue?" Beibei cocked her mouth, still looking at Ling Yun, waiting for him to confirm.

Seeing Ling Yun, he nodded expressionlessly.

"Woooo..." Beibei cried, feeling at a loss.

Ji Wuxue smiled and said, "Beibei, why are you crying, you are a little adult."

Long Yanran said: "That's right, why are you crying, Beibei?"

Beibei was crying, and said in a childish voice, "I want you to care, lie, lie to children, you are not Xiaoxue."

The little guy didn't believe it, and curled his lips: "It's not sister Xiaoxue, sister Xiaoxue is a child, she is a big friend, isn't it..."

Although Ling Yun admitted it, she just didn't believe it, her little head shook like a drum, and she kept saying no, no.

Ji Wuxue sighed, and said to Ling Yun: "It should be my brother's problem. The cultivation method has changed. Maybe too many people know the disadvantages of our cultivation method, and we need to improve it."

Ling Yun showed a smile: "Understood!"

This situation, he guessed, didn't dare to think...

The little guy scratched his head, she ran to the room to look for it, she believed that Ji Wuxue was still in the room.

Ji Wuxue was speechless, looked at the calm Ling Yun and said!

"I plan to... plan to..."

"Plan to go back. I have just recovered my strength and body, so I have to deal with many things."

She knew that no matter what happened, as long as it wasn't about Sissi, Ling Yun was almost calm, so she was not surprised.

"When are we leaving?" Long Yanran knelt down and asked, while hugging the crying Beibei, who was in tears and didn't even wipe her tears with her little hands.

Ji Wuxue picked up little Irene on her feet, patted her on the back and said, "Let's go later."

While weeping, little Ailin clasped Ji Wuxue's neck: "No, don't leave..."

Ling Yun said: "Sooner or later, those who should come will come, little Irene, don't be like this."

This time it's Beibei's turn!
"How can Xiaoxue be so big, woohoo... Handsome Shushu, is she really Xiaoxue?"

This time the little guy came out crying, his face flushed red: "Wow... Sister Xiaoxue is gone, Dad...cough cough..."

Ling Yun got up from the sofa, walked in front of her, gently wiped her tears, and said with a little heartache: "Qiqian, she is Xiaoxue, she used to be that big, for some reason, when she was a child, people will always grow up. , you also know a lot of strange things in the Twelve Domains."

The little guy shook his head, but he didn't want to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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