Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 915

Chapter 915
Long Yanran and Liu Qingcheng both jumped into the pit, vomiting blood angrily.

Beibei said coquettishly to Liu Qingcheng: "Let's play again."

"Don't play." Liu Qingcheng turned her head and said nothing to play with her.

"Auntie, how about playing with me? I'll let you guys."

"Not good, not good, I want to watch TV." Long Yanran also shook her head wildly, she really didn't learn her lesson, and was tricked by her every time...!
After a while!

Ling Yuyang and Liu Qingcheng left after breakfast, and he decided to go back to the Ling Mansion in the capital to take a look. He told Ling Yun about this, and the latter had no objection, since the Bai family was abolished anyway.

The dragon group indirectly held Ling Yun's hands, Ling Yuyang is not dead yet, and it's okay to make it public.

Only since the last time Qin Lan was rescued, Mr. Qin and Qin Hao would find time to come over and ask Beibei to teach them magic fist.

Beibei was obsessed with being a master, and even gave Qin Hao a hard lesson, which made Mr. Qin's jaw almost drop from shock.

When the little guy started in the afternoon, she lost her temper, went to the God Realm, and quarreled with Ling Yun for work, and when he opened his handbag, she closed it.

Ling Yun is helpless!

The little guy can't be hard, but he's soft and coquettish.

"Go to sleep!"

"Don't sleep, don't sleep well."

"I'll go at night, I won't lie to you." Ling Yun coaxed and coaxed her to sleep.

The little guy thought to himself, just go to sleep, if she doesn't go tonight, she doesn't plan to talk to her father, and then fell asleep.


She followed Ling Yun to make dinner, and she followed Ling Yun wherever he went.

"Go take a shower, and go after you take a shower." Ling Yun said again.

The little guy pouted, wait a little longer, don't go... hum...!
This time Ling Yun didn't lie to her, after telling Ling Rufeng to take care of the house, they set off.

Spirit world!

It's cloudy right now.

The hissing of monsters around the palace continued, and some were flying all over the sky. The city under the moon was under attack, and many of them were fierce beasts from the Nine Nether Abyss.

A hole at the top of the sky was forcibly torn open, and the five gods were working together to close the gap, only to see a fierce or monster crawling out of the gap from time to time.

These all belong to the monster clan, right? It really echoes the words of the old lady Fu of Liuxian Palace, Qianye's body, the monster clan is in chaos.

It's all messed up like this, it's simply inhumane and violent.

The shrine is surrounded by a formation surrounded by gods. This pile of monsters is raging, and the entrance of the formation is guarded by the infinite gods.

He sends the wounded out and the volunteers come in.

Emperor Guapi was guarding Yuexia City, and he didn't worry about the city being destroyed at all, because he believed in Lingyun.

Qianye looked at this group of monsters with deep beautiful eyes, they lost their minds, just like she did back then.

Meng Luo Tianzun killed all directions, countless monsters were beheaded by his sword, and he was the most dazzling in the entire battlefield.

What An Qing had nothing to do originally was to help a few old men watch their surroundings with Empress Linglong and the others so as not to be attacked by other monsters.

As a result, a killer came out from below and cut off some strands of An Qing's hair, making the latter very angry.

The two began to fight, An Qing threatened to kill him, and no one was allowed to help, it was perfect for a killer.

The Guapi Emperor who was watching the battle in Yuexia City recognized at a glance that the killer was a member of the Demon Gu Sect, a late Immortal Emperor.

According to the previous, this is the third time to send someone here, he doesn't think it's just one, there must be other killers in the dark.

Qianye looked at An Qing and the killer who were fighting, and said to Emperor Guapi: "The crystal shows that he is the silver medal killer of the Demon Gu Sect, Brother Xiong Biao!"

"I've heard that the guy who kills without blinking an eye has many means and is very cunning. I'm afraid that the empress will suffer."

"Don't worry, I won't suffer any losses, I will keep an eye on it." Chiba raised the corner of his mouth!
She could tell that An Qing might be a bit behind in terms of cultivation, but her skills and that artifact dress were not vegetarians.

As long as no one interferes, Brother Xiong Biao will definitely not gain the upper hand. If there is a protracted battle, he will not die but will be injured.

Emperor Guapi said: "You're thinking wrong, he is clearly losing the wind on purpose, I guess he must be waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to make a move with his companions."

"Then I'll tell her now." Chiba said.

Emperor Guapi shook his head, and immediately grabbed Qianye, he said: "No, what happened last time can't happen again, and now this monster is mutating."

"Okay, then you go." Qianye looked back and smiled.

The corner of Guapi Emperor's mouth twitched: "Let's take a look first, she is very smart."

To put it bluntly, he is still sticking to his businessman principles.

Ling Yun watched the play with the little guy and Bei Bei. He wanted to see how the disaster would have ended without him.

If Ling Yun hadn't been hugging the three of them, they would have lifted their invisibility long ago and rushed up to play.

The battle between An Qing and Brother Xiong Biao had already turned into darkness, and there was a dazzling spell that was produced by the collision of their martial arts.

"Jie Jie... As expected of his woman, she still has two brushes." Brother Xiong Biao smiled evilly, looking greedily at the artifact held by An Qing.

Every time An Qing's clothes changed color, he was shocked differently.

"I'm just warming up." An Qing drew out her long sword again, approaching her opponent.

Talking room!
The two fought again, and the surrounding fluctuations were too strong. Brother Xiong Biao was naked from the upper body, exposing his huge muscles, and marks began to appear on his skin.

On the other hand, An Qing's physique is mysterious and powerful. Relying on the divine weapon, she exudes a sea of ​​blood, surging and sweeping towards all directions. Neither of them will admit defeat.

Hundreds of miles around were affected by them, many monsters died, mountains and rivers collapsed, and trees shattered.

On the other side!

The battle between monsters and people from the God Realm, those shouts and killings shook the sky, blood stained the mountains and rivers, and the corpses on the ground were almost monsters.

The order from Dong Shenzun is to run away if you can't beat it...!
Almost everyone has flinched, only Meng Luo Tianzun, his physique is that the more he fights, the more brave he is, the contemporary God of War must be him.

The Empress Hanyue flew over to An Qing and said, "Empress, let's join hands together for a quick victory."

An Qing still shook her head: "No! No one is allowed to intervene, otherwise I am in a hurry with someone."

"Okay, okay, I like heads-up." Brother Xiong Biao looked up to the sky and laughed, still looking confident, and he didn't know what his support was.

"Hmph, I'm serious this time." An Qing drew out the long sword again, and the sword energy swept across the world, forcing Empress Hanyue to retreat.

Brother Xiong Biao is sure, if An Qing's swordsmanship can have this power, with the blessing of external force, that is the magic weapon she wears.

"Come on, you are destined to die in my hand." Xiong Biao drank a lot, cracking the air, and banging around again. It was the void.

An Qing shook her head, thinking in her heart that it was just like this, she was wearing a magic weapon, bathed in the laws of heaven and earth, the sky exploded as she walked, and the thunder and lightning were densely covered, it was extremely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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