Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 936 Weird

Chapter 936 Weird
Psychedelic Mountain?
It should really be called Mystery Mountain!
After walking for an hour, Long Yanran couldn't take it anymore, the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and apart from their group, no living things could be seen.

And what the hell is going on with the weather?

The sky is cloudless?
There was one sun just now, now there are two, if you don't think about it, you will suffer from heat stroke.

Ling Yun suddenly realized that he couldn't think of a way out. To be precise, he didn't know what was going on here for the time being.

The little guy said in a milky voice: "Papa, I'm hot, hot..."

Beibei said that she couldn't stand it either, and didn't want to leave!

Queen Yaoyue yelled: "Ghost place, where did the ghost shadow go?"

"My Emperor, try..." Ling Yun is okay, after all, he is an undead body and is not affected by the outside world.

The little guy was very excited when he saw an iceberg appearing in Ling Yun's palm.


It's embarrassing, Lingyun's ice will melt as soon as it comes out, and it is not allowed to exist here.

Tried again and again many times, still the same, Ling Yun shrugged, this method will not work.

The little guy's Ghostly Cold Bingxin also affected a lot of the climate here, Bingxin fell to the ground and disappeared without a trace, very strange.

Pepe on the side was dumbfounded, and kept pointing at Gui Hanbingxin in the little guy's hand with a trembling look on his face.

Queen Yaoyue is a little numb. With the strength of Taishenjun, his daughter must be extraordinary.

"Papa, it's hot..."

The little guy seemed to be crying, the two suns were directly overhead, and Ling Yun found that they would not move, which meant that it would never be dark.

How could one live long in such weather?
Queen Yaoyue's face was pale, her clothes could be wrung out, and she didn't know what she thought of.

"Little Tiger!"


"Get bigger, and you're not hot." Ling Yun rolled his eyes again and again, the mount came, and the flame tiger is a beast with fire attributes, so it's not afraid of heat.

Although everyone was sitting on the back of the Flaming Tiger, it seemed to be getting hotter. It was too close to the two suns, and the back of the tiger was hairy, so it didn't dissipate heat.

Little Ailin was in a bad mood, she didn't say a word, Ling Yun still didn't know what was going on with her.


Ling Yun can only think this way...

The ground where the Flaming Tiger stepped on was extremely hot, but fortunately it was not afraid, if Long Yanran stepped on it, it would immediately be severely burned.

Long Yanran said: "Brother Lingyun, let me hug her, if there is danger later, you can relax more."
"it is good!"

Ling Yun didn't refuse either, and gave little Irene to Long Yanran.

Queen Yaoyue couldn't take it anymore, stood on the back of the tiger, took out her recast lady piano, and twitched in anger.

An incomparably sharp blue dazzling light shot into the sky, and the target was the sun.

Now even Ling Yun wanted to curse, what the hell!

The sun didn't matter at all, it still threw flames on their side, all in one ball.

The Raging Flame Tiger was jumping up and down to avoid the fire, too much fire, and it would not be able to stand it.

Ling Yun tried his best to keep them steady, the little guy was still smiling, more exciting than a roller coaster.

Queen Yaoyue didn't believe in evil, and plucked the strings again, but Ling Yun couldn't stop it in time.

There was a bang in the sky!
The sun seemed to feel that the Yaoyue Queen was provoking it, so after that, the ground was covered with fire, and the soil was burned into sand, and the surrounding area immediately turned into a desert.

Lie Yanhu cursed: "You stinky bitch, you want to die for this beast, don't you?"

It ran desperately, the fire behind seemed to be controlled by someone, and it kept chasing, while the sky was rain of fire and molten lava.

Ling Yun also knew that it was serious, so he raised his shield and used it as an umbrella.

Lie Yanhu ran with them on his back for half an hour, and he was already tired. There were still two suns in the sky. If it wasn't for the changes in the surroundings, Ling Yun would have suspected that he had lost his way.

It was bare here, Ling Yun chose to rest for a while, and took out a big sun umbrella to cover the sun.

Queen Yaoyue expressed her apologies, and she didn't want to, the Flame Tiger was glaring at her.

The little guy was sweating profusely, pulling Ling Yun and saying, "Papa, it's hot...!!"

"Be patient, think of a way." Ling Yun has been studying it all the time.

Beibei asked, "What's wrong with little Irene? Get up and play some games."

Beibei tried this trick before, but now little Irene is in a coma and can't hear her.

"Hush!! She's sick." Long Yanran wiped little Irene's sweat, she was also worried.

Ling Yun stepped forward and stroked his forehead, and found that it was nothing, it was really weird.

Pepe said: "Is she poisoned, or it shouldn't be like this."

Ling Yun shook his head, it wasn't poisoning.

Queen Yaoyue said: "She is so weak, you can't stand her if you bring her here."

Ling Yun shook his head again, Long Yanran was lower than her, and didn't see anything wrong with her.


Little Irene was trembling all over, foaming at the mouth, Ling Yun was shocked!
Everyone is not calm!

Queen Yaoyue immediately used her true energy to stabilize her, and Peipei also helped.

The faces of the little guy and Beibei turned pale, as if they were frightened.

Ling Yun gave up when he wanted to, and immediately took out the phoenix blood that he had traded with Qianye back then.

When the drop of blood melted into little Irene's body, the latter groaned, her body was suspended in the air, exuding traces of blood, and everyone was dumbfounded.


What a familiar laugh, little Irene woke up full of energy, which made Ling Yun happy and confused!
"Huh!" The Yaoyue Queen breathed a sigh of relief, she had been frightened just now.

Long Yanran's tense nerves also relaxed.

"Aha, little Irene is lazy and sleeping." The little guy pouted.

Beibei put her hands on her hips, and said in a childish voice, "Don't be lazy, or I won't give it to you, baby."

Ling Yun checked Little Irene's body again, and found that there was nothing wrong, so he asked, "Little Irene, what happened to you just now?"

Little Irene blinked, she said something in Ling Yun's ear, Ling Yun stood up with wide eyes.

Dragon Breath!

It was always the dragon's breath that affected little Irene, Ling Yun didn't notice it at all, it was weird!
He suspected that the little guy had placed it indiscriminately, but after checking it, he was shocked again, the blood dragon yuan was sleeping!
What exactly is that dragon's breath?Why Ling Yun didn't feel anything.

Little Irene is a sea dragon, but also a water phoenix. Before she merged with the Phoenix blood, the real dragon blood was strong, so she was affected by the dragon's breath. After the integration, the Phoenix blood was stronger than the real dragon blood, so little Irene was fine again.

"What's wrong? Have you figured out a way?" Queen Yaoyue asked in surprise.

Long Yanran's eyes lit up, if she really thought of a way, she wouldn't have to suffer.

"No!" Ling Yun shook his head!

When everyone heard the words, hey, they were very disappointed.

Ling Yun tried to shatter the void with a punch, but the void was not shattered, it was limp, but the two suns were furious, and there was another burst of fire rain, which was really annoying.

Queen Yaoyue did not suggest that Ling Yun stimulate the two suns, otherwise they would be the ones to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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