Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 944 Death's Wrath

Chapter 944 Death's Wrath

The two protectors in the domain of the god of death both fell into the hands of Ling Yun, who smiled lightly.

"Hey, give me a hug." Ling Yun petted and kissed the little guy.


The little guy is also welcome, she is a little tired, and gave a lot of power to Yaoyue Queen.

Ling Yun is speechless, didn't you tell her that her divine power can't save people, why is she using it indiscriminately.

Bebe flash over!
The first thing to do was to search for the treasures on those corpses.

They even called Long Yanran and little Ailin from afar.

Pepe swallowed hard, the Supreme God is the strongest, two?Transcendent Immortal Emperor Eighteen died.

Look at the twelve domains and dominate!

No wonder the demons are not opponents, hey...

"Papa, aren't you going to pet their heads?" the little guy asked in a childish voice.


Ling Yun snapped his fingers, and Queen Yaoyue and Qixian barely opened their eyes.

"Me? I'm still alive." The Yaoyue Queen tried hard to open her eyes, and then wanted to lower them heavily.

"Is this Huangquan Road? It's no different from the ordinary world." Qixian remained motionless, her eyes looking at the deep blue sky.

"Not dead." Ling Yun replied speechlessly.


The little guy covered his eyes.

"En? Dijun, avenge me, please..." Queen Yaoyue thought that the time was approaching, and was about to say her last words.

"Not dead? Cousin, we are alive, what nonsense are you talking about?" Qixian replied weakly.

"Ahem, you don't have to die, Yaoyue, you let the domain master out, obey God Realm, and this emperor promises to save you."

"Impossible, let's not say that you can save me, just want the position of domain master, Dijun, you wolf ambition, this emperor will never compromise."

Queen Yaoyue shook her head and refused, feeling a little delirious.

"Hehe, Tangtang... the dignified Lord God would actually take advantage of others' danger." Qi Xian was out of breath, contemptuous, although he couldn't see where Ling Yun was, but he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Qixian, your god should be the one who obeys the orders of the gods. This emperor is kind and doesn't care about it. Otherwise, how can there be nine days?"

"Don't quarrel..." the little guy muttered, patting Ling Yun's heart all the time.

"Nine Heavens? They are all your dishonest courtiers!"

Qi Xian said abruptly, he vividly remembered the division of God back then, and this was also discussed, what did Ling Yun propose at this moment?
"Okay... Then this is the price for the emperor to save you? Should it be? It's up to you."

Queen Yaoyue said: "Dijun, give up."

"That's right, we don't plan to live anyway." Qixian doesn't care, he has no desire for the position of God, and he has several older brothers after he dies.

"Hmph, want to die? This Emperor refuses to let me go. Remember, you will always owe this Emperor your life."

Ling Yun couldn't allow them to refuse, and coercive means would do.

Word down!

Light up!
The shattered internal organs of Queen Yaoyue are gradually being repaired.

Qixian's serious injury was also treated, and the two old cousins ​​gasped in unison.

"This?... is this possible." Qixian stood up first, her eyes were filled with disbelief, something she had never heard of in the Twelve Domains.

Comparable to the light magic and life magic of the Magic Continent.

Ling Yun looked at them like a bumpkin, ignorant!
The little guy laughed loudly, clapped his hands and applauded, and kept saying that Ling Yun was amazing, and he praised it to the sky.

"Aren't I great?" Beibei ghost spirit came back, holding four or five storage rings, all of which were high-end products from ancient times.

"Amazing!" Ling Yun laughed out loud!
Empress Yaoyue snorted, "This empress doesn't owe you anything, it's because you think you are right."

Ling Yun: "..."

There were a lot of voices in the distance, Ling Yun frowned, it was the people from the God of Death who came here, and rushed over to find out after hearing the commotion here.

Ling Yun snapped his fingers and killed them all, they were all scum, even Immortal Emperor Sixteen and Seventeen dared to come.

The battlefield was cleaned up by Beibei, and Ling Yun didn't intend to stay and set off again.

In the distant Longtou Mountain!
The god of death is furious!
"Ah..." His terrifying power radiated out, and dozens of dark beams of light erupted outside Longtoushan, covering a radius of ten thousand miles, but luckily there was no human habitation there.

At almost the same time, two guardians died, how could he not be angry.

The bat suggested that the enemy's combat strength is unknown, so send the remaining four guardians to fight in groups!No matter how many people are on the opposite side, kill without mercy!

The god of death agreed, and ordered to mobilize the ghost holy city people and the other four guardians to jointly kill the murderer, that is, Ling Yun and his party.

The remaining guardians are the bull monster saint who can summon dead demons, and the half-giant with extremely hard body, the titan!
The faceless man who is proficient in magic can disguise his appearance through magic, so he can't tell the difference between men and women.

There is only one beautiful man with unparalleled illusion skills left, Qingfeng!

The four of them were shocked when they received the order. How many years have passed since Ling Yun Death's guardians have changed from generation to generation, but who can be so crazy?Killed three!
But if you meet them, you will eventually enter the loess.

Ling Yun here!

Qixian told Yaoyue Queen what happened after they came in, including Mo Liancheng's treachery, which made him gnash his teeth.

The three of them were chased and killed by the people of Ghost City not long after they came to Death God's Realm, and they kept chasing after them.

At the beginning, they united and killed many immortal emperors sixteen and seventeen, thanks to Mo Liancheng's killing array, until the arrival of the ghost saint, everything changed.

In order to survive, Mo Liancheng betrayed Qixian and Liuxian.

It can be said!
Mo Liancheng didn't plot against the Qixian brothers behind their backs, Liuxian would not have died.

Queen Yaoyue's eyes were red, and she threatened that she would not let Mo Liancheng go, and it was all his fault.

Even Ling Yun was beaten a few times by her. The latter said that she blamed Ling Yun for not shattering the formation sooner.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, is it none of his business?

A group of people walked north, and the wonders of mountains and rivers along the way attracted the little ones deeply, and they also stayed a lot of time to see the scenery.

There are aborigines here, but they all treat each other as passers-by, and there is no hostility between them.

When resting on the road, Queen Yaoyue deliberately inquired a lot of news from the people nearby, for example, there is a big city near here.

In addition, there are no villages, no countries, no sects here, and the domain of the god of death is fought every year, causing countless casualties, so there are few people.

"Little one, let's go shopping in the town later, are you happy?" The Yaoyue Empress especially liked to tease the little guy, who smiled innocently, which made her very happy, as if she had returned to her childhood.

"Happy!" The little guy was very happy. There should be toys in the city, and she was greedy.

"I want it too, Beibei wants it too, if the kids have it, I want it too." Beibei tugged at Queen Yaoyue's white robe in a childish voice.

Queen Yaoyue laughed out loud, she was so cute, she agreed to share with them, and the three of them quieted down.

Lingyun's spiritual sense has long enveloped that city, named Star Picking City, and the owner of the city is an unattractive woman, who is heard to be haunted by ghosts, and rejects all those who admire her.

Even the protector Qingfeng bowed down under her skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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