Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 954

Chapter 954
At this time, bolts of lightning gushed out from the sea of ​​thunder again, turning into Qionglou palaces, carrying a heaven-shattering aura, rushing towards the face, all suppressed and fell towards the god of death!

In the void, the blazing lightning extinguished the world, and when the materialized lightning flashed across the void, the shadow of Ling Yun appeared in a trance.

Boundless lightning shrouded it, and the God of Reaper fought alone. It knew it was going to be over, and smiled wryly at the ancient gods. In the end, it gave up struggling, was completely killed by Ling Yun, and disappeared completely.

Except for the broken ground floating in the realm of the god of death, everything is calm, the sky is clear and cloudless, and everything is as beautiful as before.

In the crucible!
No one knows that the realm of the god of death no longer exists. In the broken continent, every small piece of land has the attribute of electricity and cannot survive.

Ling Yun stood alone in the air, looking back, the universe trembled, the light in his eyes seemed to collapse the eternal sky, what a power it was!
His black hair fluttered wildly, his clothes flapped and was blown by the strong wind.

Ants are still ants after all, and everyone is vulnerable to the Dao of Heaven.

"no need to thank me."

Ling Yun formed a tombstone, on which it was written, a generation of cattlemen, the tomb of the ancient god of death, and the last signature of the bull-butcher!

It is exactly the same as the tombstone erected when killing the soul demon in Wuhun Continent.

There is an enchantment at the junction of the blood domain and the death domain!
It was opened before, but affected by the power of the Lingyun Heavenly Tribulation, it was opened. Queen Yaoyue and the others just arrived, and after a short rest, they couldn't get in.

There are several Immortal Emperors from the Twelve Realms outside, and they are all members of the Catmull Alliance.

Seeing Queen Yaoyue here, they would definitely not dare to cause trouble. In this dangerous place, they must be of the same mind.

Just about to join hands with Queen Yaoyue to open the barrier, Ling Yun came back.

Zi Ran's eyes widened, she guessed that Ling Yun was cowardly, unable to defeat the god of death, and slipped back.

after all!

In her eyes, the god of death is a god and immortal.

The corner of Qi Xian's mouth twitched, this pervert should have killed the god of death, Ling Yun's calm and elegant attitude, and a smile at the corner of his mouth, explained it better.

Since they were all at the junction, they didn't know anything about the big movement Ling Yun made just now.

Queen Yaoyue didn't think much about it, as long as she came back safely.

Long Yanran knows many secrets of Ling Yun, God of Death?It is certain that she will receive a box lunch, and she is not worried at all.

Pepe's Hell Blood just felt Ling Yun's huge power, so she was always in a state of boiling, and she didn't know what was going on.

What happened to the god of death, she was not worried, it was none of her business.

"Papa, aha." The little guy immediately jumped into Ling Yun's arms, feeling very excited as if he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Boom, so cute." Ling Yun smiled lightly, revealing two small white canine teeth.

"Handsome, Beibei wants to hug me too, and I'm good too."

"Hold the baby too, aha."

Ling Yun was speechless, he could only put down the little guy, not hugging any of them.

The Death God Domain was destroyed by him, and nothing was taken, so the loss was huge.

"Hi God, it's great that you are here, let's join forces, this enchantment is very hard." Yideng Supreme from the Catmull Alliance smiled.

The other Immortal Emperor of the Catmull Alliance, the Immortal Emperor of Shirenzong looked at Ling Yun up and down. He didn't want to be with Ling Yun. He felt that the latter was too strong, and it would be a disadvantage if they joined together.

They are not familiar with the Catmull League and the Taishenjun, and they have always been indifferent to each other.

"Trash!" Ling Yun despised.

"Trash!" the little guy followed up.

Beibei and little Irene immediately rolled their eyes together: "Trash."

"Puchi!" Queen Yaoyue couldn't help chuckling, these few were really real treasures.

Long Yanran said to the three little guys: "Line up and don't leave my sight."

Yideng Zhizun had an ugly face, but he didn't dare to talk back to Ling Yun.

Everyone else gritted their teeth, Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong said: "Come on, let's ignore him, let's try again."

As soon as Deng Zhizun nodded, how many of them are in the Catmull Alliance? Besides, Queen Yaoyue and Tianzhu Qixian are both there, so the barrier cannot be opened?impossible.

With everyone working together, they made a hole in the barrier for the first time.

The Catmull League is about to enter, everything is brand new, the opportunity is here!

Ling Yun pulled the little guy and little Irene, and the three walked slowly into the blood field together, and the two little guys were the last.

Qixian and Beibei walked in the front, helping to find the way.

While Queen Yaoyue and Peipei were not paying attention, Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong went back and forth, trying to close the barrier to prevent Ling Yun from entering.

The point is, he did it!

He hit the enchantment stone tablet with his palm, and the enchantment blocked the two fields again.

"Haha, the Great Lord, let you be arrogant."

Immortal Emperor Shirenzong was about to leave immediately after finishing. He didn't know that Queen Yaoyue and Qi Xian were with Ling Yun, so he thought they would not help Ling Yun.

Beibei immediately went back, lying on the barrier, muttering: "Sister? Did you hear that? Handsome!"

Qixian immediately stopped Immortal Emperor Shirenzong, this person is really annoying, and it's the Katum Alliance again!

Queen Yaoyue said: "Are you courting death?"

"Empress, don't meddle with Wuchongtian God, he is the Supreme God." Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong is not afraid of Qi Xian, he doesn't think that the latter will offend the Katum Alliance because of Ling Yun's move.

"This emperor likes to meddle in other people's business!" Queen Yaoyue said coldly, with a wave of sharp fingers, Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong backed away repeatedly under the body shield.

The two are not at the same level, Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong immediately vomited blood.


A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, he chooses to run away, he can't afford to mess with it!Can't afford it!
There was a loud noise, the barrier was broken, and Beibei laughed out loud, how easy it is for this child to swing his magic fist to finish it with one punch.

Only Pepe saw that scene, and the latter was numb. This little pervert is a cow.

Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong took advantage of the chaos and ran away!Ling Yun doesn't allow it, how far can he run?

A huge suction dragged him back, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Trash! Are you provoking this emperor?"

Ling Yun walked in and stared coldly at Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong. The latter felt remorse constantly. He was too impulsive, so he should find a good opportunity.

"Ahem, Lord God, I'm from the Katum Alliance, so don't mess around." Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong moved out of the backstage, hoping that Ling Yun would be afraid, and he should also take the Katum Alliance into consideration.


Ling Yun walked over and stepped on the right foot of the stone-crusher Renzong Immortal Emperor.


"You're the one who thinks so much?"

Ling Yun kicked again, and Immortal Emperor Shi Renzong's feet were crippled, screaming again and again.

Qixian shook her head and smiled wryly, she really wouldn't die if she didn't try to die!

The little guy covered his eyes, didn't look, didn't look, this person was too bad, he didn't let her in, he didn't deserve sympathy.

Little Irene tugged at Ling Yun's clothes, she wanted to breathe fire and test her power, Ling Yun nodded.


As soon as Little Irene breathed out the fire, after the rapid fire disappeared, there was still Immortal Emperor Stone Renzong.

(End of this chapter)

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