Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 958 To the Secret Realm

Chapter 958 To the Secret Realm

Ling Yun once again killed with one finger...

Heipao Songlao lost his strength and demigod, completely unresponsive, blame himself for being too embarrassing!

What's more, he is also as strong as the end. After fighting with Queen Yaoyue and Zi Ran for so long, his strength has also declined, and it is normal for him to be killed by Ling Yun.

Queen Yaoyue swallowed her saliva after taking back the lady's piano. The old man they couldn't do anything about after beating for so long was killed by Ling Yun with one blow, and she was really shocked.

She swears that she must not mess with Ling Yun after she goes out, this man is too powerful.

After the giant dragon killed Jing Lao, he turned into a dragon sculpture. Wang Lao had nothing to love. He was surrounded by white flames, and he didn't know where they came from. Anyway, it was terrifying.

"All of you will die badly, the bloodthirsty maniac will avenge us."

Wang Lao used blood as a medium to summon the sleeping blood monster.

Ling Yun frowned, and with one move, he trapped Wang Lao, making him unable to move.

Tian Lao stopped fighting with Lie Yanhu, he ran away, Ling Yun smiled and told him to run, and did not intend to make a move.

Queen Yaoyue said anxiously: "He ran away, you should chase him quickly."

She couldn't direct Ling Yun, she could only kick the seven strings.

"Cousin, forget it."

"No, he will definitely inform you when he runs away. Do you want me to teach you how to let the tiger go back to the mountain?" Queen Yaoyue rolled her eyes.

"I can't fight, it's useless to go." Qixian shrugged.

Queen Yaoyue walked up to Beibei and touched Beibei's head. She said softly, "Little Beibei, you are the most obedient. Auntie gave you a bite. Did you see that there is a bad old man who eats people and ran away. Specialize in mutilating little ones, just as big as you, and don't let them go."

Beibei was furious when he heard that there was such a bad old man, he couldn't be allowed to run away.

Change dragon?

She will too!
A divine thunder appeared in the sky in the distance, and it immediately turned into a thunder dragon. With a scream, Mr. Tian died unfortunately. Beibei pinched her nose, she was so cute.

Queen Yaoyue nodded, smiling, she was still reliable with Beibei, and finally wiped them all out.

The little guy excitedly pointed at the giant dragon statue, and kept telling Ling Yun that she did it, and wanted to take pictures and praise it.

Ling Yun must satisfy her, taking her and the curious little Irene to the top of the dragon.

There are still a few bowls of that soup left, all of which were shared by Pepe and the others, the pot was licked clean by Qi Xian, and the Flame Tiger lost his temper, so it only got one bowl?And what about Wangzai?Why is it an empty jar.

Bei Beiqiao wiped the little guy's butt, and explained that it was just a can of Wangzai. When it was empty, the flame tiger vomited blood!

According to what Zi Ran said, the inheritance secret realm should be in the east.

Ling Yun and his group set off again, but because the blood field was too large, the bloodthirsty maniac killed five of his subordinates without knowing it.

After more than half a day's journey by Raging Flame Tiger, they finally arrived at the Inheritance Secret Border the next morning.

"Wow, aha, there are so many people." The little guy became excited.

There are estimated to be two to 3000 people in the entire Inheritance Secret Outer World. Zi Ran visually observed that there are those in the Ice and Snow Domain, at most those in the Endless Sea of ​​Fire Domain, and there are also many immortal emperors from the Twelve Domains.

Ling Yun met acquaintances again, namely Liu Taizong of Tianhai Pavilion, and Master Xuanji of Putuo Temple who almost made a move outside the Magic Mountain.

Queen Yaoyue frowned. She didn't expect that there were many people from the Twelve Regions, and there were dozens of people. In fact, there were far more than that. Some went in, and some died.

Pepe also saw people from the Demon Race, but they were casual cultivators of the Demon Race and had nothing to do with her family.

"Papa, who are those people in vain?" the little guy asked.

"Ask her." Ling Yun pointed to Zi Ran.

Zi Ran said: "They are ice and snow people, and their skin is very white."

"The black man is the Heitan man, right?"

Beibei began to draw inferences from one example, Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

"Blue Star is African." Long Yanran explained.

Beibei nodded with a vague understanding.

As soon as Ling Yun and the others appeared, they immediately became the focus of the audience. It is really not an ordinary bull who can still come here with three children.

People in the Ice and Snow Domain gave thumbs up and praised repeatedly, people in the Twelve Domains admired it, and people in the Endless Sea of ​​Fire didn't seem to welcome Ling Yun.

"Aha, Papa, the big bald donkey is actually here?" The little guy wiped his eyes and blinked a few times. He was very surprised to see Master Xuanji, an acquaintance.

Beibei ran over: "Big bald head, you squat down, squat down."

She wants to touch that mysterious big bald head!

Master Xuanji was angry, his brows were furrowed, and he ignored Beibei at all.

Long Yanran said cautiously, "Come back quickly."

Beibei could only curl her lips and go back...

At this time, many casual cultivators of the twelve domains greeted Ling Yun and the others.



"From now on, the secret realm is opened, you outsiders, after entering, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky."

"Everyone is ready to enter!"

A middle-aged man with long flowing hair said, Ting Ziran introduced that he is the subordinate of the bloodthirsty madman, the third most powerful long-haired man!

Long-haired Ah Piao always feels that he has seen Ling Yun before. He is ready to say that he is familiar with Ling Yun's breath, and he is naturally very sensitive to it.

"Line up well, anyone under the age can go in."

The long hair fluttered and his eyes stared coldly. The person who entered the secret realm this time was the most unruly person he had ever seen.

"Great Lord Benefactor, we are destined to meet again." The moment Master Xuanji stepped into the secret realm of inheritance, he turned his head and smiled, very mysterious.

Ling Yun frowned slightly, what do you mean by that, could it be that Putuo Temple knew the dead spot?
The little guy responded: "Aha, Amitabha, have a good journey, bald donkey."

Beibei said: "See you in the next life."

Long Yanran: "..."

Beibei felt that she was right, the danger inside was so strong, if she was not careful, it would be her next life.

Long-haired Ah Piao waited until Ling Yun was on his horse, he asked with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, do you know me?"

Ling Yun frowned: "Get lost!"


The long hair fluttered and touched his nose, but he was not angry.

"Your age does not allow you to enter."

These words reminded Ling Yun that he really couldn't get into this situation, and he was helpless.

"I can't even enter?" Yaoyue Queen asked: "Then how can the master just now?"

In her memory, Master Xuanji is much older than her parents, Master Xuanji must be over 300 million years old.

Long-haired Ah Piao truthfully said: "He? To be honest, I don't understand, he is over 8000 million years old."

He had observed Master Xuanji for a long time before, and he had a clear understanding of his age.

"Papa, let's go in quickly, the baby is gone." The little guy urged, muttering, his brows furrowed so cutely.

Long Yanran turned around in a circle, stared wide-eyed, and shouted: "Brother Lingyun, Beibei is gone."

Where is her sister?

The little guy blinked his eyes and looked around, but he really didn't see it.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, Bei Bei went in, she led the way, but they were questioned by Long Hair Ah Piao, she didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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