Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 960 Remains

Chapter 960 Remains
The weird thing is...

Only Ling Yun saw this phenomenon, and it was just for a split second, Queen Yaoyue and the others saw nothing.

Ling Yun raised the ancient clock, making it tilted from its original upright posture, revealing more than half of the bell opening on its back.

The little guy is still lying on the huge ancient clock, listening to the sound inside.

Little Irene sniffed the air, feeling something was wrong.

Then she went to the back and looked inside the ancient clock. The smell came from inside.

Suddenly, a pair of green eyes lit up and looked towards her.

Inside the dilapidated ancient clock, there was an immortal corpse, sitting cross-legged quietly, with a majestic appearance and a terrifying aura, as if it could shatter the universe.

It didn't look like a living creature, because it was lifeless, but it possessed terrifying strength. Looking at little Irene at this time, it made her hair stand on end.

"Brother! Brother!"

Little Aileen immediately ran behind Ling Yun, frightening her to death.

Ling Yun walked over, frowning, is this huge ancient clock covering this ghost thing?What's the background?
Although this remains has a humanoid torso, it has a pair of wings on its back and a small shining horn on its forehead. It is a creature of a strange race, somewhat like a mutated angel from the Magic Continent.

It has been fallen for an unknown amount of time, but it has not rotted, and it still has a majestic atmosphere, and those eyes are too terrifying.


At this moment, it let out a roar, and the trembling ancient clock shook, as if the sky was falling apart!
The little guy shivered and hugged Ling Yun's thigh all the time.

In just a split second, Queen Yaoyue and Zi Ran coughed up blood, their bodies collapsed, and they took a few steps back.

Ling Yun protected Long Yanran and the others behind him, nothing happened.


The few handprints in the void are shining with golden light. To deal with such ghosts, Ling Yun will naturally use Buddhist supernatural powers.

The ghost screamed in pain and struggled desperately inside the ancient clock. Its torso was thickened by Ling Yun's magic seal, and it disappeared into nothing in an instant.

Queen Yaoyue swallowed her saliva, and asked with lingering fear on her face: "What is that, it's too scary."

Zi Ran turned pale and replied: "The ancient creatures are indeed very strong."

Queen Yaoyue questioned again: "Aren't you the same as Death, are you ancient? How could you not know about this thing?"

Zi Ran shook her head, she didn't remember, probably not.

The little guy poked his head out from behind Ling Yun. She looked at the huge ancient clock and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Long Yanran joked.

The little guy shook his head, ran out of the huge ancient clock, stretched out a small hand, and everyone was shocked.

The huge ancient clock shattered, and a glowing stone bead floated out of it.


The little guy jumped up and down happily, dancing all the time.

"Aww... Aww..." Little Irene turned into a dragon and screamed, running around the little guy.

"Broken?" Queen Yaoyue rubbed her eyes, it was so unbelievable, her mind was full of how Sissy did it.

"Papa, what is this?" The little guy was holding the stone bead, his face brimming with excitement.

Ling Yun was still in a daze, how could Qianqian know that there was something inside, he didn't even pay attention.

Could it be?

Delusional Eye!

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility.

"A very precious material for refining artifacts, you can put it away yourself." Ling Yun explained, the ancient clock can be so defensive, thanks to that stone bead.

"Yeah, yum." The little guy put it away immediately, and learned to be vigilant about his surroundings, that's it!Ling Yun is very satisfied.

Long Yanran teased the little guy again: "The little god is a master, and found a treasure again."

"Aha, it's normal." The little guy scratched his head, not humble at all, and made everyone dumbfounded.

"Sister, sister, come quickly."

Little Irene's voice was right in front of her. After hearing the little guy's short legs, he ran and ran.

It turned out that she found a big emerald green on the ground.


The little guy's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. She was like a thief, and immediately rushed to catch Fei Cui, as if she was worried that she would run away.

"Aha, my..."


Little Irene's dragon body revolves around the little guy again...

Ling Yun picked up a fragment of an ancient clock, then took some nearby medicinal materials, and then led them to move on.

After searching for a long time, there was no big discovery, but Ling Yun got a lot of good materials.

Ling Yun has no interest in the inheritance inside, and dislikes it as rubbish.

Empress Yaoyue's heart was full of surging, inheritance, she needed it, but she didn't know if there was such a chance.

A feather floated not far away, and it turned into a bird.

The little guy smiled and said, "Papa, come quickly, it's so beautiful."

The little bird was colorful, and little Irene looked at it with bright eyes.

I saw it flying in front of the Yaoyue Queen, making a soft chirp, which was very clear and clear.

Zi Ran was overjoyed, and she quickly said: "Inheritance, it is inheritance, you have been selected by a certain power."

Queen Yaoyue shook her body, the opportunity came!

Following the little bird, Ling Yun and his party came to an ancient hall with several statues carved inside.

The little guy was very curious. There were several transformed birds in the sky, one of which stayed on Long Yanran's body.

Ling Yun said: "Yanran, don't worry about it, it's not a good thing, whatever you hear is hallucination."

Long Yanran was very obedient, she nodded, her mind was steady, and she stuck to her heart.

Zi Ran was at a loss, she didn't understand why Ling Yun said that, Long Yanran's inheritance opportunity came, why didn't she want it?Is it a bit selfish?

The little guy is chasing the little bird to play, the demon blue butterfly on her hair exudes danger signs, and its wings are completely blue.

"I...I have it too?" Zi Ran had an incredulous expression, and she sensed that a certain bird was sitting on her head, and someone was calling her somewhere.

Long Yanran's face turned pale again and again. She was sticking to her heart and was not disturbed by external voices. There was a voice in her mind that told her to go in.

Queen Yaoyue smiled and said: "Dijun, wait for me and sister Ziran, let's go in and accept the inheritance."

Ling Yun said calmly: "The inheritance is too fake, I advise you not to, it is probably a trap."

What he said was very euphemistic, and he didn't want to tell the truth. He hoped that Queen Yaoyue and the others could hear the implication.

Ling Yun also knew that they didn't give up, so let them go, it's useless to talk too much.

Queen Yaoyue and Ziran went in to accept the so-called inheritance.

"Sister! Your hair is so beautiful." Little Irene flew in the air, seeing the changes of the demon blue butterfly clearly.

The little guy scratched his head, she couldn't see it.

Ling Yun said: "This is an illusion. It is releasing its power and fighting against other illusions."

Those little birds are hallucinations, they are simply feathers, made by the inheritors inside, and they confuse people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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