Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 967

Chapter 967

That egg, the descendant of the fire phoenix, was sent out by the evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, just to break through the dead spot and make it unaffected by the seal.

And she is the one who has been guarding that egg.

Zhu Jiuyin's plan also included the Golden Lion of the Demon King of the Twelve Domains, so they had a deal, so it can be said that it was all a conspiracy.


After Ling Yun finished listening, he suddenly realized!
That egg must be Chiba!

Zhu Jiuyin used Qianye to send her to the demon clan. Only in the demon clan of the twelve domains could Qianye fully activate the purest Phoenix blood.

As long as Chiba's growth is restricted in the Achilles' heel, a huge body cannot be transformed.


He made a wrong calculation. The demon emperor Helian Wenzhong probably knew about it, so he was killed, and Qianye was taken to the God Realm by Mrs. Fu.

So the golden lion couldn't find it all the time, and then the evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin couldn't wait, and tried to use it again, and the gas that affected the violentness of the monsters flowed out from here.

The last time Qianye was affected, as soon as the main body came out, Zhu Jiuyin knew that his hope had come again. He ordered the golden lion to capture Qianye and bring her back to his deathbed, so he would have a way to break the seal.

This is just great!

Originally, it was a headache for the golden lion not to catch Qianye, but she threw herself into the trap again and followed An Qing to the seal of the century clock, which is also the dead spot.

"Ahem, that phoenix egg you mentioned, she came in again." Ling Yun shrugged.

"What! Miss is back, no, she will die." Zi Ran was shocked, with a look of panic, she believed that Ling Yun would not lie to her.

The corner of Yaohuang empress' mouth twitched, she should have thought that Qianye was the fire phoenix.

Peipei and Qixian frowned, why didn't they know?
"Where is it?" Beibei blinked her big eyes, she had heard it just now, the phoenix egg!

Long Yanran explained speechlessly, Beibei was embarrassed...

"You follow me, something happened in the endless sea of ​​flames, something happened to them." Ling Yun became restless.

Black hole shuttle...

The endless sea of ​​flames arrived. It was really as Zi Ran said, there were so many people.

"Papa, it's so strange here..."

As soon as he came out, the little guy frowned, the surroundings were strange, and she couldn't tell.

"This is an air problem. If this kind of air absorbs too much, it will spontaneously ignite when it reaches the twelve domains."

Ling Yun explained that this was the reason why the Gu clan ignited and died strangely as soon as they came out.


Everyone's scalps are numb, the air must be poisonous.

He left a holy light on everyone's body, which was used to destroy some molecules of the air here.

Ling Yun took them to the nearest city, and her husband went to the city to find out the situation.

As soon as he entered, a person blocking the way wanted to say something, and Qi Xian kicked him flying. The movement was quite handsome, and his footwork was good.

At this moment!
Several figures appeared in the city! ! !

The leader is Chai Haiqiang, the young city lord of Fuchao City, followed by several strong men, all of whom are Immortal Emperor Eighteen.

"Stop." Chai Haiqiang had a look of appreciation in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Zi Ran asked.

"I am the master of Chaocheng Shaocheng, Chai Haiqiang."

Chai Haiqiang replied with a high face.

"Meet the Young City Lord!!"


When people around knew Chai Haiqiang's identity, they all bowed and shouted.

As for Queen Yaoyue, she looked at Chai Haiqiang, the young city lord, indifferently.

Zi Ran thought she was some big shot, but in the end...she shouldn't have talked to Chai Haiqiang!
"Big brother, your footwork is good, I admire you very much."

"I have decided to enroll you in Fuchao City and become my subordinate."

"From now on, you will be my bodyguard. I will satisfy you whatever you want, how about it?"

Chai Haiqiang looked at Qixian and said repeatedly, as if he thought Qixian would not refuse.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Qi Xian shook his head, he must refuse, to be a guard?He is a majestic God.

Ling Yun left directly, they ignored Chai Haiqiang and followed Ling Yun.

At this moment!
The two men in black robes beside Chai Haiqiang blocked Qixian's footsteps.

"What do you mean?"

Qi Xian frowned, looked at the two men in black and snorted coldly, think he is easy to bully?
Chai Haiqiang immediately jumped down and walked to Qixian, and the two men in black robes immediately returned to Chai Haiqiang's side for personal protection.

Obviously, the two of them are Chai Haiqiang's bodyguards.

"Are you going to be tough?" Queen Yaoyue sneered.

Chai Haiqiang ignored Queen Yaoyue's words, and said to Qixian: "Boy, I let you be my personal bodyguard because of your good talent and talent, otherwise others would not have this opportunity at all."

"You refuse the opportunity that others can't dream of. You're slapping my good husband Chaocheng Shaocheng Master in the face."

Chai Haiqiang showed a hint of displeasure on his face, looked at Qi Xian and said coldly, his eyes were shining with a serious cold light.

"Get out, don't force me to do it." Qixian's anger also came, and his eyes exuded a cold killing intent.

Ling Yun took the little ones away, and Qixian didn't intend to get entangled with Chai Haiqiang any longer.


Queen Yaoyue and Beibei were watching him, that is, waiting.

"Haha, I haven't heard a fool say that to me for a long time."

"How strong can you be? If you can't use it for me, then I can't leave it to others. You are a disaster, kill him."

Chai Haiqiang shouted directly, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

One of the two men in black immediately erupted with an aura that made Qi Xian tremble.

Qi Xian is only the seventeenth Immortal Emperor now, he can't bear the aura of the man in black robe alone.

The black-robed man waved his palm, and the surrounding forces rushed towards Qixian.

Qixian is no match, and Queen Yaoyue takes out the lady's piano to help, and the two shake off the black-robed man.

There was a booming sound in the void!

Queen Yaoyue stared at it, and quickly plucked the strings with both hands.

Swish swish! ! !
Several blue lights suddenly appeared around the black-robed man, and then one after another came out of nowhere, and countless green lights violently struck towards the black-robed man.

People watching the theater nearby immediately hid in the distance and watched.

Just as the man in black was about to block it, the green light suddenly became terrifying, and streaks of green light pierced through his body like lightning.



The man in black was shot through his body by the green light, and fell down in response.

this moment!
All the people watching around were stunned.

bebe snickered...

This child is mischievous again, and has learned to attack secretly, without anyone noticing, the Yaoyue Queen is dumbfounded, her piano skills have improved?
Chai Haiqiang, the young master of Fuchao City, also changed his expression, looking very ugly.

"You are so courageous, you dare to kill this young man, don't you know who my father is? You want to be an enemy of our husband Chaocheng?"

Immediately, Chai Haiqiang looked at Qixian and Queen Yaoyue angrily, and he ignored the latter because he was so good-looking.

Queen Yaoyue said coldly: "Who is against whom? You are probably a fool."

Beibei said in a milky voice, "Are you really a fool?"

She was skeptical at the beginning, but now that Queen Yaoyue said it, she was sure.

(End of this chapter)

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