Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 969 1 Escape

Chapter 969
A huge and terrifying pressure fell from the sky, only aimed at this old man.

The old man whose cultivation was no more than the eighteenth peak of the Immortal Emperor, was directly suppressed by the coercion of the Supreme Suppression, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

He resisted desperately, and the more he struggled, the more painful he was, his body lay tightly on the ground, and his surroundings collapsed.

His face was pale, his expression looked haggard, he couldn't speak, it hurt him to death.

The other two old men were shocked...


The strongest old man stared at Ling Yun with a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Is the emperor crazy?" The corner of Yaoyue Queen's mouth twitched, she really didn't understand why Ling Yun was laughing wildly.

The little guy muttered: "Papa is playing again."

Beibei shook her head and said, "No, no, Shuai Shushu is pretending to be aggressive."

The last two words are so childish, I really want them to laugh.

"Husband Chaocheng? What happened?"

Suddenly, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

A middle-aged man in a brown robe appeared here.

His expression was solemn, and his whole body exuded a supreme majesty of heaven and earth. As soon as he appeared, the void was stagnant.

Queen Yaoyue and the others felt a great sense of oppression, as if the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth had descended.

"Yingzu! You are here, this person is not easy to deal with." The eyes of the most powerful old man showed a look of joy.

Yingzu is the second strongest in the endless sea of ​​flames, much more attractive than that old man.

"This man? he the one who did what happened to Fu Chaocheng?" Yingzu felt familiar with Ling Yun when he saw Ling Yun, and then he saw the real Ling Yun under the ice mask.


Since his eyes were filled with power, he saw through the ice mask, and was severely retaliated, this is the price.

" lunatic...Damn, please forgive me!" Ying Zu immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Yingzu, are you...!" The eyes of the most powerful old man were full of disbelief.

The other one seemed to realize that something was wrong, Ying Zu was so powerful, he would choose to bow his head and bow his head, and they had spoken harshly just now.

Beibei walked up to the old man suppressed by Ling Yun, and poked him on the head with a stick.

"Bad old man, do you find it difficult to breathe? Weak limbs?"

It took the old man a long time before he nodded...

"What treasure do you have in your hand, give it to me, I have a way to pull you out."

The old man couldn't move or speak, Beibei pouted and took his storage ring.

Sweep away!
Finding many good things inside, Beibei couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Long Yanran came over out of breath, she ran for a long time to reach Beibei's place, she was exhausted.

"Beibei, come back with me, Sissy has already called you."


"hurry up."

"Wait a minute, this bad old man gave me good things, and he's so pitiful, Beibei promised him, I'm going to pull him out."

The old man was overjoyed...

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched, save him?Beibei's mind is filled with water.

Beibei pulled the old man out, but the old man lost his temper, Ladu was dead, Long Yanran was speechless, she must have done it on purpose.

Beibei didn't care, anyway, she did it, she was pulled out, and she didn't say she was going to live, besides, who knew that old man was so fragile.

Has the murderous intent in Ling Yun's eyes never disappeared?Regardless of whether he recognized him or not, he slapped him with a horrifying blow, and Ying Zu lay on the ground without moving for a while.

The remaining two old men were taken aback, their pupils shrank, and a look of shock flickered in their pupils.

another run right away...

Ling Yun looked at him with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

A fierce murderous aura directly targeted the fleeing old man.

Swish swish! ! !
At this moment, the most powerful old man made a move. It is impossible for him to watch his partner die and not win against Ling Yun?Still unknown.

Countless rays of light rushed towards Ling Yun, who laughed and said, "Ant-like existence, Xiu?"

Ying Zu didn't know when he stood up, he shouted: "Don't!"

The light turned into dust, Ling Yun disappeared strangely, and when he reappeared, he was next to the most powerful old man.


A scream!
The old man was lifted by Ling Yun's single hand, which was full of lightning.

Terrifying thunder and lightning power covered Ling Yun's right hand, the old man croaked from the shock, the little guy laughed out loud, as if he thought it was fun.

Queen Yaoyue said: "Little Beibei, someone has escaped."

Beibei was tired, she shook her head and said softly: "No, no."

She was sitting on the ground, sharing the baby with the little guy and little Irene, Long Yanran had no share, she wanted to reach out, but Bei Bei took it off, the whole scene was so funny.

In a moment!
The most powerful old man was knocked out of his wits by the electric shock, and the remaining corpse was black and numb, who would recognize it?
Ying Zu knelt down and kowtowed, hoping that Ling Yun would spare his life.

He knows Ling Yun's strength and those crazy things, if he doesn't play his cards according to common sense, even a god would dare to kill him!In his heart, Ling Yun is the most mysterious existence.

Seeing Ling Yun again now, the shock in his heart has never disappeared, the ancient times are gone, he heard about it, but he didn't expect Ling Yun to come out alive.

Ling Yun threw away the dark corpse, and then looked into the distance, not even thinking about running away!

A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky.

Even though the running away old man fled around extremely fast, the lightning seemed to have eyes, turned a corner and struck him squarely.


Everyone saw it, and the corners of their eyes twitched. The electricity must be alive.

"You want to attend the wedding banquet?" Ling Yun stood in the air, his voice overwhelming.

Yingzu broke out in a cold sweat, and replied without hesitation: "Yes... yes... yes!"

Word down!

Ling Yun came in an instant with anger!

Heart-breaking palm out!
A wave of heaven and earth killing suddenly appeared.

Yingzu spat out blood, and the tens of thousands of miles of land behind him were all split open, and a ravine was born.

"Cough cough..."

These two words are considered to be last words, and I will die in peace. I don't know why he answered, but Ling Yun didn't ask anything else, but killed him instead.

Ling Yun appeared next to Queen Yaoyue and the others again, and asked, "Where is Great Emperor Yanchi?"

Zi Ran swallowed her saliva, seeing Ling Yun so angry for the first time, is the sky angry?
" city of endless fire, the largest city."

Ziran's face gradually became pale, and she pointed to the east.

The little guy laughed, she got a lot of good things.

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, next time I will rob their treasure."

Peipei was inexplicably afraid of Ling Yun, and signaled Bei Bei not to speak, but the latter pouted, so she was not afraid, Ling Yun was the best outsider in her heart.

Ling Yun smiled and said: "Beibei has to do it himself if he wants to, so that he can have enough food and clothing."

Queen Yaoyue and Long Yanran rolled their eyes again and again, teaching the children badly.

"Bebe, don't listen to him, you can't do robbery."

"Well, then I'll take out the treasure and wait for those bad guys to rob me, so I can...haha!"

Everyone is stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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