Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 973 Blocking

Chapter 973 Blocking (Second Change)

Queen Yaoyue sneered!

"Bloodthirsty madman? He teamed up with the bloodfiend and was killed. The blood domain is covered with ice and snow. I don't need to lie to you."


Su Kuangshi was shocked, he could see that his daughter was not lying.

"Let's not talk about that, anyway, the endless sea of ​​flames is going to end anyway, he is a lunatic, you can't see it at all!"

Queen Yaoyue continued, looking at the city of endless fire with beautiful eyes, the voice inside was still so crazy, it must be the madness of death.

When Su Kuangshi was in a trance, Ling Yun went on a killing spree, and the ground was filled with seriously injured immortal emperors.

Some people who fell to the ground were filled with shock in their hearts, held their breath, and stared wide-eyed.

Looking at Ling Yun in the sky, they were all speechless.

Su Kuangshi swallowed her saliva even more, it's too scary, besides Ling Yun, there are six Supreme Beings and a grizzled old man in the sky.

The eyes of the six supreme beings stared at Ling Yun. They did not expect the latter to be so strong. Just now, Ling Yun suddenly appeared, and the swordsmanship he used was comparable to that of a master, and no one could stop him.

"You are? Cough cough...Thank you!" The gray old man smiled at Ling Yun, thanking the latter for saving his life!

"Old man, you will be attacked when you are old, why don't you live well." Ling Yun shrugged and walked towards the endless fire city step by step.

"Stop him!"

A certain Supreme Master had murderous intent in his cold eyes, and pointed at Ling Yun.

Pepe yelled at Ling Yun in the sky: "You go in first, leave them to us."

Queen Yaoyue nodded!
Ling Yun sneered, still walking step by step, the air fluctuated with every step he took, like waves.


"Don't let him in."

A certain Supreme shouted again.

Word down!

He himself rushed towards Ling Yun first.

Ling Yun squinted, and shattered the air with his kick. The six supreme beings were all knocked back. The one who struck first spurted a mouthful of blood. He was the most seriously injured.

When Pepe arrived, he didn't give them a chance to breathe. The gray old man was shocked again and also helped.

Ling Yun immediately turned into a beam of light and rushed into the city of endless fire!

Peipei, the gray old man, Mengluo Tianzun, the Queen Yaoyue, and a hesitant Su Kuangshi, as long as the latter is smart, five to five, that's it!

Beibei is here. Although this kid is unreliable, he can destroy the Supreme Group with one move.

Taking advantage of Long Yanran's inattention, the little guy crawled down slowly, her eyes were gloomy, and she tiptoed away.

In the city of endless fire!
In front of the largest palace.

An Qing covered her head with a red cloth, and came all the way supported by a maid. On the high platform on one side, the Beishen Zun and the Guapi Emperor who were covered with bruises were tied up with black iron.

The collarbone of the two of them was pierced by a red iron chain, and it hurt to pull it.


As soon as An Qing's momentum was released, the red cloth shattered, and immediately flew to Bei Shenzun and the others, took out a pair of hidden scissors, and pointed at the people below.

Bei Shenzun said weakly, "Empress, go! Leave me alone."

Emperor Guapi couldn't even open his eyelids!

Everyone froze for a moment, then laughed out loud!

A pair of scissors?

very funny!
An Qing smiled, as long as it's a knife, it's not easy for her to know.

The scissors are what she intends to use to cut off the iron chains on the bodies of Bei Shenzun and Gua Pi Da Di.

Emperor Yanchi looked at all this, and now he half-closed his eyes, staring at the scissors in An Qing's hand.

"It's Wuming Scissors, you are so capable, you actually know that scissors have an extraordinary history."

An Qing smiled: "It's okay!"

She accidentally saw the scissors in the room and found that it can cut a lot of iron!
The terrifying and majestic aura surged around An Qing, like an endless ocean, sweeping across the world.

Emperor Yanchi stared coldly, a good wedding banquet, do you have to make trouble?He must teach An Qing a lesson!
If it wasn't for An Qing's physique?It is impossible for him to have a hundred equally beautiful women, and his family will always be a burden to his practice.

Snow Prince was watching the play quietly, the corners of his mouth curled up in a half-smile.

"Three thousand galaxies, resplendent in the world!"

An Qing's swordsmanship came from the void, and the sword energy flew all over the sky uncontrollably.

"Trash, your cultivation is poor, and your swordsmanship was wasted by you." When Emperor Yanchi waved his hand, a burst of energy jumped out, and instantly collided with An Qing's swordsmanship.

The vigor seemed ordinary, but it was mixed with terrifying power, which made the people attending the wedding banquet feel terrified.

All around is bright!
An Qing took the opportunity to cut off the shackles that locked Bei Shenzun and Guapi Emperor.

Emperor Yanchi was angry, this damned woman is too presumptuous, she must be taught a lesson!
"Empress, behind..."

Bei Shenzun's pupils widened, and secretly said that it's over, it's over!
Emperor Yanchi slapped out a palm, exuding a terrifying power of fire.

An Qing used his sword to resist the injury, Emperor Yanchi snorted coldly, and forced himself to pay homage to An Qing.

The little guy came suddenly, and she hugged An Qing, crying in a baby voice.

"Sissy? Why are you here?" An Qing's eyes widened, she was dumbfounded.

At the same time, all the power that imprisoned her body disappeared, and she hugged the little guy tightly.

"Wow... Mama..."

Little fella!
Emperor Yanchi looked confused, what about his confinement technique just now?How did it disappear.

"Where's your father?"

"Wow... woo woo... Papa is behind."

Bei Shenzun was overjoyed, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Looking for death, ruining my wedding banquet!" Emperor Yanchi was furious, his palms turned into a palm of fire, and smashed An Qing's side!

A close call!
Ling Yun appeared, smashed it away with a palm, and destroyed the surrounding palaces!
Bei Shenzun's eyes suddenly went dark, and he passed out.

And Ling Yun's original face also appeared before the eyes of the world, An Qing was overjoyed, and immediately hugged Ling Yun, excited like a child, the little guy was caught in the middle.

"Ling Yun, I knew you would come, I...I miss you so much."

"It's coming, it's a bit late." Ling Yun is not like the little guy, who has blood dragon element and can ignore all formations, but he wants to take advantage of loopholes.

"Couldn't you have been earlier?" An Qing pouted a little dissatisfied upon hearing this.


"Okay, let's talk about our affairs later, you take them out first."

Ling Yun looked at Emperor Yanchi coldly, and stared at him, while the chains on the bodies of Beishenzun and Guapi Emperor disappeared strangely.

Emperor Yanchi narrowed his pupils, quite surprised by Ling Yun's exposed hand.

A black hole sent An Qing and the others to Bei Bei outside the Endless Fire City in an instant. The latter was very close to An Qing, and Long Yanran was very happy. Only then did she find that the little guy was in An Qing's arms.


The little guy covered his eyes and said, she didn't go there.

far away!

Qixian came running, followed by a certain Supreme Being, and he even quickened his pace.

The little guy turned back and blew a breath, rolling up a pile of sand and dust, and the Supreme couldn't move forward.

Back under the big tree!
The little guy laughed: "Qishushu is such a weak chicken."

"It's okay!" Qixian couldn't retort, he was exhausted.

The little guy chuckled, hung his head, and circled with his little finger.

(End of this chapter)

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