Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 975 3 on 1

Chapter 975 Three against one (first update)
Ling Yun shook his head lightly again, these martial arts were much worse than his.

"Let you show off!"

Word down!

More than a dozen different fires appeared around Ling Yun's body, extremely domineering.

Emperor Yanchi's eyes were stunned, strange fire! !

He only has two kinds in his hand, he didn't expect Lingyun to have so many, it's really more popular than others.

"Get out of the way!"

Snow Prince yells!
Emperor Yanchi raised his shield and fled far away.

Lingyun, a pillar of fire reaching the sky, only produced a moment, and pierced a huge deep hole in the center of the endless fire city.

That pillar of fire went straight into the sky, if Emperor Yanchi and Prince Snow hadn't been able to hide quickly, they would have been hurt, and they would have stood up and laughed at Ling Yun.

Su Kuangshi ran out with a woman in her arms, panting, it was terrible.

That woman is the mother of Queen Yaoyue, but she is very old, not worthy of Su Kuangshi at all, and she is in a coma.

Emperor Yanchi sneered: "It really is a lunatic, very good, you successfully angered me."

His aura changed, and his body was burning with flames, like a burning man coming out of molten lava.

Snow Prince nodded, Emperor Yanchi activated the Burning Fire Divine Body, that is, they have to be serious, otherwise they will not be able to defeat Ling Yun.

In this state, Ling Yun couldn't stand the terrifying power of the true god released by Prince Xue, and traces of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

And Emperor Yanchi's fire-attribute true god power almost burned Ling Yun's clothes.

Ling Yun shouted: "Interesting, interesting, the bloodthirsty maniac was played to death by me, I hope you will not let me down."

Emperor Yanchi snorted coldly: "I don't deny that you can kill him, but don't forget, here we are two true gods, and the boss, the evil dragon."

Snow Prince shook his head: "You have no chance of winning, do you know that?"

"Is it?"

As soon as Ling Yun's eyes were fixed, they immediately turned red, and black air faded around his body, surrounding him, which was very terrifying.

The first demon form! !


Emperor Yanchi felt the difference between Ling Yun and just now, and was shocked.

The Snow Prince said with an ugly face: "He may have used a forbidden technique to forcibly improve his cultivation and combat power."

The three are fighting each other!
The city wall in the distance broke open, and a woman appeared carrying a woman on her shoulders.

It's Chiba!
She is carrying Ziran!

Chasing after the ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, he stood on the head of a bone dragon, majestic and majestic!

"Run away, run away, haha!" Zhu Jiuyin laughed loudly.

Qianye was still running, she ran towards the little guy with tears all over her face.

Ling Yun passed by with a black energy ball!

boom! !

The Bone Dragon retreated instantly, Zhu Jiuyin frowned, angry!
His face was full of anger, Ling Yun looked at the sky and said: "Who are you, tired of work?"

Qianye glanced at Ling Yun, a little surprised that Pluto would be here, moved, then quickened her pace and ran away!
Into the dead end!

Don't even think about going out for Qianye, so Zhu Jiuyin is not in a hurry.

It was an accident that Qianye was rescued just now, and Zhu Jiuyin also wanted to tease them for the sake of the turtle in their urn!
"I'm tired of work, but you can't do anything to me." Ling Yun smiled lightly, his tone full of playfulness.

"Boss, he is that lunatic." Prince Snow glared at Ling Yun, with Zhu Jiuyin around, he was not afraid, he was full of confidence.

Emperor Yanchi nodded: "That's the one who slaughtered the god."

Snow Prince said with a sinister smile: "I think it's fake, I can brag about myself."


When Zhu Jiuyin heard this, he laughed loudly: "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! God? Those ignorant people? I killed a lot of them too. What are you?"

These words angered Ling Yun, he suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Jiuyin, who responded very well.


He dodged, and his mount, the Bone Dragon, was miserable, and went to get a box lunch without screaming.

"Damn it, damn you."

Zhu Jiuyin was furious, his mount was gone, how could he make an appearance?This white bone dragon is a puppet dragon he carefully refined.

He punched twice at once, the style of the fist was so terrifying, and it even formed a dragon's head shape.

Ling Yun shattered his claws and retreated dozens of steps.

As expected of the ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, the strongest dead point is not bragging, he is really not a vegetarian.

Emperor Yanchi was raging, and he couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to fight.

"Burning the sky and destroying the earth!"

For a while, a sea of ​​flames formed around, and a terrifying heat wave rolled in.

Ling Yun hates it to death!

"Let you see what the real burning of heaven and earth is."

The voice just fell!

A ball of fire appeared in Ling Yun's palm, and then he actually squeezed it and threw it into the sky!
Countless flames filled the sky in an instant, and Emperor Yanchi cried out inwardly.

But he didn't back down, but took advantage of his domineering burning fire body, and started to fight Ling Yun.

Ling Yun's trick gave Snow Prince a headache, and Zhu Jiuyin just helped him melt away his own.

"Drink, drink!"

"You have good strength." Ling Yun blocked it with one hand, but he kept retreating.

"It drives you crazy, I still want to catch the bride back, shit!"

Ling Yun said calmly: "You have no chance."

The fight between the two shattered the void, and brilliant martial arts emerged one after another.

"Huh... how about my Burning God Body?"

"One word, poor! Two words, rubbish!"

They fought three times in turn, but they couldn't do anything to Ling Yun, Zhu Jiuyin's face was gloomy and ugly, and his heart became more angry.

Snow Prince successfully resolved Ling Yun's big move, and the sky was filled with fire and rain.

Beibei is shouting hot again...

Emperor Yanchi became more courageous as he fought more and more, and the flames that erupted became more vigorous, making his aura even more terrifying, and he was like a burning man.

"Haha, I'm just asking you if you're afraid, those with the Burning Fire Body are so good, my strength is your nightmare!"


Handsome in less than three seconds!

Ling Yun curled his lips, dismissively, and looked a little impatient, he swung his fist, the fist was on fire, and the shape of the fist was immediately huge.

The raging fire was generated in an instant, much more powerful than Emperor Yanchi's Burning Fire Divine Body.

The punch was too fast, and the burning temperature was extremely hot, and it felt like destroying the world.

Emperor Yanchi was dumbfounded...

He yelled, fortunately he turned into flames and fled to a safe place after being punched, otherwise he would not know how to die.

The terrifying fire fist is coming towards the little guy, destroying the city wall.

Queen Yaoyue yelled, telling them to dodge, the fists came too fast and they couldn't dodge.

Beibei immediately blows into the fire fist!



She was sweating all over her head, she couldn't hold it anymore, Qixian said in a panic, "Help me quickly."

For a while!

Queen Yaoyue, An Qing, Peipei, Su Kuangshi, and Qi Xian moved together. Everyone was desperate, but Ling Yun's fire fist was too powerful.

All of them have been passively retreating!


Little Irene smiled, her eyes sparkled with little stars!


Everyone saw her swallowing the terrifying fire fist in one gulp.

She felt familiar with this fire, and just remembered that she had eaten it before, when she was in Wuhun Continent...

(End of this chapter)

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