Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 992 Die

Chapter 992 Die (Third)

Seeing Ling Yun, the Sea Emperor flew straight over!
"Master Dijun, help!"

His mouth is full of blood!

Ling Yun hadn't thought how he was familiar with the piano skills, but when he realized it, he scattered the blue light with his palm.

The Emperor of the Sea turned into a human, took a deep breath, wiped the blood from his mouth, and muttered: "The old man is going to die, and the Qin Demon hasn't come out yet."

"You find a way." Ling Yun was calm, and closed his eyes, recalling that piano skill.

The Emperor of the Sea is vomiting blood again. He is really not the opponent of the Qin Demon. He didn't even get close to him just now, but was chased by the light of those piano sounds.

He wondered why Qin Mo didn't ask him how he got out of the sealed place after he knew he was coming out.

"Old monster Qin, you come out, get out, the old man is not dead, what can you do."

Haihuang cursed and slapped the sea a few times.

"Hai...cough, old man, you should die."

The one who came out was a prince. He was summoned by the Qin Demon to fight with the Sea Emperor. The former was no opponent, so he had to bite the bullet.

The Emperor of the Sea snorted coldly, and knocked him back to the bottom of the sea with a single palm.

The next Neptune continued to scold!
"Old monster Qin, can't give birth to offspring, dead eunuch, dead chicken guy, dead parents, dead..."

"Ugly, unwanted, and full of buck teeth, you are nothing..."

Faced with Haihuang's insults, Qin Mo couldn't sit still, and an endless sea appeared instantly, and the backhand abused Haihuang so badly.

"Who are you? Who are you!" Qin Mo frowned, and after torturing Empress Hai, he looked at Ling Yun coldly.

Ling Yun opened his eyes and looked Qin Mo up and down. The latter was dressed in black, and he looked a little handsome, with sword eyebrows raised horizontally.

He thought of it, that piano skill was used by Queen Yaoyue, no wonder she is familiar with it.

"The person who killed you!" The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled up into a smile, and killing intent flashed across his eyes.

"Haha, crazy enough, let's see if you have the ability!" Qin Mo didn't pay attention to Ling Yun at all, and complained fiercely in his heart, what kind of pretense is Ling Yun pretending to be?

"You don't see enough."

Ling Yun shook his head, Qin Demon is the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, with the power of his supreme emperor, he can defeat Qin Demon with a few sets of martial arts.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Demon looked up to the sky and laughed. In his opinion, it was Ling Yun's ignorance, and he was completely stunned.

"Hope you…"



With a scream, Qin Mo was punched flying by Ling Yun, causing pain all over his body.

The sea emperor's eyes almost popped out, Qin Mo is so weak?It's still too strong, he must believe in the latter.

This time he breathed a sigh of relief, all the injuries were worth it, and he even shouted and cheered, feeling relieved for a while.

There was a sound of piano in the distance, followed by bursts of blue light.

Ling Yun frowned, a set of swordsmanship pierced the light instantly, the surrounding roared continuously, and the sky darkened.

Qin Mo yelled: "Boy, who are you, and where did you get these sword skills!"


Ling Yun opened his mouth calmly, but it was two words that made Qin Mo angry.

"court death!"

The Qin Demon sat cross-legged, a lady's Qin appeared between his legs, a piece made of all jade and silk, it was not comparable to that in the hands of the Yaoyue Queen.

Ling Yun's eyes are getting bigger, have you changed the piano?
"Lady piano!!!"

"Hmph, you are knowledgeable, let's go with peace of mind." The Qin Demon plucked the strings, and a terrifying force swept across the entire Eastern Region.

"It's really bad at playing." Ling Yun shook his head, it's just a lady's piano, it's not like he hasn't seen ancient artifacts before, that's all.


The power of the lady Qin disappeared, and the Qin Demon panicked.

"What's going on, where is Lao Tzu's strength, hey hey hey! Qi Ling...come out quickly."

The Qin Demon slapped the lady's piano a few times, and the latter made a clattering sound!

The voice of the lady piano appeared in Qin Demon's mind, and its girly voice trembled: "Master, run, run as far as you can, he is... he is the god of the underworld! He is not dead!"

"Depend on!"

The piano demon immediately put away the lady piano, and then turned into a streamer and fled quickly.

Neptune was at a loss, why didn't he fight?Qin Mo ran away, he rubbed his eyes, he couldn't believe it at all, why Qin Mo was so scared just now.

Ling Yun is funny, run away?It's late, let him run for a while, he is not in a hurry to chase.

Anyway, the Qin Demon can be caught in an instant, and if the lady Qin is determined, the Qin Demon must also die.

woohoo hoo...

Qin Mo, who was running away quickly, asked in his mind: "Xiao Ling, you must have misunderstood him, although he is wearing an ice mask, he doesn't look like it."

"Master, I didn't... I didn't feel wrong. He is the god of the underworld. We were severely injured during the ancient catastrophe, and the catastrophe couldn't kill him."

The lady Qin Qi Ling replied in a panic!
Qin Mo cursed: "Damn, how could he be alive."

"Our ancient artifact has a strong sense, so it can't be wrong. As for why he didn't die, I don't know, so let's run away."

The lady Qin is not sure, and Ling Yun, the god of murder, will be able to escape his master Qin Demon?

"Little Ling, do you feel like it's over? I'm also an ancient demon, okay? I don't believe that he is better than me, but I am the owner of the divine weapon and the one who has the destiny."

Qin Mo shook his head and smiled wryly, why did he run away, the twelve realms limit cultivation to the eighteenth immortal emperor.

Qi Ling couldn't help cursing: "Master, are you stupid? You should think about his dominance in ancient times. He can't be messed with."


Qin Mo came to his senses and gasped! !

The Emperor of the Sea looked east and west, and finally couldn't help but said: "Master Taishenjun, Qin Demon has escaped."

Ling Yun didn't speak...

"Qin Demon ran away..."

The Emperor of the Sea spoke again!
"You wait here!" After Ling Yun finished speaking, he stepped into the Thunder Gate.

Qin Mo looked at Ling Yun on the Thunder Gate in the distance, and was startled!The means used by God!
"I... I rely on it."

Ling Yun smiled: "Have you thought about your last words?"

"Underworld, let me go."


Ling Yun vomited blood from Qin Demon with one punch, and the latter screamed in pain.

"Don't push me."

Qin Mo glared at Ling Yun fiercely, and dared to say harsh words.

What responded to him was another punch from Ling Yun.


This is a brutal beating, Qin Mo is not Ling Yun's opponent at all, and the beating is terrible.

Under the severe pain, the Qin Demon still pulled out and plucked the strings, and the lady's piano glowed with white light, which was a skill that could manipulate the mind.

Legend has it that the Lady Qin also has the mysterious power to control all creatures.

He wanted to give it a go and manipulate Ling Yun.


It's all in vain.

"Okay, it's time to end!" Ling Yun shook his head, he was really disappointed with Qin Mo, these things didn't work for him.

"Forgive me..." Qin Mo stopped his hand this time, secretly thinking that Ling Yun is terrible, even the lady Qin can't do anything to him.

"Say your last words."

"Forgive me... cough cough... If I can, I will definitely kill the person holding the Sea God Orb with all my strength!"

The only thing he regrets is that after ruling the Endless Sea, he didn't spend time looking for Sissi who held the Sea God Orb.


A demon sword pierced Qin Mo's chest, and the latter stared wide-eyed. Ling Yun in front of him was covered in black energy, so terrifying, and he saw his blood-red eyes.

The power of the sword tip also broke into the endless sea, the vast power shattered the bottom of the sea, and the tsunami created turbulent waves.

Even if he died, he would never understand why Ling Yun was angered by what he said, just as the lady Qin Qi Ling said, the Underworld God can't be messed with!
"Pfft...cough!" Qin Mo held the demon sword in his hand, with a painful expression on his face.

" body of cough..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his eyelids drooped, and he could not rest in peace.

Qin Mo's body fell into the turbulent sea, and Ling Yun held his storage ring and lady Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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