Chapter 106 Breaking
A gleam of joy appeared on the face of Qiankun Patriarch, but a strange color flashed in the eyes of Yinyang Patriarch beside him. In fact, he didn't need Qiankun Patriarch to speak, Yin Yang Patriarch could probably guess something. It's hard for him to say anything, after all, he and Patriarch Dinghai do owe Patriarch Qiankun a big favor.

In that treasure hunt, Patriarch Qiankun blocked Di Jun for the two of them. Patriarch Yinyang and Patriarch Dinghai had a chance to make a move. Patriarch Yinyang set his sights on Taiyi's Chaos Clock, and Patriarch Dinghai fell in love with it. Qinglian treasure color flag, but in the end, the two of them failed to snatch their treasure, and Qiankun Patriarch also failed to stop Di Jun, and was robbed of Qiankun Cauldron.

Earlier, the ancestors of the dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes had just broken through to the quasi-sage realm with the help of their merits, and then Di Jun burst out with the strength of the quasi-sage realm, but now, the ancestor Qiankun came to find the two of them, and there was no need for the ancestor Qiankun to speak. Patriarch Yin Yang could basically conclude that Patriarch Qiankun wanted to invite the two of them out of the mountain to deal with Di Jun together.

For Di Jun, the Yin-Yang Patriarch was also very jealous. It was obviously not the reincarnation of the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God, but he was able to break through to the Quasi-Saint Realm without resorting to tricks like Zulong and the others. Big chance?Or did he get advice from the reincarnation of the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God?

No matter what the situation is, there is no doubt that Di Jun is already a quasi-sage at the early stage of cultivation. In addition, he has the Qiankun Cauldron in his hand, and if he wants to deal with him, even if the three of them join forces, they may not be fully sure , what's more, now is the calamity, a little carelessness may lead to death, as long as you have to be careful.

After hearing Patriarch Dinghai's bold words, Patriarch Qiankun said, "Then I would like to thank fellow Daoists Qiankun and Daoist Dinghai. Now that the three of us have broken through to the quasi-sage realm, I would like to invite two fellow daoists to come out of the mountain." , come with me to seek revenge on Emperor Jun, and take back Pindao’s accompanying spirit treasure, the Qiankun Ding, what do you two friends think?”

Hearing Patriarch Qiankun's words, Patriarch Dinghai couldn't help showing a hint of embarrassment on his face. He didn't expect Patriarch Qiankun to invite them to help for this matter. It is not an easy task to deal with Di Jun who possesses the innate treasure Otherwise, the boat will capsize in the gutter, and it will be even more difficult to regain the Qiankun Cauldron.

Patriarch Yinyang was silent for a while before he said: "Fellow Daoist Qiankun, Di Jun has now broken through to quasi-sage cultivation, and he has the Qiankun Ding in his hand. You must be very aware of the power of the Qiankun Ding. If you want to Breaking through its defense is not an easy task, and Di Jun is not that easy to deal with, he has a lot of magic weapons in his hands, if he is forced to use magic weapons to explode to deal with us, I am afraid we will not be able to please us."

In order to snatch the Qiankun cauldron before, Di Jun blew up the set of Jiuyaoxingxingqi without hesitation, but now that Dijun has the Qiankun cauldron, he can still refine the Xiantian Lingbao. How much, no one knows, if they are injured by the self-explosion of the innate spiritual treasure, they will not be able to bear it, after all, not everyone has a top defensive magic weapon.

When Qiankun Patriarch heard this, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he only heard him say: "Friend Yin Yang, this time to deal with Di Jun is not only for taking back the Qiankun Cauldron of the poor Daoist, but also for the purpose of taking back the Chaos Clock from Tai Yi. Isn’t it the treasure that fellow Taoists have always wanted, and the last time the top-grade innate spirit treasure was also obtained by Nu Wa from the Hall of All Souls, as long as we get it, everything in the Hall of All Souls will be in our hands.”

Hearing what Ancestor Qiankun said, the expressions on the faces of Ancestor Yinyang and Ancestor Dinghai began to change constantly. The pancakes painted by Ancestor Qiankun were indeed very attractive. Junhe Taiyi's magic weapon is already very attractive. Although the pancake is good, it must be able to be eaten.

To deal with Di Jun, the three of them teamed up, it seems that there is a chance of winning, after all, there is only Di Jun, a quasi-sage in the Hall of All Souls, and there are three of them, even if Tai Yi has the Chaos Clock, he cannot defeat the quasi-sage Yes, among the three of them, only two need to hold back Di Jun, and the other needs to deal with Tai Yi and the other Da Luo Jinxians in the Hall of All Souls.

But the question is, if this is the case, two of them will definitely face Di Jun who is in a state of rage. It is hard to predict what Di Jun will do, let alone Di Jun They are good at forming formations, and the Jiuyao Burning Heaven formation is so powerful that even if Di Jun fights one against two, he won't suffer at all, but they may not be able to block Di Jun's anger.

And if you want to deal with Taiyi, it may not be an easy task. The Chaos Clock is equipped with both offense and defense, and it is very difficult to deal with. If Di Jun had been able to hold on for such a long time, even if it was a two-on-one match, they might not be able to stand it.

What's more, they are not the only quasi-sages in the prehistoric world, some hidden innate demon gods have also broken through to quasi-sages, and there are even masters like Hongjun and Luo Hu whose cultivation levels are no longer known. If there is a loss for both sides, I am afraid that they will only be taken advantage of by others in the end, which is obviously not what they want to see.

After thinking for a long time, Patriarch Yin-Yang and Patriarch Dinghai both suppressed the greed in their hearts, looked at each other, and Patriarch Dinghai said: "Fellow Daoist Qiankun, it's not that poor Daoist and Fellow Daoist Yin-Yang are resigning. It's a good time for revenge, and now it's time to measure calamity, so it's better for us to avoid karma."

Patriarch Yin Yang also nodded and said: "Yes! Di Jun is mysterious and unpredictable. If you are not fully sure, it's better not to make a move. Didn't we just suffer this loss last time, or after the calamity is over, we will take it slowly. Discuss how to deal with Emperor Jun, and then we will definitely help Fellow Daoist Qiankun to take back the Qiankun Cauldron."

When Patriarch Qiankun heard the words of Patriarch Yin-Yang and Patriarch Dinghai, his expression darkened, and his heart was filled with anger, what a loss?What did you suffer last time? He was not the only one who suffered. He lost an innate treasure in vain, but now he wants to ask them for help, but he keeps refusing. How can Patriarch Qiankun not be angry?
The ancestor Qiankun said angrily: "A loss? When did you suffer a loss? If you succeed in winning the treasure, you will benefit, but if you fail, you will only lose the poor. Now I want to ask you for help, but it is very difficult. , could it be that you are afraid that Di Jun will fail?"

Patriarch Yinyang and Patriarch Dinghai couldn't help but darken their faces when they heard Patriarch Qiankun's words. Since Patriarch Qiankun tore his face, they would naturally not be polite. He Yi, we agreed at the beginning that if we succeed, fellow daoist Dinghai and I owe each other a share of karma, but the result is that fellow daoist himself failed to stop Dijun and lost the Qiankun cauldron. ?”

Patriarch Dinghai also said: "Fellow Daoist Qiankun, if what you ask for is within the scope of our ability, we will naturally not shirk it, but when dealing with Dijun, if we are not fully sure, we will not make a move. Please go back! Pindao is going to continue discussing with fellow Yin-Yang Taoists."

Hearing this, Patriarch Qiankun couldn't help being very angry, snorted coldly, and left in a flick of his sleeves. He and Patriarch Yinyang and Patriarch Dinghai had broken up, and because of this separation, it might be difficult to join forces again.

In the final analysis, Honghuang still respects the strong and interests are paramount. If Dijun is really that easy to deal with, Patriarch Yinyang and Patriarch Dinghai will definitely agree to Patriarch Qiankun, but because they can't see through Dijun, they don't have that confidence , will choose to reject the Qiankun Patriarch, although the benefits are great, but the premise is to have a life to enjoy it.

(End of this chapter)

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